Question from HAH
what is a good e-cigarette product?
Debra’s Answer
I can’t say I recommend one brand over another, but will say that I recommended e-cigarettes in my new book Toxic Free, as an alternative for smokers to get their nicotine without subjecting the rest of us to carcinogenic second-hand smoke.
From my book:
“I don’t want to encourage smoking at all, but I do want to offer a “better-than-doing-nothing” alternative for smokers: e-cigarettes. These battery-powered atomizers provide inhaled doses of tobacco-flavored nicotine by delivering a vaporized liquid nicotine solution to the lungs. When a smoker’s body absorbs the nicotine, the smoker exhales a harmless water vapor that resembles smoke. This enables the smoker to get a nicotine fix anywhere without creating harmful secondhand smoke. Nicotine itself is a poison and I certainly am not saying it is not toxic. But if you are addicted to nicotine, or know someone who is, e-cigarettes eliminate all the extra exposure to the toxic chemicals in smoke, for yourself and others.”
And my editor thought that was a great idea. 🙂