ANNOUNCEMENT FROM DEBRA: After 40 years of providing information on toxic-free products, I am moving on to write about the next step beyond nontoxic. To continue my work, I’ve passed the torch to Lisa Powers, who will carry on with great enthusiasm. Learn more about Lisa here
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Keeping Babies Toxic-Free

Laura-SavilleMy guest today is Laura Saville, one of three co-founding sisters of The Soft Landing, a comprehensive website with blog, safe product guides, and store for moms wanting to protect their children from toxic chemicals. Her years spent in business management prior to becoming a wife and mother helped her hone the ability to handle the fine details and mountains of research her job at The Soft Landing requires. Laura has a love of common sense and practicality, and finds great pleasure in helping parents on their journeys to reducing their family’s exposure to toxic chemicals in everyday products, one baby step at a time.


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Laura Saville - The Soft Landingtranscript

Keeping Babies Toxic-free

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Laura Saville

Date of Broadcast: : June 24, 2015

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world and live toxic free. It is the 24th of July, 2015. We’re having a thunderstorm today. So you may hear some rumbling in the background. It seems to be pretty close to right on top of me and I’m getting thunder and lightning. And usually, we don’t have any problem with disconnection of power or anything like that. So I’m expecting that we’ll be fine all the way through. But if you hear some noise in the background, it’s just Mother Nature cooling things off here. It’s really wonderful to have thunderstorms.

In fact, I live very close. There’s another lightning. Let’s see how far it is — yeah, it’s a mile away. Can you hear that? I don’t know if you can hear that. Anyway, I live very close to the thunder capital of the United States, extreme weather.

So we’ll see what happens.

Today, we’re going to be talking about babies and kids and how to keep them toxic free. My guest today is Laura Saville. She’s one of three co-founding sisters of The Soft Landing. It’s a pretty comprehensive website with a blog, safe product guides and a shop, online store, for moms wanting to protect their children from toxic chemicals.

Hi, Laura.


DEBRA: How are you today?

LAURA SAVILLE: Thank you so much for having me. I’m great. How are you doing?

DEBRA: I’m doing well, except can you hear the thunder in the background?

LAURA SAVILLE: I can’t. I was trying to hear it, but I can’t hear it yet.

DEBRA: Okay, there. Right now, can you hear it? No, I think it’s probably fine. I have one of those mics, it picks up bi-directionally. So I guess thunder in the background will be just fine.

So Laura, this is quite unusual that three sisters and their mother would be concerned about toxics. So how did you all get interested in this?

LAURA SAVILLE: Well, we’ve always been really close. But it actually happened when one of our sisters moved away from us for about a year. And she had a baby. She went to the doctor one day with a bottle and the doctor said, “What are you doing feeding your baby with that bottle?” And my sister said, “What are you talking about?”

It all started from there. He said, “There’s something called BPA in a lot of the baby bottles. And you have to stop using it right now.”

So being the researchers that we are by nature, it was within us to track down what this BPA was and figure out is it really that big of a deal or is this guy just crazy? Well, we found out it really was that big of a deal and it launched our entire company. For the last eight years, it was the thing that propelled us to find out about all of these toxins in every day products.

DEBRA: Yes, everybody has a story of what is the thing that made them actually realize that there are toxics in the world and that they should do something about it. That sounds like a good story. So tell us more about what your business does.

LAURA SAVILLE: Well, since we have our own families and of course, we want the best for them and we know that every other parent wants the best for theirs too, it it became really important to us to assist parents in finding their power, first of all, to figure out that they can make changes and really begin to grasp roots movement to empower parents to say, “Hey, this isn’t okay,” or, “We want products without these toxins.”

So we provide a lot of information. And that’s really what we’re all about, it’s providing information to help parents on their journeys to lessening their toxic loads.

DEBRA: Did you find, as you’ve been researching all of this, that – well, did you go about doing your research? I know that I’ve been doing this – we’ve been having parallel paths. I’ve been doing for the last 30 years. I got interested in it because I learned that I had immune system damage because of toxic chemical exposures. And, of course, I said, “What toxic chemical exposures?” I didn’t know there were toxic chemicals all over my home and in all the products that I was using.

And when I learned that that was the case, at that time, there was really no information available. I had to just start with going to the library.

So how did you go from – since actually, every consumer is actually, “This is our story, this is our path,” what we all need to do is become aware of the toxic chemicals, where they are and what to use instead. So how did that happen for you? What was that like?

LAURA SAVILLE: Well, we know very well that you, Debra, are the OG, original non-toxic ninja. And we’ve been aware of you for a really long time.

DEBRA: Thank you.

LAURA SAVILLE: And we love everything you do, of course. You are a huge resource for us, always has been. We were also shocked to know that there were so much toxic materials and ingredients that we were just absolutely being bombarded with.

So we have great resources like you. We started just cold calling manufacturers left and right, constantly telling them, “We need to know what’s in these products.” And for a long time, it was like pulling teeth. You couldn’t get this information out of them.

So we just kept doing that. The internet has been our friend, our best friend in finding information. Now, the information isn’t that hard to find because people like you and a lot of people have been trying to get this information out there for a long time now. So it’s really a better situation for all of us.

DEBRA: Thank you. That’s good to hear because I remember when I started, there was no internet. And so I was going to the library and looking in things like industry journals to see what they were talking about in terms of what chemicals they were using – and poison control centers and medical libraries and things like that. I had to get up, get in my car and drive down to the library and drive to another library and make photocopies.

LAURA SAVILLE: I just can’t imagine being in that situation. It’s hard enough for us to find the information that we find, but having to get actually down to the basics and figure out the nitty gritty about each and every ingredient without the Internet, that must have been extremely difficult.

