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Question from TZ

How long does a carpet outgas? I have had mine for over 2 years and am wondering if I need to use a product like AFM Carpet Seal.

Debra’s Answer

Well, that’s a good question.

The Carpet and Rug Institute says, “New carpet’s emission level will drop significantly within the first 24 hours of installation, and with fresh air ventilation, the emission level will dissipate to an undetectable level within 48 to 72 hours.”

Many of my readers will tell you that they can smell carpet emissions long after this period. I personally refuse to have synthetic carpet of any age in my house.

There appear to be many variables in what makes a carpet toxic. It’s difficult to make generalities.

I would say if you can smell your carpet, if you have symptoms you think are related to it, or you have MCS, AFM Carpet Seal may be helpful to you.

You can read more about carpet emissions and scientific studies that have been done at EcoMall: Carpeting, Indoor Air Quality and the Environment.

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