Question from Jennifer
Hi Debra,
I appreciate your work in the world so very much! I seem to remember a while back you addressed the benefits of fogging to remove mycotoxins. It was about the benefits of fogging with a formaldehyde gas mixture that did not leave any residue in the space treated.
I can’t seem to find any info on that at this point. Can you direct me to where I might find out more about this and/or share your thoughts about this technique for reclaiming spaces affected by these invisible toxins?
Debra’s Answer
I don’t recall addressing this and mold isn’t my field of expertise.
Readers, any information on this?
Here is a very simple and clear article about mycotoxins, what they are, how to remove them from indoor air.
What I can tell you about formaldehyde is that it DOES evaporate completely in a very short period of time. I remember in grade school a teacher left an open bottle of formaldehyde sitting on a counter and the whole bottle evaporated within an hour. The only reason formaldehyde is a long-term problem in particleboard and permanent press finishes is that it is bonded to resins to make it time release. But free formaldehyde evaporates very quickly.
We have used a fogg product called MDF 500. I’m just as sensitive to mycotons as to mold itself, and found this product worked, eliminating all my symptoms. (Info below)
Thoroughness and attention to detail, getting into unopened boxes, chests, opening drawers, etc is necessary to get a more effective result. We once hired a company in upstate New York, and were greatly disappointed with their execution of administering the fog. So, we bought the equipment and learned to do the treatment for ourselves. You do need to wear a full body protective suit, mask and respirator, because the fog has a pH that could burn your skin or respiratory membranes. However, once the fog evaporates, the environment is nontoxic. We’ve had great success with it and used it numerous times over the last 8 years. As a chemically sensitive, mold intolerant person, we’re never without the stuff.
Several websites talk about the product, which is made by Modec. Below is an excerp from one.
From “Temp-Coat” website
MODEC Customers Include:
US Post Office
US Army
US Marines
Homeland Security
Cardinal Health System Facilities
MODEC Products have been produced since 1996
MODEC MDF-500 carries a Hazard rating of 1 on a scale of 0 to 4. Common bleach carries a rating of 4
MODEC MDF-500 kills mold and the mycotoxins mold produces
MODEC MDF-500 destroys all known pathogens on surfaces fogged without destroying wood or other materials the fog contacts
MODEC MDF-500 leaves no harmful residue of any kind and becomes completely inert after 8 hours
MODEC products were developed for government and have a long successful history of destroying germs and bacteria such as anthrax
MODEC MDF-500 is 1000 times less corrosive than bleach and many other products that claim to kill mold
MODEC use does not require the handling of deadly or dangerous chemicals such as Lie, Phenol or Boric Acid nor does it require the mixing of powders that can be harmful Fogging system eliminates holidays and hard to reach areas