Question from lori
I’m wondering if anyone has thought “outside the box” about sofas. Ours will need to be replaced in another year or two, but I haven’t found anything that is eco- and MCS-friendly, much less looks good. Perhaps others have found other comfortable seating solutions that work… the only idea I have is a friend in a tiny Boston apartment who had a daybed that was used as the couch during the day…
Debra’s Answer
My parents used to have a “modern” sofa that had sectional pieces. The frame was metal with seats and backs made from black cotton canvas, and big pillows place on top. When I first had MCS, I took a few pieces of their sofa and replace the synthetic pillows with pillows I made from natural-color cotton canvas stuffed with organic cotton. This worked very well.
Now, as I’ve said elsewhere, I have a regular sofa that I bought used for the frame and had it reupholstered with 100% linen fabric. This has been about fifteen years now and it still looks like new.