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Question from Mrs. Chris

Five years ago,we had a new tile floor installed and used a water-based sealant on the grout. We were told to clean it with trisodium phosphate (which apparently is safe) and reseal it every year or two. It is a huge job (600+ square feet) which we have not done (and entails applying sealant with a little paint brush on hands and knees).

So now we are looking into having the floor professionally cleaned. The company, whose rep came today, would also reseal the grout and uses DuPont “Stonetech Pro.” The information online tells me it is nothing we’d personally want to install, but I wonder if it would be non-toxic once it off-gasses.

The only reason we’d consider such a product is to provide an effective seal on the grout. The grout has always seemed a bit porous, even after using the water-based product and has become discolored over the years.


Debra’s Answer

Any grout sealer will become inert over time, how long that might take and how the fumes might permeate your home and body in the meanwhile is not something I would want to experience. You could close up the room and use heat to speed the process if you want to go that route.

If you are having the work professionally done, it’s been my experience that you need to use the products the company provides, or they cannot guarantee the results. Ask them if they can use a less toxic grout sealer.

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