ANNOUNCEMENT FROM DEBRA: After 40 years of providing information on toxic-free products, I am moving on to write about the next step beyond nontoxic. To continue my work, I’ve passed the torch to Lisa Powers, who will carry on with great enthusiasm. Learn more about Lisa here
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Body Care

Being Beautiful Naturally

My guest Joy Wicks is a married mother of 3 who became committed to starting and running after learning about the toxic ingredients in most makeup and body care products. During her transition to natural and organic products she found that health food stores didn’t really offer what she was looking for. Most of the products they had still contained ingredients she didn’t want to be using. After locating products that met her new ingredient criteria (from many hours of researching) the desire grew to have a store for people that offered them. We’ll be talking about toxic ingredients in makeup and body care products, and how to choose safe ones.


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Clean Soap from Vermont

My guest Larry Plesent is the Founder of Vermont Soap, which makes “100% natural and non-toxic alternatives to the chemical based personal care products now in general use, including; handmade bar soaps for sensitive skin, anti-aging products, 100% natural shower gels, castile liquid soaps and non-toxic cleaners. Most products made by Vermont Soap are certified to USDA organic standards.” We’ll be talking about Larry’s very nontoxic way of living in the Green Mountains of Vermont, toxic ingredients in soap products, and how they make their organic soap products. Larry is also a writer,philosopher, restaurateur and farmer.

If you have MCS, this is a great interview to listen to. Larry gives his story of how he became chemically injured, and how his own “reactive body” and lead him to making soap after he tried more than 70 bars of soap he couldn’t tolerate. Now he makes many soap-based products that are unscented, or scented with natural essential oils. If you’ve been unable to find bodycare products you tolerate, try these.



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Organic Bodycare Products

My guest Janis Uquillas is the founder of JES Organics. She has been a registered nurse for almost 40 years. For the past 10 years has been passionate about researching alternative health treatments, alternative medical research, ingredients, toxicity, and chronic illness. She consults with people daily across the country by e-mail and phone about health conditions and helps them find solutions for chronic health conditions. She founded JES Organics in 2006 after becoming frustrated with finding quality, nontoxic, fragrance-free skin care products for herself. She offers a complete line of natural/organic skin, hair, body, cosmetics and home products. We’ll be talking about toxic ingredients in body care products, anti-aging skin care, and how she created her products.

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Using Essential Oils for Household Cleaning and Personal Care

My guest is Jackie McLaughlin. As an independent distributor for Young Living Essential Oils and natural health enthusiast, Jackie’s passion is helping others find more natural ways to create and sustain better health, without the harmful ingredients often found in commonly used products. Jackie has been assisting others in switching to a chemical-free lifestyle since 2002. She is currently taking a 300-hour curriculum to become a Certified Clinical Aromatherapist, and has been teaching classes about how to create a more chemical-free environment at home, as well as the workplace. We’ll be talking about the difference between beneficial essential oil and toxic “fragrance” and how to use essential oils around the house.


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Totally Natural Beauty and Household Products…That Work!

evan_symondsEvan Symonds is founder, owner and “head honcho” of Evan’s Garden. She makes “totally natural products that work” for body and home by hand, with the help of her family. Evan’s viewpoint is that it would be irresponsible to make products that aren’t natural and safe. She has learned from life experiences and vast study of natural health approaches, that only natural substances heal and comfort us in a completely positive way. When it comes to choosing ingredients and formulating, there’s no compromising. She selects the most natural ingredients she can find, as close as possible to their whole, raw and untampered state. Whenever possible, these are organically grown, biodynamically grown (viewed as “beyond organic” because of the time-honored, natural cultivation techniques) or responsibly wild-harvested. Her products deliver the power of organic, whole-plant nutrition. On so many levels, you can feell the love and reverence for nature that went into their making. We’ll be talking about just some of the toxic chemicals you might find in ordinary beauty products, but more about how Evan makes extraordinary alternatives.


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Toxic Products Don’t Always Have Warning Labels. Find Out About 3 Hidden Toxic Products That You Can Remove From Your Home Right Now.