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Question from Jennifer

Hi Debra,

I appreciate your work in the world so very much! I seem to remember a while back you addressed the benefits of fogging to remove mycotoxins. It was about the benefits of fogging with a formaldehyde gas mixture that did not leave any residue in the space treated.

I can’t seem to find any info on that at this point. Can you direct me to where I might find out more about this and/or share your thoughts about this technique for reclaiming spaces affected by these invisible toxins?

Debra’s Answer

I don’t recall addressing this and mold isn’t my field of expertise.

Readers, any information on this?

Here is a very simple and clear article about mycotoxins, what they are, how to remove them from indoor air.

What I can tell you about formaldehyde is that it DOES evaporate completely in a very short period of time. I remember in grade school a teacher left an open bottle of formaldehyde sitting on a counter and the whole bottle evaporated within an hour. The only reason formaldehyde is a long-term problem in particleboard and permanent press finishes is that it is bonded to resins to make it time release. But free formaldehyde evaporates very quickly.

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