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Question from Susan P

Dear Debra,

I am allergic to fabrics, not all, just some. I have MCS. I have just been given a gift of many new clothes, some of which I can tolerate, and some not. Should I wash the ones that cause symptoms (like burning eyes and sore throat) in the hope that whatever I am allergic to will wash out? Do you know what exactly is on clothing that causes these kinds of reactions? I imagine that this is a complicated question, because there are so many possibilities regarding the manufacture of clothing. Can you help me with an answer or direct me to the location at this great website where this probably very-frequently-asked question has been discussed? Thanks so much.

Debra’s Answer

Actually, this isn’t a frequently-asked question. There was were a couple of questions about removing perfume from clothing (Q&A: Removing perfume from new clothing and Q&A: Removing Perfume From Used Clothing Purchases), but not finishes.

There are many different finishes that might be on fabric.

Most common is a simple “sizing” finish which will wash right out with ordinary laundering.

Then there is the permanent press finish, which emits formaldehyde fumes and cannot be removed (though the formaldehyde will lessen the more you wash it).

These are the most common finishes used on clothing.

I would put all the clothing through a wash or two, then use whichever pieces that are tolerable and give away the rest.

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