DEBRA: It was. But you know, what I found (and I’m thinking that you probably have found this too), as daunting as it can seem in the beginning – and I’ll tell you, I just didn’t even know where to start. I did not know where to start. My father actually bought me a chemistry dictionary. And I still have it on my shelf. It has this orange cover on it. And so what I would do is I just started with what chemical (I think it was formaldehyde or something) and I just looked up formaldehyde in the dictionary. And then the dictionary says, “Formaldehyde is made by combining this chemical and that chemical.” And then I’d look up the other one. And every time I look up a chemical, I’d mark it with a highlighter pen. And so then if I came back to it again, I would go, “Oh, this is a familiar chemical.”

But what started happening very quickly was that as I started becoming familiar with the chemicals, I started seeing them in product after product after product. And it turned out at that time – there are more chemicals now, but at that time, I had my top 40 chemicals and I was just looking for those chemicals. And when I found formaldehyde in bedsheets, I went, “A-ha! I know that formaldehyde.” It was this moment when I said, “Oh, I know that formaldehyde causes insomnia and look, it’s in bedsheets.” You start making those connections and I know that it’s difficult – I never had petrochemistry in school.

The point I was wanting to make here is that we do see the same chemicals over and over again. There are just a lot of them. And as you just start studying these things, it becomes less and less difficult to more and more familiar like anything else.

LAURA SAVILLE: Definitely. And you definitely become familiar with the ingredients. It’s not hard after spending a little while just studying and reading to know what you need to avoid.

And like you said, you see it over and over again. If you read labels, you know what to look for after a little while and you can say, “Yes, I’ll buy that product,” or, “No, I won’t,” depending on what it’s made of. Manufacturers are a lot more willing and able to provide that ingredient information to people and since everyone is trying to find out nowadays.

DEBRA: We need to take a break. But we’ll come back and talk more about choosing products with Laura Saville, one of the three founding sisters of The Soft Landing. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and we’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Laura Saville. She’s one of the three co-founding sisters of The Soft Landing, which is a great website if you’re a mom. One of the things I really like about what you’re doing, Laura, is that you’re really focusing on a subset, a very important subset of the whole bigger picture of toxics, and that you’re really serving mothers and how they care for their children with regard to toxics.

Not being a mother myself, it’s not something that I have firsthand experience. And so I’m really interested that you’re doing this and really appreciating that you’re doing this because you know what mothers are facing.

LAURA SAVILLE: Yes. It always starts from the beginning. If we can greatly reduce or eliminate toxins from the beginning as infants, then we are raising a healthier generation with fewer health problems and things that they don’t have to face in the future.

DEBRA: That’s exactly right. And there are so many chemicals nowadays that actually are affecting children while they’re in the room. Can you talk a little bit about that? About some of the chemicals that mothers should be concerned about even before their children are born?

LAURA SAVILLE: Well, yes. It’s been shown that flame retardant chemicals have been found in infant’s blood right after birth. Flame retardants are everywhere. As you know, there are lots of laws that require companies to put flame retardants in their products. And nowadays, people are using less flame retardants because consumers are demanding it.

But still we have to try and avoid those. Chemicals in skin care are a huge one. As we all know, the skin is the largest organ of the body and it’s very absorbent. Anything that goes on to it goes right into your bloodstream. And of course, baby in the womb is connected to us in that way.

So we can avoid that by choosing safer products and thereby, protecting our unborn children from those toxins.

DEBRA: And something I’d like to just mention is that as adults, we are exposed to a certain amount of toxic chemicals that are making many of us sick and have the potential to make everybody sick that are exposed to them because they’re toxic. But then if you can imagine that same amount of exposure going to a child or to a baby in the womb, it’s just like their amount of exposure is 3 or 4 or 10 times more than we’re having because their bodies are so much smaller.

So it’s really important that any parent, any mother-to-be, any parent needs to be concerned about toxics. It just is. You’re really dealing with the most critical population.

LAURA SAVILLE: Yes. Thank you. And we do feel that way. And we want our children to be healthy. And this is the way that we can do it. But we always do say, even little tiny baby steps, little changes that you can make, even those will make a huge difference in the quality of your health and the way that your children develop.

DEBRA: Well, what’s the first baby step? What do you think is the easiest or most important baby step for people to start with?

LAURA SAVILLE: If we’re talking about with babies, I would definitely choose safe skin care products. There are lots of good companies out there right now that provide safe skin care for babies with no toxins at all. If you do that, you’re providing a way for your child to have a very little chemical body burden, which is what we’re going for here.

And then, of course, we want to avoid chemicals in the feeding gear once they start eating and their teething toys. Let’s see, there are all sorts of things that you can avoid but those few will make a huge difference.

DEBRA: So let’s say that somebody is listening who is a new mom and she’s just learning about this for the first time, what should she do now that she’s heard that she should use toxic-free personal care products for the baby? How is she going to find those? How can you help her?

LAURA SAVILLE: Well, on our website,, we have shopping guides. And on our shopping guides, we have safe skin care. We avoid ingredients, especially the ingredient called fragrance. As you know, Debra, there is over—

DEBRA: You can tell us about this.

LAURA SAVILLE: There are over 3000 ingredients that can be listed or used under that one term on the label of a skin care product. So you could imagine that if you’re using laundry detergent with fragrance, air freshener with fragrance, skin care with fragrance and dryer sheets with fragrance, you can be using 10, 20,000 different ingredients just in those right there.

So if you’re going to look on your labels and see a fragrance ingredient, I would immediately put that right down and find something without a fragrance ingredient.

DEBRA: And there are a lot of companies now who are aware of this. So there are a lot of unscented, fragrance-free products available for babies that weren’t available before. And The Soft Landing is a very good place to go to find out which ones you can choose, that we don’t have to—what’s so great is that we don’t have to all go through this process of starting at square one to find things out because people like you and me are sharing the information that we’re finding. And I think that’s so important. It’s just so important.

