Question from cpack1
Hi Debra,
I have been considering prefinished hardwood nail down floors and have found that the finish contains aluminum oxide. My concern is the dust that will be created while we are installing the floors, is the aluminum oxide dust dangerous? Is it safe for pets?
Debra’s Answer
Here is the MSDS for aluminum oxide:
It says “Hazard is principally that of a nuisance dust.” The problem is not the aluminum oxide, the problem is the dust as a mechanical hazard.
There are no installation dangers or use dangers beyond dust that would be present with the sawing or sanding of any wood floors.
Is a bamboo floor coated with alumium oxide any health threat to a young crawling child
I don’t have a definitive answer for this. It’s not outgassing particularly, but I don’t know about leaching of metals into skin from this finish. There would need to be some contact time for absoption to occur and the child probably wouldn’t have that length of continuous contact time. It seems like it would probably be fine, but that’s just my educated opinion.