Question from MLS
I heard recently that IF we are going to drink cow’s milk, it is better to drink whole, despite the higher fat, as it is ‘less processed’ than fat free. Is there really much processing between the whole and fat free stage? Or is most the harmful processing done at the pasturization level?
Also, I heard that adding straight colostrum (which you CAN buy in Oregon) will help add back some of what was lost during pasturization.
Any thoughts???
Debra’s Answer
It’s not the processing itself that is harmful, but the end result.
The reason to drink full fat instead of fat-free milk is two-fold: the fat contains valuable nutrients, and it’s important to eat the whole food as nature intended. When we eat foods from which parts have been removed, we miss vital pieces.
Pasturization destroys enzymes that aid in digestion as well as some vitamins.
Adding colostrum will help add back some of what was lost in pasturization, but it’s better to drink the whole milk in it’s original form rather than piece together parts.
Back in the days when milk was sold whole and raw, it was considered a health food and used recommended by doctors.