I so appreciate what you’re doing because it’s an area that I have no personal experience with, and you’re doing a really good job. I’m very pleased with that.

LAURA SAVILLE: Thank you. Thank you very much.

DEBRA: So we’re coming up on the break. So I don’t want to ask you a big, long question. Let’s see, something short we can talk about. I want to ask you—when we come back, I’ll ask you the comeback question. When we come back, I want to know what’s your greatest challenge in putting all this information together. What has been the most difficult thing? How did you get through it? Let’s talk about those things because I know that—everybody is running into things that are challenges, the things that are difficult every day. Not just toxic chemicals but how we’re going to pay the bills, what’s going on with our kids, whatever. And it’s just getting through that process that can sometimes happen.

You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Laura Saville. She’s one of three co-founding sisters of The Soft Landing. And that’s, lots of information for you.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Laura Saville. She’s one of the three co-founding sisters of The Soft Landing. And they have so much information for moms and kids o this website. And as we’re all—she and I and others are all looking around and evaluating all these products, we all learn from each other.

I was looking at your site during the break. I’ve been looking at it a lot actually. And I find products on there that I haven’t seen before. So this is good.

So before the break, I asked the question, “What has been your biggest challenge?”

LAURA SAVILLE: Well, there’s probably a couple of big challenges. One of the big ones is just the overwhelming nature of it all. We started from absolutely level zero and it looks like an unsurmountable mountain. And we really had to work together. It’s so nice that there are a few of us, my sisters and our mom, who support each other and are able to pick up where the other left off.

And we have to wade throughout that information and be careful that we’re really seeing it for what it is, if it’s dangerous, if it’s not. And the other thing is that when we first started out, and I’m sure this happened to you too, Debra, people call you crazy. And they say, “You guys are nuts. There’s no way. They would never do this to us. And I don’t believe this.”

And so that was another thing that we had to push through and get past. It’s good that we’re strong-willed and hard-headed because that’s what you have to be sometimes to get through it. After a little while, it becomes clear how important things are. So you just do it.

DEBRA: For me, once you have that a-ha moment, you see it and then it’s like you’re in a different world. What do you say to people who don’t believe it?

LAURA SAVILLE: Well, we just say, “Look at the evidence.” People like us and you have spent so much time and it really is like living in a different world. And you just can’t deny it once you’re in it. And you say, “We’ve got so much information. There are scientific journals. There are studies. There are lots of things that prove our point.” So we don’t really have to try to convince people if they are just willing to look at the evidence.

DEBRA: Yes, I think that’s it. The information just needs to get out more and I know for me, I can tell the difference. If I’m eating something toxic or putting something toxic or breathing something toxic, I get a response to it. And I think that a lot of people don’t understand that what they think is their normal state is actually less than they could be wonderful than they could be feeling.

There have been times when I stopped being exposed to toxic chemicals, particularly in the beginning. I always had headaches. But when I stopped wearing perfume, I suddenly didn’t have headaches anymore. And when I changed the sheets on my bed, I could sleep. I didn’t have insomnia anymore because I wasn’t sleeping in this cloud of formaldehyde every night.

And when you have those experiences of being able to see the cause and effect of the toxic product versus the toxic product not being there, that’s a lot of encouragement to continue to live in a toxic-free way.

LAURA SAVILLE: Definitely. You definitely get rewards from eliminating these toxins from your life, just like you said. People are having health problems that they can probably—sometimes they can address themselves, like avoiding perfumes that are made with toxic chemicals, changing your sheets and your skin care. All of those thing can increase your life, your health and people just need to know the information has got to get out there.

DEBRA: Well, let’s talk about some—you have so much information in your blog and in your product guides. Let’s just talk about some of the other things that you recommend. I see here in your blog, you’ve got how to naturally scent your home.

LAURA SAVILLE: Yes. Essential oils are a big part of our lives. Once we discovered those, we realized that they have tremendous abilities. They can scent your home naturally. They can treat certain types of external ailments and we incorporate them into almost every area of our lives. We also do our natural pet care with our essential oils. And there are all sorts of things that you can do with them including scenting your home.

DEBRA: And natural essential oils, ones that are pure essential oils, are very, very different. When we’re talking about no fragrance on the label of the product, that doesn’t mean no essential oil, it just means no synthetic fragrances, this synthetic fragrance that is really bad for you.

So here’s another one from your blog. Safe sunscreen.

LAURA SAVILLE: Yes. That’s a huge one for us. It’s in the same category as skin care. And we have to make sure that we choose safe things to put on our skin and that includes sunscreen. We use sunscreens sparingly. We use it when we know we’re going to be outside too long because we definitely don’t want to be burnt. We don’t want to damage our skin but we want to have some sun exposure just so that we can get the benefits from it.

But sunscreen is very important. We don’t do the oxybenzone which is highly toxic. We don’t do nanoparticles because they are too tiny and they get in places that they’re not supposed to be. And we, of course, avoid any product with fragrance in it.

DEBRA: Yes. Good. So here’s another one, five lessons your kids can teach you about living healthy.

LAURA SAVILLE: Isn’t that interesting? We love to pay attention to our kids. Like they say, “Out of the mouths of babes.” When your kids, they know and they do think so simply. And you can really find out some valuable information if you just pay attention to those little guys.

DEBRA: So what are the five lessons? Or what are two of them? Actually, we’re going to break in 45 seconds, so tell us one.

LAURA SAVILLE: You put me on the spot. I don’t think I actually wrote that article.

DEBRA: Let’s just go there. I’m right here and so I’ll tell you which one they are. Lesson one, when kids say, “I won’t eat that,” what do we learn?

LAURA SAVILLE: We learn that maybe they shouldn’t be eating it. And that their body is telling them something, just like you said.

