ANNOUNCEMENT FROM DEBRA: After 40 years of providing information on toxic-free products, I am moving on to write about the next step beyond nontoxic. To continue my work, I’ve passed the torch to Lisa Powers, who will carry on with great enthusiasm. Learn more about Lisa here
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Toxic Free Talk Radio Archives

The Life-Giving Qualities of Linen and Other Natural and Not-So-Natural Fibers

melanie-ellisonMy guest today is Melanie Ellison a young entrepreneur who established Life-giving Linen to provide affordable GOTS certified organic linen bedding and garments to individuals seeking better health. Today we’ll be talking about how different types of fibers can affect your health for better or for worse, and what you can do to incorporate the health benefits of natural fibers into your everyday life. Melanie has researched natural remedies all her life, so starting a business was a natural next step after learning about the linen frequency study. Based in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, Life-giving Linen has happy customers in 50 states and 10 countries. Testimonies of improved quality of life are the heart throb motivation of the business.


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Why It’s Important To Have Regulation For Toxics And What We Need To Do

Bryan-McGannonMy guest today is Bryan McGannon. He is Policy Director for the American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC) and leads the Washington office for the organization. We’ll be talking about why the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) needs to be reformed and what is currently being done to reform it. Bryan brings a broad background in issue advocacy and political campaigns to his post at ASBC. Bryan has over a decade of experience in Washington, D.C. in advocacy roles addressing business and environmental issues. Outside of Washington, he was State Director in Ohio for the Alliance for Climate Protection’s Repower America campaign, and served on former Vice President Al Gore’s initiative to pass comprehensive climate and energy legislation. Bryan’s political campaign experience spans presidential campaigns, congressional races, and local ballot initiatives. In addition, Bryan holds a B.A. in Political Science from the University of California, San Diego.


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Organic Seasoning Blends That Give 100% Of Profits To Artists With Disabilities

debb-mastersonToday my guest is Debb Masterson, founder of Minnesota Nice Spice. She makes organic seasoning blends that really pop with flavor! (I’ve tried some of them) And all the profits go to helping a local organization that empowers adults with disabilities through art. Debb is a self-proclaimed spice gypsy, naturalist, and world traveler, From a young age, Debb’s affinity for creating deliciously unique recipes was evident. She learned French culinary techniques from her grandmother and became a master of substitution and experimentation when faced with limited ingredients. A diverse career path that included working in restaurants, owning a neighborhood bar and grill, and selling medical devices and beverages, supported Debb’s love of food and also sparked an interest in the healing arts, which led to Debb’s strong belief in the healing properties of everyday herbs and spices. As a risk-taker with a true entrepreneurial spirit, it’s no surprise that Debb’s current venture combines all her life and work experiences, including her love for world travel. Debb has traveled to dozens of countries seeking out native spices and global healing products and has channeled her unique experiences into each of her Minnesota Nice Spice Seasoning Blends.


Mini Vanilla Muffins
with Island Spice Dessert Spices


Crispy Crunchy Roasted Chickpeas with Lucy's Pub Blend



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Effective, Time-Tested, Inexpensive Treatments for Life-Threatening Diseases

julia-schopick Today my guest is Julia Schopick, best-selling author of the book, HONEST MEDICINE: Effective, Time-Tested, Inexpensive Treatments for Life-Threatening Diseases. Through her writings and her blog, Julia’shonest_medicine goal is to empower patients to make the best health choices for themselves and their loved ones by teaching them about little-known but promising treatments their doctors may not know about. Julia’s writings on health and medical topics have been featured in American Medical News (AMA), Alternative & Complementary Therapies, the British Medical Journaland the Chicago Sun-Times. She also coaches patients in how to convince their doctors to prescribe a treatment they (i.e., the doctors) don’t know about.



