Detox Your Dentures
My guests today are Merinne Mesku and Melissa Mesku, sisters and co-founders of Pure Cure Dental Technology, LLC, the first company to address the toxins and allergens in dentures. Their flagship product, Pure Cure Denture Detox, reduces the residual toxic and allergenic substances that have been shown to leach from dentures and into the mouth. Merinne Mesku, CEO, graduated summa cum laude from Loma Linda University School of Dentistry and is a practicing Registered Dental Hygienist. Melissa Mesku is a writer, editor and designer with a degree in Environmental Science from UC Berkeley. The two sisters founded the small family company after their father, an award winning dental technician, was diagnosed with demyelinating toxic neuropathy from working with denture chemicals. In 2010, the company became the first to offer denture detoxification as a dental lab service. Since then, they’ve become the leading provider of information for the general public on denture toxicity and offer their research findings via their Free Report on Denture Toxicity. |
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Detox Matters Part 2: 12 Steps to an Easy Body Detox & Rejuvenation
Today my guest is leading holistic health educator and author Susan Smith Jones, PhD. This is Part Two of our two-part series about detox. Today we’ll be learning exact steps you can take to detox, which Susan has uses successfully in her own life and with her clients. For over 35 years, Dr. Susan has relied on herbs, spices, foods, and a variety of natural remedies to detoxify, cleanse, and rejuvenate her body and maintain vibrant health and youthful vitality. She embraces her personal detox/rejuvenation programs at least 4 times a year, with each change of season, and teaches her clients worldwide how to do this, too. Because of her effective detox/rejuvenation regimen, Susan has never used prescription medicine nor had a cold or the flu in almost 30 years. In her books Recipes for Health Bliss (a full color cookbook), The Healing Power of NatureFoods, Health Bliss, Detoxify & Rejuvenate, and Walking on Air, she shows you exactly how to fully detoxify and rejuvenate your body so you can look and feel your very best, no matter your age. Susan’s 3 books incorporate her best-of-the- best health-enhancing secrets to reverse aging, glow with vitality, achieve high-level joy and balance, and live with gusto.
Detox Matters Part 1: How Detoxing Your Body Fosters Vibrant Health
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Detox Matters Part 1: How Detoxing Your Body Fosters Vibrant Health
Today my guest is leading holistic health educator and author Susan Smith Jones, PhD. We’re doing two-part series about detox. Today we’ll be learning about how a toxic environment affects or health and vitality and how detox can help: how you can know your body needs a detox, how your detox system work, channels of elimination in the body, benefits of detox, and more. For over 35 years, Dr. Susan has relied on herbs, spices, foods, and a variety of natural remedies to detoxify, cleanse, and rejuvenate her body and maintain vibrant health and youthful vitality. She embraces her personal detox/rejuvenation programs at least 4 times a year, with each change of season, and teaches her clients worldwide how to do this, too. Because of her effective detox/rejuvenation regimen, Susan has never used prescription medicine nor had a cold or the flu in almost 30 years. In her books Recipes for Health Bliss (a full color cookbook), The Healing Power of NatureFoods, Health Bliss, Detoxify & Rejuvenate, and Walking on Air, she shows you exactly how to fully detoxify and rejuvenate your body so you can look and feel your very best, no matter your age. Susan’s 3 books incorporate her best-of-the- best health-enhancing secrets to reverse aging, glow with vitality, achieve high-level joy and balance, and live with gusto.
Coming August 11—Part 2: 12 Steps to an Easy Body Detox & Rejuvenation
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Advanced Nutrition Testing That Can Help You Detox
Today my guest is Lori Puskar DC, Client Advocate and Chief Technical Officer and on the Board of Directors of Ulan Nutritional Systems, Inc. (UNS) located in Clearwater, Florida. UNS is a training facility which teaches the nutritional technique known as Nutrition Response Testing®. Developed by Dr. Freddie Ulan, Nutrition Response Testing is a non invasive system of analysis which detects and handles the true cause of health problems without the use of drugs and surgery. The program includes testing for heavy metals and toxic chemicals and treating body imbalances caused by them. Dr Lori is the top Nutrition Response Testing health care practitioner in the country. She has delivered seminars and training on this technique to 1000’s of health care practitioners from every state for the past 10 years. She has directly and indirectly helped tens thousands of people improve their health with health situations ranging from fatigue to infertility. Dr Lori is a 1994 graduate of New York Chiropractic College and a nutritionist since 1996. Find a certified NRT clinician at
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A Detox For Your Teeth
My guest today is Jessica Arman, mother of four and founder of My Magic Mud, “The Original Detoxifying Tooth Powder.” An avid entrepreneur, Jessica developed My Magic Mud after months of experimentation. She wanted to create an effective whitening and deep cleaning remedy for her children that was natural and safe. Although My Magic Mud started off as a simple home remedy, it has quickly turned into a successful small business that has impacted thousands of lives.
