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Question from audrey

I am writing for a friend who is looking for a new car and who has mcs. She found a car that she likes but it requires diesel fuel. Do you see any reason that this would be worse if one has mcs instead of using regular gas?

She also has seen some cars that have leather seats. She said the leather in cars about ten years ago seemed to be more toxic/smelly than the ones today. Do you know if this is true? Also she said she has read that some leather in cars are now having fragrance added to the leather. Was wondering if you knew anything about that and how can we stop such a foolish thing. Thank you for your help.

Debra’s Answer

Well, actually diesel exhaust contributes 15 times more secondary organic aerosol chemicals than gasoline emissions per liter of fuel burned. So gasoline would be a better choice for MCS.

Now leather seats. It depends on the seats. I have leather seats, but I bought my car used and they had not been treated with any kind of cleaner. I love my leather seats.

I once reupholstered my car seats with cotton canvas. I brought my fabric to a car upholstery place and they did it for me. So that is always an option.

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