DEBRA: So here it says, eat healthy foods that you like. And I think that’s something that we all should be doing. There are so many delicious foods out there especially organic foods are so delicious that I don’t think that you’d need to eat anything you don’t like to eat just because it’s supposed to be healthy, that I think healthy food is good food.

LAURA SAVILLE: Yes, exactly. And sometimes there are food allergies that you need to pay attention to.

DEBRA: Yes. So if somebody doesn’t want to eat something, find out why.

So we’re going to go to break. We’ll be right back. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Laura Saville. She’s one of three co-founding sisters of The Soft Landing. And you can go visit their website at And we’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Laura Saville from The Soft Landing. And I am looking through her blog here, for a blogpost that she wrote.

So tell us about safe and effective hand sanitizer gel. I think that this is an important one for kids because don’t they require kids to use hand sanitizer in school now or something like that?

LAURA SAVILLE: They do. And that’s—one of our initiatives is to try and change this default mentality inside the schools to the more toxic remedies that they don’t actually have to choose. You can choose—either you can make your own like we do and use essential oils and other safe ingredients like aloe vera. Or you can go out and buy some. I believe 7th Generation has some. There’s a couple of others too that I can’t recall right now.

But we just go ahead and make our own because it’s just so easy. We usually have all this stuff on hand and it’s quick. You just throw it in a bottle and mix it up and you’re good to go. Works the same.

DEBRA: So there’s this whole thing about making it yourself versus a commercial product. And I make so many things myself because I know what goes in them, and this is not to say that there aren’t a lot of good products out there were they’ve already made it for you. But do you find that you make a lot of things yourself?

LAURA SAVILLE: Yes. I am the DIY gal. I do it all of the time. Everything I can, I make. And to the hand sanitizer, a while ago, there weren’t any safe hand sanitizers out there, so we had to make our own. And it got to be like a second nature, so we just go ahead and keep doing it.

DEBRA: It really is so easy. It’s just a matter of knowing what to do and once you find out—I think that it’s probably a key thing in this whole thing of switching to a toxic-free life is just knowing what to do. Once you have the information and once you learn how to do it, whether you’re making your own hand sanitizer or learning to cook.

Let’s talk about food. Let’s talk about food because you have a lot about food on the website. And one of the things about living toxic-free is really learning how to cook, if you don’t know how, and even if you know how to cook, learning how to cook differently.

LAURA SAVILLE: Oh, yes. It’s a real learning experience. Now, I am not a natural cook; however, two of my sisters are. So I glean a lot of information from them. As far as reducing our toxins though, we have learned to use safer cookware. We use our cast iron skillets a lot. And there are other companies that make ceramic cookware that we use.

DEBRA: I use that too.

LAURA SAVILLE: And it’s great stuff, and we don’t have to worry about exposing ourselves and our families to those toxic chemicals from Teflon.

DEBRA: Yes. Do you find that this lifestyle is more pleasurable?

LAURA SAVILLE: I definitely find it more pleasurable. Not only do I get to control a lot of what my family comes into contact with, but I also get to help other people become informed too so that they can do it for themselves and their families.

DEBRA: I was just looking at your blog while you were talking. I’m listening and looking at the same time. And I came across—you didn’t write this one, about Crisco-certified organic coconut oil.

LAURA SAVILLE: That was a huge one recently. That was a [cross-talking 00:42:46]. We couldn’t believe it. It was like such a shock and it actually went viral that little picture that she took in the grocery story.

DEBRA: I haven’t seen that in my grocery story. I actually don’t shop in supermarkets. Here’s a point though, I shop in a natural food store and I do all my shopping in a natural food store or at the farmers market or something like that. But there are people in supermarkets and maybe what’s going on here is that Crisco is reaching out to those people who wouldn’t otherwise be seeing organic coconut oil.

LAURA SAVILLE: That’s exactly what’s happening. And we have run into a conundrum in the green or non-toxic community where a lot of people don’t like the big companies getting in on the organic, natural food, the real food movement. But we take a different approach on that. And we say, “The more, the better because there’s a lot of people, your average person goes into the supermarket and they see organic, they’ve heard about organic and they can suddenly afford organic.” And that is what we’re going for. So we’re okay with that.

DEBRA: I think so too. My only concern is that I think there is a difference in viewpoint between the smaller leading edge companies that are producing these less toxic products versus the established companies that in the past have been producing toxic products and many of them still are, in addition to getting into this new area. And I’m not sure about the integrity of the product sometimes. I’m not saying that it isn’t a good product. But I think that when I talk to the more natural folks that they have a greater understanding of what the product should be, I think.

So if this is certified, it’s got the certified label on it, it meets the same standard, I don’t see a different between the quality of product and buying it from Crisco or buying it at a natural food store. It’s just people should buy it as best they can.

LAURA SAVILLE: Yes. And we want to make these better choices available to people at large. However, for us personally, we prefer to shop at our farmers market and we get to know our local people who grow the food. And we really prefer to do it that way. We do shop at the supermarket too and we will buy the organic stuff there if we can’t get it from the farmers market. But we think this is a really good way for people to start on their own journeys to better health.

DEBRA: Yes, I think so too. I think wherever you are, wherever you’re shopping, that you should choose the least toxic thing that you can find.


DEBRA: All right, so here’s another one, how to choose a non-toxic dishwasher. That isn’t by you either but can you answer that one?

LAURA SAVILLE: Yes. Like I said, before the manufacturers have a lot more information available to us now, we were able to call these companies and say, “We want to know exactly what materials you are using in these dishwashers.” And of course, we look for non-plastic. We avoid recycle codes number 3 and number 7, and we just ask them, “Please give us the name of the materials.” They did. So we listed them in our little guide here, how to choose a non-toxic dishwasher.

DEBRA: There is just so much information. Here’s another one, mystery chemical, “Is BPS the New Mystery Chemical in BPA-free Cans, Dishes and Kitchen Appliances?”