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Tiny House — Toxic Free

corinne-seguraMy guest today is Corinne Segura, Writer of the blog My Chemical Free House, and consultant on chemical-free building, renovating and decorating. After developing MCS and mould illness, she built a home in which to heal—a non-toxic tiny house on wheels. The goal was to build a mould-resistant home as close to VOC-free as possible. She continues to stay up to date on new green materials and best practices for building mould-free in order to help others create the healthiest homes possible. She has a background in research and community development and holds an HBA from the University of Toronto. She’s got lots of information on how she build her toxic free home at


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Pick the Pillow that is Just Right for You

marlon_pandoMy guest today is Marlon Pando, President and Owner of White Lotus Home. We’ll be talking about pillows: toxic free materials, different sizes and shapes, and how to choose a pillow that’s just right for you. Marlon worked in his family business until he purchased White Lotus Home, a company that has been making natural and organic bedding in the USA for 34 years.


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Seven Deadly Drugs

Pamela SeefeldMy guest today is Pamela Seefeld, a registered pharmacist who prefers to dispense medicinal plants and other natural substances instead of prescription drugs. We’ll be talking about seven popular drugs that are toxic enough to kill, and which natural remedies you can take instead. Pamela has more than 25 years experience choosing and selling top quality medicinal supplements, so she’s seen it all. Pamela is a 1990 graduate of the University of Florida College of Pharmacy, where she studied Pharmacognosy (the study of medicines derived from plants and other natural sources). She has worked as an integrative pharmacist teaching physicians, pharmacists and the general public about the proper use of botanicals. She is also a grant reviewer for NIH in Washington D.C. and the owner of Botanical Resource and Botanical Resource Med Spa in Clearwater, Florida.


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Toxics in Your Body? Tests Can Tell You the Truth

Wendy-Myers-1My guest today is Wendy Myers, CHHC, NC, FDN, founder and head writer of Wendy has been on the show before talking about the many tests she offers, but today we’re going to talk about results. We talk a lot about exposures to toxics, but are toxics really in our bodies? We’ll take a look at what Wendy sees in her tests and also the test results from the Centers for Disease Control report Fourth National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals, Updated Tables, September 2012. Wendy is a certified holistic health and nutrition coach in Los Angeles CA. She is also certified in Hair Mineral Analysis for the purpose of designing Mineral Power programs for clients to correct their metabolism and body chemistry. She is currently seeking her masters in clinical nutrition at Bridgeport University in Connecticut. Wendy hosts the weekly Live to 110 Video Podcast and the Modern Paleo Cooking show on her Live to 110 Youtube Channel.

Toxic Free Body: CDC Says Toxic Chemicals are in Our Bodies


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Choosing and Maintaining A Toxic Free Cutting Board

michael-galMy guest today is Michal Gal, founder of Urthware. His wooden cutting boards are made with exactly the materials I would choose if I were designing a cutting board, and they are beautiful. Michael is a proud husband and father of three, who decided to look deeper into companies and their products. After a lot of researching outfitting his kitchen with more natural and safe cookware he found that there were no cutting boards that were up to his standards. So he made one for himself using no petroleum based finishes and no glues, just natural wood and oils. People kept asking him if he could make one for them, and Urthware was born.


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Wireless 101

Oram-MillerMy guest today is Oram Miller, a Certified Building Biology Environmental Consultant based in Los Angeles. He will be giving us a basic primer on the different types of wireless and their health effects, so we can navigate intelligently through this wireless world and make good decisions. The other day I had a computer technician at my house and he asked me why I didn’t have wireless. He said he researched it and it’s perfectly safe. At that moment I realized that I didn’t know enough about wireless to 1) make an informed decision and 2) educate him on the dangers of wireless. So I contacted Oram and asked him to give us the basics. Oram received his certification from the International Institute for Bau-biology and Ecology. He provides healthy home and office evaluations for clients throughout Southern California who have electro-magnetic sensitivities, as well as those who just want a healthier home. Oram also consults on the healthy design and construction of new and remodeled homes. Oram specializes in the effects of EMFs from cell phones, cordless telephones, Wi-Fi, tablets and smart meters, as well as health effects caused by basic EMFs from house wiring, including wiring errors and unwanted current on water pipes and other parts of the grounding system. Oram is available for on-site EMF consultations in Southern California and provides telephone consultations for clients nationwide. He writes extensively on the health hazards of EMFs on his website,



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Toxic Products Don’t Always Have Warning Labels. Find Out About 3 Hidden Toxic Products That You Can Remove From Your Home Right Now.