ANNOUNCEMENT FROM DEBRA: After 40 years of providing information on toxic-free products, I am moving on to write about the next step beyond nontoxic. To continue my work, I’ve passed the torch to Lisa Powers, who will carry on with great enthusiasm. Learn more about Lisa here
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Question from Christina

Hello! I have been researching and driving myself crazy trying to find a safe flooring. We have vinyl peel and stick squares in our kitchen (they’ve been there since we bought the house 13 yrs ago) I’m sure they are done off gassing (no smell what so ever now) we are looking for safe flooring that can with stand our two huskies. We just purchased Cali Bamboo website – Cali Vinyl Pro Mute step in Dock Wood Oak color. It is Floorscore certified their website does list the reports of emissions. Have you heard any concerns of this brand? Any help would be appreciated. I am the only member in the family who is chemically sensitive. Since we already have the product, should I have my husband cut a plank open and put it in a glass jar for a week and see how it smells? I noticed it’s not free of phthalates – their reports states emissions under 50ppm. Can you help me to understand the danger the this? Thank you so much!!!

Lisa’s Answer

If you have to use a luxury vinyl flooring I think Cali is the best choice. That said, no vinyl flooring is a first choice for safety.  It is the only brand that Andy Pace, owner of The Green Design Center, has tested and found no formaldehyde emissions.  The company posts formaldehyde test results on their website.  It does contain phthalates, thought they are at very low levels.  Cali posts their test results that show phthalates very well below California Proposition 65 standards.

If you are sensitive, I always recommend testing a sample before installing.  Putting a piece is a glass jar and leaving it out in the sun is a great method.


Toxic Products Don’t Always Have Warning Labels. Find Out About 3 Hidden Toxic Products That You Can Remove From Your Home Right Now.