You’re answering all these questions that people have.

LAURA SAVILLE: Yes. That is something else that we’ve had to watch out for. BPS, they can say, “Oh, it’s BPA-free” because they’re on the bandwagon. Not everyone but some of them have replaced BPA with BPS. And it’s no better than BPA. The Eastman Triton is a clear, shiny hard plastic, and it has BPS in it. And so we avoid that.

DEBRA: There is just so much to know.


DEBRA: You can just go page to page to page and find all these so much information. I just want to stop and read all of them. And toys, let’s talk about toys.

LAURA SAVILLE: Toys are the good ones, especially if you’ve got a baby that’s teething, that’s putting the toys in their mouth. Of course, you want it to be BPA and PVC-free. And like I said, a long time ago, there were no options at all. Now, there are lots of options. Natural wood with natural finishes, things that are made of polypropylene or the HDPE, which is the polyethylene.

So we’ve got a lot of natural things out there and acceptable options available in toys.

DEBRA: Yes, I see that too. So we only have a couple of minutes left. Any final words? Anything you’d like to say that you haven’t said?

LAURA SAVILLE: I’ll just reiterate that I would hate to overwhelm people with all this talk about toxins. But once you get started, and like you said, things are redundant. Once you know a few things to avoid, you’re going to be doing a lot of good for your family.

DEBRA: Yes. And once you’ve learned it, I still—one of the first things that I did when I started was just, I got rid of my toxic cleaning products. But it only took me an afternoon to go down to the natural food store, buy Dr. Bronner’s Soap and baking soda and lemon juice and vinegar and learn what to do with them and then I had my cleaning routine down. And I’ve been doing the same thing for 30 years.

It’s just figuring out what to do. Look at the resources like your website and mine and figure out what you need to do and then do it.

LAURA SAVILLE: Exactly. And a lot of times, it’s a lot simpler than going and buying some toxic chemical and you’re not putting in much effort than you would be doing it the old way.

DEBRA: I totally agree. That’s very good. Well, we’ve got to go now, 10 seconds left. So thank you so much, Laura, for being on the show. Again, she’s at And you can listen to this show on Toxic Free Talk Radio again, or tell your friends. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. Be well.

The Unique Properties of Violet Biophotonic Glass

Maria-jindraMy guest today is Maria Jindra, co-founder of Vita Salva Glass Works. She and her husband began the company in 2010. when they discovered the unique violet biophotonic glass manufactured in Europe. There are many beneficial qualities of the biophotonic glass, including long term preservation of organic products. The science of biophotonic glass includes actual enhancement of the biolife force of the organic product that is stored in the glass. The violet glass is elegant, sturdy, and reusable. The couple started their company after retiring from 35 years of cattle ranching and farming on the high plains of Colorado. Maria is an activist against Geoengineering and GMOs.


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Maria June 8 2015


The Unique Properties of Violet Biophotonic Glass

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Maria Jindra

Date of Broadcast: June 23, 2015

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world and live toxic free. It is Tuesday, June 23, 2015. I’m here in Clearwater, Florida, where we’re having a beautiful summer day. We’re having heat. It’s so hot. It’s unseasonably hot.

It’s not usually this hot. It’s 95° in the day time. Actually, in my backyard, I’m looking at the thermometer, I can see it from my desk, it’s 89°. But in other places where there aren’t so many trees, you can imagine if it’s 89° here under my oak trees, it’s hot out there where there are no trees. Hot, hot, hot. And it’s 85° at night. We all sleep with an air conditioning but—

I wanted to tell you, I have this beautiful plant, this beautiful flower sitting on my desk. I have these two bushes that I put in my front yard called sweet almond bushes. And they have these beautiful, white [fronz] of little, tiny flowers and they smell like sweet almonds. And there was one that was just growing right over the pathway that you have to push it back in order to walk to the front door, so I cut it off with all its flowers and brought it inside. It’s just been sitting here for four or five days giving me this lovely aroma of sweet almonds. And so that’s what I’m smelling today as I’m talking to you.

And I had a great week last week. I took the whole entire week off because it was my birthday. I had a lot of rest and relaxation and did a little work. And now, I’m back all refreshed and rejuvenated and revived.

So today, we’re going to talk about something we’ve never talked about before, which is violet biophotonic glass. And what this glass does it actually helps keep food and herbs and water and any organic thing that you put in it fresher and last longer.

So we’re going to talk to the co-founder of Vita Salva Glass Works. Her name is Maria Jindra. Hi, Maria.

MARIA JINDRA: Good morning, Debra.

DEBRA: Good morning.

MARIA JINDRA: It’s wonderful to be here. Thank you so much for inviting me and thank you for everything you do for all of us and the planet. Thank you.

DEBRA: You’re welcome. Thank you for being here. I have one of Maria – she sent me one of her beautiful violet bottles. I just love it! I filled it with water and I put in on my desk. And in the morning, the sun shines on it to activate it. And we’re going to talk about all this. But then I drank the water and it feels different. It feels totally different.

So before we get into all those details, tell us how you came to be doing this.

MARIA JINDRA: Well, my husband and I had been cattle ranchers and farmers. I’ve been an x-ray tech and we finally retired from all of that after 30 years. We decided we needed to do something different and keep ourselves busy. And Jeff said, “You know, I’ve always wanted to learn how to sand etch on glass.” I said, “Well, that sounds like fun but I think it needs to be some really unique glass.”

So Jeff looked around and taught himself sand etching and I looked for glass. And synchronistically, I came across MIRON violet biophotonic glass. I thought, “Wow! That is beautiful glass.” And then I started reading more about the properties of biophotonic glass and was fascinated by what I found.

