Question from chris
I bought unbleached wax paper to rewrap all the food that comes in plastic (organic cold cuts, organic cheese) as my local health food store doesn’t slice up organic meats or cheeses. I have severe plastic toxicity. I know I’m supposed to discard the part that touches plastic, problem is that the slices are “layered” and they all touch plastic. I would have to discard it all. I mean even organic frozen foods & vegetables touch plastic! Used to be you could find frozen veggies in a cardboard box but no more. (And I’m sure the cardboard was bleached…dioxins!)
Anyway I’m now concerned: what type of wax is used in this “unbleached” wax paper? I seriously doubt it is beeswax or the manufacturer would make sure we knew. I’ve had no way of finding out so far.
Debra’s Answer
I agree. Beeswax would be prohibitive in cost, and if they did use it, you can be sure the label would say “beeswaxed paper.”
There’s soy wax, but again, if that were used, I imagine it would be all over the label.
When the type of wax is not stated, I assume it’s paraffin, a product of petroleum.