Body Care
Can There Be Such A Thing As Nontoxic Nail Polish?
My guest today is Ginny Cardenas, CEO and founder of Lila Natural Cosmetics, the makers of Scotch Naturals and Hopscotch Kids nail polishes. I met Ginny last month in Baltimore at the Natural Products Expo. We had a rousing discussion about nail polish and how I couldn’t find one I thought was nontoxic enough to recommend. She made some interesting points I want to share with you. Ginny has always valued the importance of safe, yet effective, cosmetics. In 2009, when she took a closer look at the chemical cocktail of ingredients in her daughters’ nail polish—including phthalates, acetates and other toxics—she was shocked. Determined to create a natural and safe alternative to conventional nail polish, she teamed up with a chemist to develop revolutionary water-based lacquers in fun, vibrant colors and a soy-based polish remover. And thus, Hopscotch Kids was born. In 2010, Ginny unveiled Scotch Naturals, the grown-up spin-off of Hopscotch Kids, which caters to an adult demographic with a sophisticated color palette and professional quality results. Passionate about using only the safest and natural ingredients in her products, Cardenas has been at the forefront of natural formulation with innovative technology and bold, fashion-forward colors since the company’s inception. Today, both brands are found in 225 boutiques across the US and internationally. and
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The Simplest Products for Real Beauty
My guests today are Tom Wennerstrand and Ben Okamoto, who are developing a new approach to beauty products. Tom is the creator of the REAL Beauty approach and product line. Tom was Inspired and taught by his career of ten years as hair and makeup artist working at Paris, Milan and New York fashion week, and building “Noir Concept”, a unique lifestyle salon concept for Helsinki. His career combined with his personal quest for deeper understanding of well-being and beauty lead to the development of “REAL Beauty”. Tom teamed up with Ben Okamoto to bring the concept of REAL Beauty to life. Ben obtained his his BA majoring in Economics and Political Science and International Relations at the young age of 19. After a year of working as the Commercial Manager Australia’s biggest telecommunication company, Ben became disillusioned with corporate life and moved to Berlin where he fell in love with the REAL Beauty concept.They have been working together since, and now have a Kickstarter campaign to launch their products.
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Detox Your Dentures
My guests today are Merinne Mesku and Melissa Mesku, sisters and co-founders of Pure Cure Dental Technology, LLC, the first company to address the toxins and allergens in dentures. Their flagship product, Pure Cure Denture Detox, reduces the residual toxic and allergenic substances that have been shown to leach from dentures and into the mouth. Merinne Mesku, CEO, graduated summa cum laude from Loma Linda University School of Dentistry and is a practicing Registered Dental Hygienist. Melissa Mesku is a writer, editor and designer with a degree in Environmental Science from UC Berkeley. The two sisters founded the small family company after their father, an award winning dental technician, was diagnosed with demyelinating toxic neuropathy from working with denture chemicals. In 2010, the company became the first to offer denture detoxification as a dental lab service. Since then, they’ve become the leading provider of information for the general public on denture toxicity and offer their research findings via their Free Report on Denture Toxicity. |
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Natural Laundry and Sensitive Skin Care From the Days of Yore
My guest today is Kim Mendes, Founder of Yoreganics, a small family business that makes laundry and skin products based on “revisiting simple, like the days of yore, when Mother Nature’s ingredients were used to heal our bodies naturally.” We’ll be talking about Kim’s philosophy and her products and how she, as a mother, decided she had to “take charge to become an advocate for myself and my family.” Her lighthearted blog is filled with humor and poetry.
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GMOs in Personal Care Products
Today my guest is Diana Kaye. She and husband James Hahn are co-founders of their USDA certified organic business Terressentials. They’ve been on this show together many times, but today Diana is here to talk about GMOs in personal care products. As an organic body care product formulator for more than 20 years, Diana knows all about what is going on in the industry. Diana and James are the husband-and-wife co-founders of the USDA certified organic business Terressentials. They own a small organic farm in lovely Middletown Valley, Maryland and have operated their organic herbal personal care products business there since 1996. Terressentials was originally started in Virginia in 1992. It grew out of their search for chemical-free products after Diana’s personal experience with cancer and chemotherapy in 1988. Prior to Diana’s cancer, they were involved in commercial architecture in Washington DC. Diana and James are proud to be an authentic USDA certified organic and Fair Made USA business. They are obsessive organic researchers and artisan handcrafters of more than one hundred USDA certified organic gourmet personal care products that they offer through their two organic stores in Frederick County, Maryland, through a network of select retail partners across the US, and to customers around the world via their informative web site.
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A Detox For Your Teeth
My guest today is Jessica Arman, mother of four and founder of My Magic Mud, “The Original Detoxifying Tooth Powder.” An avid entrepreneur, Jessica developed My Magic Mud after months of experimentation. She wanted to create an effective whitening and deep cleaning remedy for her children that was natural and safe. Although My Magic Mud started off as a simple home remedy, it has quickly turned into a successful small business that has impacted thousands of lives.