Bio means life and photon means light. I learned that all living cells emit light. And the research had shown that the quality of bio energy of food stored in violet glass is significantly higher than any of their counterparts kept in classical containers such as glass or plastic. This special-engineered glass demonstrated that an optimal protection of bio-information can be obtained in long-term storage.

And so I thought, “Wow! So we can be creative. We can sell this to people who want to keep organic substances and high end cosmetics and something that’s going to preserve the qualities of the product they’re putting in there.”

So I was excited. So was Jeff.

DEBRA: I’m excited too. So do you actually make this glass or do you buy the bottles made some place else?

MARIA JINDRA: Okay, well, MIRON glass was founded about 20 years ago. It was conceived in Switzerland. And they originally constructed this glass for a very superior spirulina product in Cyprus. And so that’s how it got started.

A gentleman by the name of Yves Klausur researched about 14 years on getting all the right ingredients to make this particular glass. Since it was conceived in Switzerland, it’s now moved over to the Netherlands, but they make the actual glass in Germany and Czechoslovakia. So it comes from Europe and it’s amazing.

DEBRA: So you buy the pieces already made?

MARIA JINDRA: That is correct.

DEBRA: And then you send them. So you’re not making glass yourself.


DEBRA: That’s totally fine. I just wondered if you are making it like a glass blower.

MARIA JINDRA: No. That would be even more work. No. And their technology, it’s patented. I guess the Egyptians used to store their goods in gold and violet glass. So with that and other scientists, researchers in the field, especially the science of biophotonics, they found that storing things in violet glass that allows certain types of light and spectral ranges through is the best preservation method you can use.

DEBRA: So do you know anything about what goes into the glass?

MARIA JINDRA: No because it’s proprietary.

DEBRA: It’s fascinating to me that – and I got a lot of e-mails from a lot of people about different subjects and questions that they have. And I think that there is an impression that colored glass may have toxic color things in it. And so, it’s interesting to me to find that here’s a colored glass that actually has beneficial properties.

MARIA JINDRA: Exactly! Like some glass may contain trace amounts of lead. I know that in the ancient times, they might have had some toxic materials, but I know that the amount of research that they’ve done at MIRON and the scientists that have worked on this, I think that’s the last thing they’d want to do is have any toxic chemicals.

DEBRA: Well, I would think so because they are so conscious of the life enhancing properties. And I think that generally in – I’ve done a lot of research on glass, and generally, there are no toxic substances in a glass. But there are sometimes with lead crystal. They put lead in that, but those are very clearly labeled ‘lead crystal’ because it’s a selling point. And with California’s Proposition 65, it’s required by law that it does have warning labels on them that say that this glass contains lead.

So I think when people are using just ordinary glass or glass like yours that isn’t labeled, then they necessarily have toxic things in it.

The only other thing that I’ve heard about toxic things in terms of glass is when you buy those glasses that have pictures painted on the side. It’s obviously a painted on design and not an etched design or part of the glass. But those often have lead in them.

MARIA JINDRA: Very good idea. Very good. I know this glass is very thick, Debra.

DEBRA: Yes, it is.

MARIA JINDRA: So when we sand etch, it could be purchased painted or not. But we do paint it. And it is beautiful. But it’s a very thick glass. You’ve probably noted that with your bottle.

DEBRA: I did. It’s very heavy actually. And so when you paint yours, is there anything special about your paint?

MARIA JINDRA: It’s not so much special. It’s just that when it is in contact with the bottle, the dark violet glass with bright colors, it’s just striking. But if the glass is so thick, and we don’t etch super deep, we barely etch the top of it, but the glass is very, very thick.

DEBRA: Yes, I can see that in mine. I’ll just say that the bottle that they sent to me is etched and painted. And there’s absolutely no odor to this paint. No problem with it. And unless there are some particles in it that I can’t perceive, but I don’t see a problem with it at all.

MARIA JINDRA: And if people are concerned, they would just say, “Don’t etch it. I just want the bottle naked.”

DEBRA: Yes, a naked bottle, I like that. We need to go to break. We’ll be right back. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Maria Jindra. She’s co-founder of Vita Salva Glass Works. We’re talking about violet glass and its unique properties. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Maria Jindra. She’s the co-founder of Vita Salva Glass Works. It must have been a passing toxic chemical from the outside (of course, not in my house).

Last week, I had my 60th birthday. And I’ve been doing this since I was 24 and I was 60 last week. So you have to forgive me for occasional senior moments. That’s just how it goes.

Anyway, Maria, on your website – and let me give your website. Your website is And on your website, you have this great page that talks about the biophotonic science. And tell us about the tests that were done that you have on that page.

MARIA JINDRA: About the chives and the tomatoes?


MARIA JINDRA: Well, they stored a little cherry tomato, one in a clear glass and one in the violet glass for seven months. And they exposed it occasionally to direct sunlight. But most of the time, it was sitting where ambient light came into the room. They noted that after seven months, the cherry tomato in the clear glass was moldy and the cherry tomato stored in the biophotonic glass did not have mold on it and was not greatly dehydrated.

So that proves the science of biophotonics that the light coming through the glass, it only allows violet light in the visible light spectrum like in a rainbow. It allows in a small amount of UVA and far infrared light. And these three forms of light that come through not only preserve the bio energy of what you have stored in there, but it actually stimulate – if I can use that word.

DEBRA: Yes, you can use that word. So something can actually be enhanced by putting it in the violet jars.

MARIA JINDRA: Yes. Now, they have Kirlian photography done with spirulina stored in the violet glass versus the clear glass. And the results are amazing. It had about twice the bio energy. And on the Kirlian photography – are you familiar with that, Debra?

DEBRA: Yes, yes.

MARIA JINDRA: What you’re looking at is a coronal discharge. And this couple in Russia fell into this when they were working with their equipment. They discovered it by accident. But some people would consider a coronal discharge an aura.

