Question from mindy goldis
I bought a linen shower curtain from gaiam and I didn’t know that it was supposed to be used on the outside of the tub and needs an inside liner because the catalog didn’t say so.
I’ve had it almost a year and noticed the other day that there are black spots along the bottom that touches the tub. I called the company and asked them and that is how I know it needs a liner.
Does anyone know of any natural product that will take the mold off the curtain? The company said they’d replace it, if it doesn’t come off.
They said I would still need a liner for the inside of the shower. I want to know if there is a resource for a liner that isn’t made of toxic PVC that outgasses and is harmful to breathe? Such as made from a material that can act like plastic, but isn’t (i.e. cellulose or the material used for utensils made from corn or soybeans)