Question from Orsolya
Hi Debra, I just noticed that all my organic baby bodysuits has a white patch in side behind the embroidery design. I believe it is called Pellon interfacing fabric. Is it safe for babies? Thank you so much! Orsolya
Debra’s Answer
Well…Pellon interfacing fabrics are made from polyester. They have a whole line of interfacings. Some are made from 100% polyester and others have a little nylon. But they are not organic in any way shape or form, so what are they doing in in organic baby bodysuits?
Is it safe for babies? It would be difficult to make a case for a tiny amount of polyester interfacing being toxic. But polyester can effect your energy field and may be irritating to the skin.
Personally, I stick with 100% natural fibers and organic whenever possible. I wish these manufacturers would understand organic should be ALL organic.
Dear Debra, what are the laws concerning labeling on clothes? Why can clothing have a label that says 100% cotton or organic cotton and then have this type of lining or decoration not listed?
Here are the Federal Fiber Content Laws. I read them over and it seems that this interfacing is exempt in a couple of ways. One is that the fiber label applies to FIBER and not anything that isn’t fiber, so plastic, wood, metal etc is not required to be listed. Also trimmings, ornamentation, linings, interlinings, fillings, or paddings that are used only for structural purposes don’t have to be disclosed. That’s why they can do this.
I think EVERYTHING should be listed on the label.