Question from Katie Gwinn
I am looking for resources to advertise my new Bed and Breakfast, which I call “A Victorian Retreat”. Because I don’t service coffee, alcohol or other toxic drinks, nor allow smoking, I must create a niche for my products and services.
I serve organic and natural foods, gourmet full breakfast, herbal and fruit teas, hand squeezed juices, and organic soy, rice and cow’s milks. I use only cotton sheets and towels, use natural cleaning products (primarily vinegar and soda), offer natural/organic homemade body care products (hot tonic bath, face clay, tooth powder, foot spa) and create a hypo-allergenic environment as well as a beautiful, peaceful and restful one.
I grow an organic garden in the back yard, including veges and fruits which I serve in my Bed & Breakfast. I am converting half of my environmentally uncool lawn to orchard, berry patch and vege garden and the rest to bird and butterfly garden, with only a small patch of grass for outdoor weddings and receptions. I just purchased an electric lawnmower for mowing what’s left of the lawn.
I teach workshops at my B&B on sustainable living, organic gardening and personal effectiveness. I am located in Monterey, Virginia, and if anyone can help me with advertising and networking ideas, please let me know.
It’s an uphill climb in a lodging industry that emphasizes coffee and alcohol and cheap foods and a population that is addicted to these very toxic substances. I’m committed to good health and want to serve my guests only the best but need to learn ways to get the word out to those who will really appreciate my efforts.Thanks for any tips you can give me.
Katie Gwinn,
Debra’s Answer
Well, we can start a directory right here. I’m going to go stay at another green bed and breakfast in Asheville North Carolina in a couple of weeks, so will let you know about that.
I found a website but it wasn’t working well when I visited it today. They have a book, and you can also submit a listing.
Interestingly, when I searched on “organic bed and breakfast” all kinds of things came up. One place (an organic farm) advertised their synthetic Tempur-Pedic beds as being safe for the chemically sensitive (they’re not!). So if we can come up with a good list here, that would be great.
Readers, any ideas for places to get the word out? These places need our support so they can thrive as a business.
And any B&B’s you’ve stayed in you’d like to recommend?