Question from Linda
Dear Debra, I have scoured the internet looking for school uniforms for my son that are either organic, or at least 100% cotton but untreated with any kind of chemical (the stain-resistant, wrinkle-resistant coatings). I have found organic polo shirts but have not been able to find shorts or pants. Do you or your readers have any ideas where I can find these? Thank you.
Debra’s Answer
I am in England now and was able to find lots of organic, 100 % cotton uniforms that has no coating of any kind at all. Just google it and find US results.
I can buy healthy uniforms from head to toe for my son but I can not change all the uniforms in the class and school. Is it harmful just being in the same room or touching those nasty fabrics? Eczema is a big problem in England no wonder why. What about indoor air quality in a class full of kids wearing those nasty clothing? It might be a silly question but I can not stop my mind being so uncrompomised…and wanting to change things that has been so obviously unhealthy for a long time…
Thank you for your owesome and educating website!!! I learn something every single day.
Yes, these fabric finishes can become indoor air pollutants. Best for all of the children to wear safe clothing, for themselves and for the class as a whole.