So the bio energy or the bio life of the product is enhanced. You’ll notice that with chives on the website. The chives remain green. The smell is still potent when stored in this glass.

So these light radiations coming through really do work. The field in biophotonics is amazing when you start reading it.

I read this little book called Biophotons: Source of Light for Energy and Wellbeing written by two ladies in Europe, Yvonne Sangen and Karin Tazelaar. And I’m telling you, there’s a lot more to know about the science of biophotonics than you can imagine.

DEBRA: There is! I’ve heard a lot of different books that talk about different things in the realm of things that we can’t see but are actually there such as we have all kinds of energy fields in our bodies and around our bodies that we can’t see but when you look at them through the proper instruments, you can see that they’re there.

And so things aren’t always—light you can’t see, except you can see the light but you can’t see the wave of the light. And things like that. And that energetic part is what makes that organic material, the things that we can see, alive.

MARIA JINDRA: Exactly. Exactly.

DEBRA: And so when we have a plant or anything that’s alive, a cell, anything that’s alive, that doesn’t have that energy when that energy starts being depleted for various reasons, then it becomes less life-enhancing.

And so for example, when we eat something, say a plant, say a tomato right out of the garden, it’s got all that life energy in it. If you were to take a Kirlian photograph of a tomato right off the vine, it would just be beaming, for a lack of better word. And as that tomato is away from its life source plant, then it starts getting dimmer and dimmer and dimmer.

And so by the time you get a tomato that’s in the supermarket, that’s been sitting in storage, picked green and then cast to be red, there’s practically no life in it at all. And our bodies need to have that life force as well as the physical matter of the food.

MARIA JINDRA: Exactly. And a lot of the light coming in to the tomato, that’s what gives it the energy, the biophotons.

DEBRA: That’s right. That’s right. And so most of the food that we eat, when we think of—the food that we’re eating, most of it has very little life energy in it because it’s been sitting around for so long or it’s canned or processed or whatever. All those things make it lose the life energy.

And also with our water, it’s the same thing. And we just need to have that life energy in order for us to be healthy. When I researched about things that are toxic, they’re looking at how—where are the physical—how can I explain this? What are the things that we can see in terms of toxicness? But I have not seen very much studies which talk about symptoms of not having life force. Do you understand what I’m saying? You understand what I’m saying. I hope the listeners too.

MARIA JINDRA: I kind of do. I do. In this book I was reading, it talks about people that are ill or have disease. If you, say for example, did a Kirlian photography on them, they would have maybe more light coming out on one side of their body because they are not coherent. Inversely, people that are very well, believe it or not, their cells do not emit a lot of light. So when the cells are emitting a lot of light, that’s a warning signal that they are not coherent because of their—if they’re well, it keeps the light inside of them because everything is functioning.

DEBRA: We need to go to break. But we’ll be right back and we can talk about this some more. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Maria Jindra, and she’s the founder of Vita Salva Glass Works. And that’s We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Maria Jindra. She’s co-founder of Vita Salva Glass Works, and their website is

Maria, on the same page as the experiments about the tomatoes and the chives on your website, it talks about how sunlight helps plants grow, but what happens after they’re continued to be exposed to the sun after reaching maturity? Can you talk about that?

MARIA JINDRA: Absolutely. Of course, we all know that plants need photosynthesis to grow, and light, that’s what’s gives them their energy. But the minute they’re harvested, it’s just like a human being, they die. Light degradation begins to do just the opposite of what it did when they were growing.

So in order to capture their bio energy, you want to quickly store them, may it be a freezer or if you’re going to bottle it, it should be in violet glass because the visible light spectrum like the colors in a rainbow. That is helpful when the plant is growing but injurious when it has been harvested because it starts to break it down again. Just like if you pick a tomato and you put it on a ledge outside, it’s going to start to shrink and decompose. So you got to get it out of the visible light.

So visible light helps initially during the growth process but after harvest, you want to keep visible light, the reds, the blues, the greens, the yellows, off of your produce or your product so that you can try to maintain the bio life that it used when it was growing.

DEBRA: So there’s a sentence here. It says that MIRON violet glass works like a natural filter that only lets the sunlight that protects and improves the quality of premium and sensitive substances through. Well, that was interesting to me that some of the spectrum would make it decay and other parts of the spectrum would improve it.

MARIA JINDRA: Right. And they’ve done decades of research on this. One of the researchers was Fritz Albert Popp. He did a lot of research with this and tried different colors and found that violet light which most mimics the human nervous system protect it, it shielded it, but the reds, the blues, the greens, the yellows, the oranges was more damaging to it.

He also found that light we cannot see with the human eye, the far infrared and the very narrowband of UVA actually helps protect it as well.

So there’s been a lot of research on this. It’s true research.

DEBRA: It’s fascinating. It’s so fascinating to me. I think that nature is incredibly interesting to me. When I read books about the things like the energy fields of the body and light and all of these things, it’s so beyond what we normally talk about in our culture which is very physical-oriented. But then there are these other levels and there is so much of life, so much of what makes it alive is happening on those other levels and need to be nourished just like taking vitamins.

MARIA JINDRA: Exactly. They say, you should wear sunglasses all the time because you need some of those biophotons from the sun coming in. Same on your skin. You can use sunscreen but it is somewhat toxic, correct?

DEBRA: Well, I actually don’t use sunglasses at all. And I don’t wear sunscreen at all. I feel like I need to go out and I do go out. I have several wide-brimmed hats. My great aunt, who was very beautiful, she was a model when she was young, she always—she lives in Santa Barbara, California. It was very sunny. She always wore wide-brimmed hats. She did not go out without it. And it was so frequently she wore it that it’s—when I see a picture of her in my mind, what I see is her in her wide-brimmed hat.

