Question from anita
My newborn great grand son does not seem to get enough milk from his mom–any good formulas on the market to use as a backup?? thanks so much
anita wassweman
Debra’s Answer
Readers, I don’t have any experience with baby formula. Which have you tried and liked?
This is the one I recommend to all my clients and what I would use if need be. There are several options for allergy/sensitivity concerns. I’d be happy to answer any questions about where to get the items, etc if you email me personally.
This is one helpful post that explains why there are no formulas on the market that I would give to my child. Hope this helps!
There are herbs like fenugreek that can increase production. Also more frequent feedings or pumpings will increase milk. Supplementing with formula can actually lead to a decrease in milk production, as baby is more full and nursing less.
An organic formula that uses better ingredients is However all formulas have soy, whether they are dairy or soy based. You can do some searches on this site and the web on soy and see that there are problems with it.
The best thing would be to use donor milk from another mother, try finding one through the Human Milk 4 Human Babies Milk Sharing Network< /a>. If she is uncomfortable using donor milk or is unable to find a donor, homemade formula would be preferable to the processed commerical stuff, I know people who have used the infant formula recipe in the book “Nourishing Traditions” by Sally Fallon. Please encourage the mom to talk to a La Leche League Leader or a good lactation cousultant about her supply issues as well.
Is is really a lack of production or perhaps something else? How old is this baby and how big? Unfortunately mothers are not all created the same and that does not make for bad mothers. My niece was allergic to mothers milk, formula, and finally it was goat’s milk that did the trick. My own milk went sour when I became ill, my daugher did not respond to formula at all.
Soy is in everything and can create problems – careful there, definitely. I fear that somehow a little cloud popped in my head about this post, is the mother concerned about milk or is this a third generation of something else? Sorry, but it happens a lot and can be troublesome. Pediatricians’ can guide, family is critical, but not all women are good at nursing for whatever reason and I fear that often we create sadness when tossing those statements “mothers milk is best’ at a woman who is not being succesful at breastfeeding. There are a multitude of reasons why this happens and none should be discounted – LaLeche League would be a great contact.
If she is committed to breastfeeding, then she should nurse more often to increase her supply. If she is having a difficult time nursing, she should contact the hospital and talk to a lactation consultant. Visits here are free. If she starts giving formula, she will produce less milk. The more you nurse, the more milk you make.
Hi-there should be a breast milk bank in your state or speak with a lactation nurse.
Not knowing the age of the baby is hard.
Earth Mama Angel Baby sells a tea called Milkmaid Tea. My daughter swore by it when she first started breast feeding. The ingredients should be listed on the site.
Also be sure the mother is drinking plenty of liquids (water is best), is relaxed, getting plenty of rest (I know that is a hard one).
Also if he nipples are sore she should be applying a non-toxic balm. Earth Mama also makes one.
It is really hard to advise online due to so many variables. I would also speak to the pediatrician with the concerns.
Breastfeeding is all supply and demand. She needs to nurse more. If he is going through a growth spurt, he’ll be fussy for a day or two while she nurses more and then her milk supply will respond if he Keeps On Nursing. Most formulas claim to have this or that like breast milk. Compared to breast milk they are way inferior. Even the packaging is of concern with bpa, etc. Let alone tha fact that it is another Species milk or soy, with mixed concerns regarding estrogenic actvity. She should talk to a local La Leche League leader. There are natural things she can do to boost milk production, teas, herbs. A mommy’s milk is the most natural. Human milk is for human babies.
Anita, I am a bit skeptical about the quality of comercial baby formulas, but that’s just my opinion. If you like, check out this video on youtube on how to make your own baby formula. I think that it is the next best thing after breastmilk. Also, consider using herbal teas to increment milk production, such as the Earth Mama Angel Baby organic milkmaid tea. And of course, the more she nurses, the more she is going to produce milk. This is the video for the homemade formula.