ANNOUNCEMENT FROM DEBRA: After 40 years of providing information on toxic-free products, I am moving on to write about the next step beyond nontoxic. To continue my work, I’ve passed the torch to Lisa Powers, who will carry on with great enthusiasm. Learn more about Lisa here
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Super Cleaning Without Chemicals

damian-pikeMy guest today is Damian Pike, Founder and CEO of Zabada Clean Inc, an online retailer of fiber and microfiber cleaning products which eliminate the need for toxics. We’ll be talking about their “simple, water-powered cleaning alternative that’s quicker than home chemical warfare and safe enough for kids to use.” Not only are these products toxic free, they clean better than chemical cleaners—they even kill 99% of bacteria. This Australian company launched their product in the US market in February 2014. Prior to founding Zabada, Damian was co CEO of ENJO Australia Pty Ltd an Australian based direct sales organization for over 10 years. Damian began his career in corporate and international banking, working in Australia, the UK and Asia. He then went on to study acting at the National Institute of Dramatic Art (NIDA) and worked professionally as an actor for a number of years both in Sydney Australia and Los Angeles. | watch the 2-minute performance video



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A New Line of Products that Remove Fragrances, Tobacco Smoke, Pesticides and other Toxic Pollutants Throughout Your Home—Inspired By MCS

Karl KnappenbergerMy guest today is Kyle Knappenberger, Director of Applications at Timilon Technology Acquisitions LLC, in Fort Myers, Florida. Today Timilon is launching a new product line called EnviroKlenz that removes toxic chemicals and odors all around the house. These products all use a unique technology that captures and destroys toxic chemicals by taking apart their molecular structure. We will be talking about harmful chemicals around the home and how to use EnviroKlenz products to eliminate toxics and odors from spaces, surfaces and laundry. For over a decade, Kyle has been working on using safe metal oxide technology for odor control and toxic chemical neutralization applications. He has a Bachelors of Sciences degree in microbiology from Kansas State University, and co-holds six patents related to the mitigation of chemical and biological contamination.


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Fragrance-free Cleaning Products That Benefit The Environment Too

Mary AllenMy guest today is Mary Allen, co-owner of Savvy Green LLC with Rita Knorr. Based in St. Petersburg, Florida, their new brand of fragrance-free household cleaning products are also designed with the environment in mind. We’ll be talking about toxic chemicals in cleaning products and how simple cleaning products can work just as well. Mary and Rita started their company at home, using a simple recipe to create a dry laundry detergent to give to friends and family. The thought was that if all of their friends used the powder detergent “gifts,” that alone could account for a significant reduction of detergents in large plastic containers and their associated carbon footprint. Of course, their friends loved the powder and a new cleaning products brand was born. Mary grew up in a family of grocers. From a young age working in the store, she loved to understand what brought people into the store. After college started working retail specialty and department stores as a buyer and manager in many areas of the store. She has worked in product development, merchandising, testing, packaging, marketing and sales. She has traveled the world to bring the best products to her customers. most recently for 21 years with Bealls Department Stores and Bealls Outlet Stores.



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The Organically Clean Home

Linda CragoToday my guest is Becky Rapinchuk of, a blog that tells you how to simplify and organizee your housekeeping while also using nontoxic cleaners. Becky is the author of The Organically Clean Home, and offers free printables on her site, such as cleaning recipes for using castile soap, lemons, borax, vinegar, and baking soda. 150 Everyday Organic Cleaning Products You Can Make Yourself - The Natural, Chemical-Free WayHas been featured on and HGTV and has also provided content and cleaning consulting for Scotch-Brite (3M), Peapod/Reckitt,, and Bissell. Circle of Moms named Clean Mama one of the Top 25 Home Management Blogs, iVillage named her as one of the 10 Organizers You Should Be Following on Pinterest, and Skinny Scoop named Clean Mama one of the Top 25 Organization Blogs. Rapinchuk is also’s housekeeping expert.

Becky’s Free 55 Simple Cleaning Recipes for using castile soap, lemons, borax, vinegar and baking soda to clean your house.




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Cleaning for Your Holiday Party – Before and After

My guest today is Annie B. Bond and we’re going to talk about how to clean your house for a holiday party. We’ll be covering party-specific things like how to remove candle wax and red wine stains. I met Annie many years ago when her publisher asked me to write the forward to her first book Clean and Green. Annie is the best-selling author of five books, including Better Basics for the Home (Three Rivers Press, 1999), Home Enlightenment (Rodale Books, 2008), and most recently True Food (National Geographic, 2010), and winner of Gourmand Awards Best Health and Nutrition Cookbook in the World. She was named “the foremost expert on green living” by “Body & Soul” magazine (February, 2009). She has been the editor of a number of publications, including “The Green Guide.” Currently Annie is the Executive Director and Editor-in-Chief of The Wellness Wire and leads the selection of toxic-free products for A True Find.