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Choosing and Using Home Saunas to Remove Toxic Chemicals From Your Body
My guest today is Wendy Myers, CHHC, NC, founder and head writer of Wendy highly recommends the use of home saunas for detox to her clients and knows all about them. We’ll be talking about how regular time in a sauna can benefit your health, different types of saunas and which work best for detox, how to use a sauna, and how to choose a sauna to purchase for home use. Wendy is a certified holistic health and nutrition coach in Los Angeles, CA., She is also certified in Hair Mineral Analysis for the purpose of designing Mineral Power programs for clients to correct their metabolism and body chemistry. She is currently seeking her masters in clinical nutrition at Bridgeport University in Connecticut. Wendy hosts the weekly Live to 110 Video Podcast and the Modern Paleo Cooking show on her Live to 110 Youtube Channel. |
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Deep Detox With Minerals
My guest today is Wendy Myers, CHHC, NC, founder and head writer of We’ll be talking about her special long term “Mineral Power” detox program that purges heavy metals and chemicals from your body using minerals. Wendy is a certified holistichealth and nutrition coach in Los Angeles, Ca, She is also certified in Hair Mineral Analysis for the purpose of designing Mineral Power programs for clients to correct their metabolism and body chemistry. She is currently seeking her masters in clinical nutrition at Bridgeport University in Connecticut. Wendy hosts the weekly Live to 110 Video Podcast and the Modern Paleo Cooking show on her Live to 110 Youtube Channel.
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Different Types of Detox
My guest today is Pamela Seefeld, R.Ph, a registered pharmacist who prefers to dispense medicinal plants and other natural substances instead of prescription drugs. We’ll be talking about why it’s so important to detox your body and three different types of detox: liquid zeolite, homeopathic remedies, and sauna. Each method of detox works in different ways in your body and removes different substances, so it’s important to choose the right one. Pamela is a 1990 graduate of the University of Florida College of Pharmacy, where she studied Pharmacognosy (the study of medicines derived from plants and other natural sources). She has worked as an integrative pharmacist teaching physicians, pharmacists and the general public about the proper use of botanicals. She is also a grant reviewer for NIH in Washington D.C. and the owner of Botanical Resource and Botanical Resource Med Spa in Clearwater, Florida.
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Detoxing Aluminum Through Your Skin in a Simple Way at Home
My guests today are Elizabeth and Michael Fessler, Founding Partners of Herbalix Restoratives. They make exceptional skin and hair products, some of which detox aluminum from your body as you sleep. Their products are designed to support skin functions with pure, natural and organic ingredients that cleanse and revitalize, while feeding the skin and hair vital nutrients. Today we will be focusing on their detox products. We will be talking about how aluminum enters your body and affect body function, and how topical detox can free the body from aluminum so it can function properly. Elizabeth is Presdent and CEO of the company. She earned a Bachelor of Science in Marketing Degree followed by an MBA in Materials Management. She worked for over thirty years in the medical and pharmaceutical industry. Michael has an extensive background in science and engineering with a focus on creating healthy manufacturing and work areas. While studying at San Diego State University, he participated in a marine study of sea urchins as a food source with the National Science Foundation that has been added to the collections of the Library of Congress. While working in his family’s industrial chemical company in sales, engineering and management positions after college, he developed custom chemical formulations and detoxification procedures. Concern with the environmental impact of toxic materials in the workplace led him to start a contracting business that specialized in detoxifying both commercial and residential properties, including remodeling projects for persons with chemical sensitivities. He now develops safe manufacturing processes and pure ingredient formulas for Herbalix Restoratives body, hair and skin care products.
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Detox As A Daily Routine
My guest today is Meghan Root, a certified fitness instructor who just launched a new website called Be Mighty Like Meghan. I like her site because she has good solid information about food, fitness, and detox, presented in a way that shows how she incorporates these principles in her daily life. She helps people create unique and customized routines that fit into busy schedules. “I prioritize creating healthy routines in my life that keep me organized and on track with my long term health goals. Having a plan and sticking to it the best way to remain in control of your health and wellness,” says Meghan. Her free ebook DIY Wellness outlines five fitness routines that you can customize for your own needs.
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