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With Fabulous Homemade Food
Garden bark dust and MCS
Question from tsim My wife has extreme MCS, and is bothered by the dark red bark that a lot of people use. Is there a "safer" or "better" bark that we could suggest for our neighbors? Debra's Answer Readers, any suggestions?
Air Conditioner Air Handler Mastik Problems
Question from Angelique I should start by saying that I live in Phoenix, and it's the summertime. Yesterday, the day they installed our new air conditioner/heat pump compressor and air handler, it was 112. Debra - Do you have any advice for new air handler mastik...
Crescent Moon Duvet & Pillow Company
Handcrafted 100% organic duvets, mattress pads and pillows, covered with cotton and filled with soft alpaca wool (70% alpaca with 30% sheep's wool to hold it all together). Alpaca is "warmer, stronger, lighter and cleaner than sheep's wool...There are no chemicals,...
Crayon Rocks
Charming nontoxic soy wax crayons in beautiful colors, made in the shape of pebbles. Slight indentations allow small fingers to color in large, wide strokes. Designed to strengthen the tripod drip muscles, preparing fingers and hands for pen and pencil use. Specially...
Bon Ami
Bon Ami Cleanser has been a mainstay nontoxic product since 1885. This was the first nontoxic cleaning product I used. Today they have the original 1886 formula of plain feldspar and soap, the modern Powder with limestone, feldspar, biodegradable cleaning agents, soda...
Percale, damask, sateen, and flannel bed linens made from organically-grown cotton, in a variety of colors and patterns."Every fiber of cotton we use is produced in accordance with the standards set forth by the International Federation of Organic Agriculture...
Cowgirl Creamery
Award-winning artisinal cheeses made in Pt. Reyes, California, from local organic milk and cream. When I used to live down the road from Pt. Reyes, I would go to this creamery and buy fresh cheese--mmmmmmmm!--and I've been to the farm where they get their milk. Now...
Country Save Laundry Products
This affordable laundry detergent provides a safe, gentle wash without the use of dyes, fragrance, phosphates, enzymes, optical brightners or harsh chemicals (powdered is unscented; liquid has a slight fragrance). Suitable for those with sensitive skin problems and...
Country Curtains
Cotton curtains in many styles and colors, with matching fabric yardage. Now at Vermont Country Store.
The Cottage Stillroom & Candle Factory
Solid beeswax tapers made in various sizes and a whole rainbow of colors. Made using the centuries-old French craft of hand-pouring beeswax into tin "tube and funnel" moulds. [button link="" color="silver"...