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Soap Nuts: The All Natural Solution for Laundry

My guest today is Mona Weiss, a naturalist and actress who co-founded Eco Nuts in 2009 with her fiancée, Pirates of the Carribbean actor Scott Shields, to bring eco-friendly laundry and cleaning products to the marketplace in compostable or recyclable packaging. We’ll be talking about how to recognize toxic and natural ingredients on product labels and how natural products can improve health conditions. Having suffered from a “normal detergent” allergy all her life, as well as a sensitivity to dyes and fragrances, Mona is extremely discerning when it comes to products that come in contact with her skin. Mona discovered she had sensitivities to toxins on new year’s eve right before she turned 16 and was home alone. The idea to start Eco Nuts came about 10 years later. In addition, Mona loves to study our natural world. She’s studied salamanders, marine and freshwater ecology, discovered new species of micro spiders in the Costa Rican rain forest, and worked with leopards, lions, and bears.



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Toxic Free Cleaning Basics

I met my guest Annie B. Bond many years ago when her publisher asked me to write the forward to her first book Clean and Green. We’ll be talking about how to clean your home with natural substances you probably have in your kitchen, plus a few more that are easy to find and inexpensive. We’ve both been cleaning toxic-free for years, so we have a lot of experience and knowledge between us. Annie is the best-selling author of five books, including Better Basics for the Home (Three Rivers Press, 1999), Home Enlightenment (Rodale Books, 2008), and most recently True Food (National Geographic, 2010), and winner of Gourmand Awards Best Health and Nutrition Cookbook in the World. She was named “the foremost expert on green living” by “Body & Soul” magazine (February, 2009). Currently Annie is the Executive Director and Editor-in-Chief of The Wellness Wire and leads the selection of toxic-free products for A True Find.



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How To Remove Odors of Almost Any Kind From Almost Any Thing

My guest is Daliya Robson from Nirvana Safe Haven, who knows more about removing odors than anyone I know. Daliya became “a chemical injury statistic” while working as a realtor, viewing and showing toxic new homes or homes with new carpets, paints, and cabinets. After becoming extremely disabled in 1993 with multiple chemical sensitivities, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, and a broken thyroid, Daliya started educating others on the dangers of toxic chemicals and later began providing healing healthy solutions for a nontoxic environment. After 20 years Daliya is still providing solutions for surviving in a toxic world. We’ll talk about the products she sells that remove and control odors of various types and the thought process she uses to solve odor problems.


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Using Essential Oils for Household Cleaning and Personal Care

My guest is Jackie McLaughlin. As an independent distributor for Young Living Essential Oils and natural health enthusiast, Jackie’s passion is helping others find more natural ways to create and sustain better health, without the harmful ingredients often found in commonly used products. Jackie has been assisting others in switching to a chemical-free lifestyle since 2002. She is currently taking a 300-hour curriculum to become a Certified Clinical Aromatherapist, and has been teaching classes about how to create a more chemical-free environment at home, as well as the workplace. We’ll be talking about the difference between beneficial essential oil and toxic “fragrance” and how to use essential oils around the house.


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Totally Natural Beauty and Household Products…That Work!

evan_symondsEvan Symonds is founder, owner and “head honcho” of Evan’s Garden. She makes “totally natural products that work” for body and home by hand, with the help of her family. Evan’s viewpoint is that it would be irresponsible to make products that aren’t natural and safe. She has learned from life experiences and vast study of natural health approaches, that only natural substances heal and comfort us in a completely positive way. When it comes to choosing ingredients and formulating, there’s no compromising. She selects the most natural ingredients she can find, as close as possible to their whole, raw and untampered state. Whenever possible, these are organically grown, biodynamically grown (viewed as “beyond organic” because of the time-honored, natural cultivation techniques) or responsibly wild-harvested. Her products deliver the power of organic, whole-plant nutrition. On so many levels, you can feell the love and reverence for nature that went into their making. We’ll be talking about just some of the toxic chemicals you might find in ordinary beauty products, but more about how Evan makes extraordinary alternatives.


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Toxic Products Don’t Always Have Warning Labels. Find Out About 3 Hidden Toxic Products That You Can Remove From Your Home Right Now.