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Beyond Organic Skin Care
Today my guest is Ken McGowan, founder of Sinfully Wholesome. He creates amazing luxurious skin care products, “handmade from wild fruits and their precious oils.” Soaps, oils, and even laundry products that will leave clothing and bedding soft against your skin. We’ll be talking about the importance of eliminating toxics from your skincare regime, why they chose their luxurious wildcrafted ingredients and special packaging material, and what it means to be social and environmentally responsible. Ken is an environmentalist, entrepreneur and the former Leader of the Green Party of Nova Scotia.
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Toxics in Essential Oils?
Today my guest is Diana Kaye. She and husband James Hahn are co-founders of their USDA certified organic business Terressentials. They’ve been on this show together many times, but today Diana is here to talk about essential oils. On Tuesday Dr. Anne Steinemann talked about how she tested products containing essential oils and found toxic chemicals in them. So now we need to know: are all essential oils the same, or are some more toxic than others? Are they processed in different ways? What should we be asking when looking at products containing essential oils? As an organic body care product formulator for more than 20 years, Diana knows all about this first hand. Diana and James are the husband-and-wife co-founders of the USDA certified organic business Terressentials. They own a small organic farm in lovely Middletown Valley, Maryland and have operated their organic herbal personal care products business there since 1996. Terressentials was originally started in Virginia in 1992. It grew out of their search for chemical-free products after Diana’s personal experience with cancer and chemotherapy in 1988. Prior to Diana’s cancer, they were involved in commercial architecture in Washington DC. Diana and James are proud to be an authentic USDA certified organic and Fair Made USA business. They are obsessive organic researchers and artisan handcrafters of more than one hundred USDA certified organic gourmet personal care products that they offer through their two organic stores in Frederick County, Maryland, through a network of select retail partners across the US, and to customers around the world via their informative web site.
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Safe Scents: It’s OK to Use Real Aromatherapy Products
My guest today is Claudia Cusani, Founder of Sage Canyon Botanicals. She makes bodycare products from organic botanical ingredients and her signature blends of real aromatherapy using essential oils—”curative plant essences that gently promote wellness.” We’ll be talking about how natural fragrances can be healing, unlike synthetic scents, which can be harmful to health. Claudia was a professional singer until fifteen years ago, when she took a detour from her music career to follow an avid interest in alternative medicine and the study of therapeutic massage. She obtained her license, set up shop, and built a practice where the use of soothing botanicals and essential oils became an important adjunct to hands-on therapy. She found they clearly enhanced her clients’ well-being and overall treatment results. The profound beauty of essential oils was a siren call for Claudia. Enchanted by their fragrances and intrigued by their vast clinical applications, she delved more deeply into the study and practice of aromatherapy and began to create her own essential oil blends. To someone like her, with allergic sensitivities who could not tolerate commercial skin preparations, candles or room sprays, these beguiling essences offered a fresh new world of possibilities. She decided to share her passion with others by handcrafting 100% natural and organic products using her favorite personal aromatherapy blends. And Sage Canyon Botanicals was born.
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A Unique Handmade Body Soap
My guest today is Cynthia A. Young Jennings, owner of Sweet Harvest Farms in Tampa, Florida. She runs a thriving cottage industry that makes soaps for women, men, and dogs. C.J. has formulated a soap recipe all her own that consists of natural, soothing and luxurious organic ingredients to make a soap that “not only leaves you squeaky clean but also give s you soft, supple and silky skin.” I can vouch for this. I bought a big bar of her soap at a holiday crafts fair and had to have her on the show. C.J. has been an artist longer than she can remember. Painting on anything that “didn’t move”, including old cupboard doors, chairs and even her father’s old Army boots, made her offerings a bit eclectic. Even during her 20 years in the medical field CJ always had her hand in creating. Years later, opening her store in Destin, Fl. , she decided to offer a little bit of everything from antiques to handmade primitive dolls. Included in this eclectic mix was Potpourri and Handmade Soap. Always being a perfectionist and wanting to give her customers only the best, she found the Soap and Potpourri not up to her standards. Many Soaps that are sold as “homemade” are actually produced in huge warehouses? These “soap blocks” are shipped in large quantities which others re-melt, mix with scent, color, blend them with synthetic Glycerin, and call them “Glycerin Soaps”. Many contain chemicals, preservatives, Parabens and Petroleum by-products that are eventually absorbed into your bloodstream through your skin not to mention the damage they create to the environment when washed down the drain or thrown out into the garbage. True Soaps don’t melt, become slimy, or leave a greasy residue on your skin or shower—AND true soaps must have a cure date on their label. Sweet Harvest Farms products do not contain Parabens, Sodium Lauryl Sulfates, Phosphates, Harsh Chemicals, Mineral Oils or Petroleum products of any kind. C.J.’s experience in the medical field has given her the ability to formulate her own patented recipes for her handmade soap, lip balm, she butter bars, roll on perfume, tooth powder and more. There are very few true Soap makers left that stay true to the old fashion method of Soap making used hundreds of years ago. Vitamins A-E, Organic and All Natural Shea Butter, Flaxseed Oil, Olive Oil, Castor Oil, Jojoba Oil, Palm Oil (sustainable), Coconut Oil and others. are what customers say make this Soap nurturing and hydrating.
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