ANNOUNCEMENT FROM DEBRA: After 40 years of providing information on toxic-free products, I am moving on to write about the next step beyond nontoxic. To continue my work, I’ve passed the torch to Lisa Powers, who will carry on with great enthusiasm. Learn more about Lisa here
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Question from Tracie

Sorry to bother you but i have looked for info and have had no luck on what tub to get because i cant afford to much. i was wondering if i got one that is plastic with a acrylic coat if it would work because a full acrylic tub just cost to much. if you have any idea i would be very grateful. i am very sensitive and can only eat 15 foods.

Lisa’s Answer


I’m sorry you are having a challenging time.  If you are very sensitive, I can’t tell you what you will or will not react to because everyone is different.  I can give you some general advice about the relative toxicity of different options.  I usually recommend porcelain enameled steel or porcelain enameled cast iron but I know those can be pricey.  Have you consider buying a used one?  I’m not sure where you live but stores like Restore sell used building products.  Just be careful not to buy one built before 1996 because the glazing could contain lead.

I don’t recommend acrylic tubs because they are made with petrochemicals and offgas.  I don’t know what type of plastic is in the core of an acrylic coated tub so I can’t really speak to its toxicity.


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