I just came across an article that states that eating 2 tablespoons of vinegar before a meal will significantly lower blood sugar.
Here are links to several different versions of this article:
- A Spoonful of Vinegar Helps the Sugar Go Down
- Web MD (video)
- Apple Cider Vinegar Used for Diabetes
- Apple Cider Vinegar Used for Diabetics Note: This article recommends to mix the ACV with water and Splenda. I do not recommend Splenda. If you need to sweeten it, use zero-carb chicory root powder such as Sweet Perfection.
- Savvy Natural Healer: Vinegar and Diabetes This blog post also has links to other posts regarding natural susbtances that can affect blood sugar.
- Diabetes Care: Vinegar Improves Insulin Sensitivity to a High-Carbohydrate Meal in Subjects With Insulin Resistance or Type 2 Diabetes a description written by the woman who did the study.
Dear Debra, Let me share you my family’s success story fighting with diabates. I would highly recommend Colego and Detox teas for people with diabetes. These two has lowered my mother in low’s high blood sugar level in about three months. She could stop taking pills. She is checking her level every day. She has to and happily going to drink these teas till the the end of her life…http://asiachi.com/colegotuocha.htmlhttp://asiachi.com/detoxguavatea.html Thank you for your wonderful website! I learn something every day.
Thank you for this information!
I see now but your links are back to back making it look like one link. I was trying to buy one of each and each time I clicked on the link it took me to a different tea. You may want to separate the two links by putting each one on a separate line. It was confusing. I wish I could have saved money on shipping by ordering the two teas in one order instead of two.