And that’s what people did before sunscreen. We had parasols and wide-brimmed hats. Nobody used sunscreen. Nobody wore sunglasses.

MARIA JINDRA: Exactly. I try to get at least 30 minutes of direct sunlight a day. And like you, I do not use suntan lotion but I don’t stay out in the sun all day either.

DEBRA: Well, I think that that’s the key, is that people—I remember when I was younger and I lived in California, it was a big deal to go out in the sun and get this tan. We were all waiting for the first day. We could go lie out in the sun. And everybody would burn and we’d all wear sunscreen. This tan was a big deal. And I am no longer interested in how tan I get or don’t get. I’m a little tan now. I go out in mid-afternoon and I go for a little walk for 15 minutes. And so I get sun on my arms and on my face. And I get all those benefits of the sun.

But it’s not about getting the darkest tan I can get. It’s about getting the nutrients from the sun.

MARIA JINDRA: Exactly, especially the D3. Especially the gals our age. And I’m going to be 60 this year too. And happy belated birthday.

DEBRA: Thank you. I have to say, I don’t feel 60. I just don’t feel 60. And I don’t look 60. People, when I tell them I’m 60, they go, “No, you don’t look 60 at all.” They tell me that I look like I’m 47 or something like that.

But I just don’t feel it. It’s just a number that relates to the age of my body.

MARIA JINDRA: Exactly. And I feel the same way. I feel like I’m about 26 years old on the inside, don’t you?

DEBRA: Yes, I do. I’m just so interested in things and I want to go out and do things. And I don’t feel like an old lady.

MARIA JINDRA: Exactly. Well, that’s because you’re toxic free.

DEBRA: That’s it. I think it has a lot to do with it. And especially—I’ll just throw in a little plug for being toxic free, is that a lot of skin care products have toxic chemicals in it that give you wrinkles. And I don’t use any of them and I don’t have wrinkles.

MARIA JINDRA: Wow. Lucky you. I live here in Colorado at a higher altitude so my 30 minutes a day in the direct sun, it’s been working on. But like you, I’m wearing a wide-brimmed hat now. We don’t want any more wrinkles.

DEBRA: No. It’s like all these sun products are all, what I call, consumer products. There are so many things that are on the market and a lot of toxic things that are on the market that we don’t even need it all for survival. We don’t even need to be happy. It’s just something that has been made up by industrial consumerism in order for companies to make more money.

MARIA JINDRA: Sure. Absolutely.

DEBRA: So before I ask you another question, we need to go to break. So I’ll just not interrupt you.

You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Maria Jindra. She’s the co-founder of Vita Salva Glass Works. And when we come back, we’re going to talk about all her beautiful glassware. You can go see it at We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Maria Jindra. She’s co-founder of Vita Salva Glass Works where they sell violet glass and their website is

So Maria, let’s go on a little tour of the different types of glassware you have.

MARIA JINDRA: Okay. Well, the uses for this glass—here are some ideas. You can store essential oils in it, flower essences, sun remedies, massage oils, herbs, royal jelly, olive oils, organic foods, fine cosmetic, wine or for charging and enhancing your drinking water. And I don’t like drinking out of plastic bottles. I do not do that.

DEBRA: I don’t either.

MARIA JINDRA: So you’ll see on the website that we have square oil bottles but I really like to use those especially for the ladies for water bottle, the 500 milliliter square oil bottle. I use that for water. But we’re supposed to be all drinking a liter and a half to two liters a day. So if you’re really a water drinker which we all should be, the one liter water bottle is the best because then you know exactly how much water you’re drinking and it pushes you to drink a little bit more water.

DEBRA: It does. I have a bottle of water sitting on my desk every day. I sit at my desk and work all day long. And I think a lot of people do. And just having that bottle of water there starting out in the morning, I actually do this thing—I don’t even know—I’m looking at your bottle and this bottle. I don’t think it’s a liter. But what I do, the one that I drink all the time has an open top big enough to put ice cubes in it. And so I start out in the morning with being here in Florida, I start out in the morning with filling the bottle with water and other things that I put in it, with ice cubes. And as the ice cubes melt, I just keep adding more ice cubes all day long so there’s always this nice, cold, refreshing nutritive drink sitting on my desk.

And so I get nutrition, I get water, and it’s there all day long.

MARIA JINDRA: Absolutely. Did you try charging up some water in your MIRON glass?

DEBRA: I did. I could feel the difference.

MARIA JINDRA: You can, can’t you?

DEBRA: I can. It’s just—energetically. When you have tap water, the tap water is so dead. And you put it through a water filter, and what water filter does is it removes the toxic substances. But it doesn’t particularly restore the life force of water.

I’ve talked about this before on other shows but the most alive water I ever drank in my life was out of a spring in Mount Shasta, California. There’s this spring that is actually a city park where people go and they fill up their bottles with this exceptional, exceptional water. And when I drank that, it was just—tears came to my eyes because it was like, this was what water should be. And I could tell the difference. It just felt different in my body.

Drinking the water out of the violet glass bottle feels different too. It’s more alive. It’s got that charge in it.

MARIA JINDRA: Yes, it does. Are you familiar with Dr. Masuru Imoto and his work?


MARIA JINDRA: That is fascinating. And there’s a really neat YouTube, it’s only about three minutes long and it’s entitled Water Consciousness and Intent. And if people would view that, they would really understand that intention and our thoughts, words, our actions, it’s all energy.

I did not know that until a couple of years ago. And it came to me in a flash. And I ran in and told my husband. I said, “I just realized that everything is energy.”

DEBRA: Yes, everything is energy. I know it’s not something that most people know.

MARIA JINDRA: Yes. So putting—getting the MIRON glass, putting your own personalized intentions into it or prayer, and when you drink the water after it’s charged for about an hour in the sun, it’s amazing. It’s palpable. You can feel it. I put an intention in once for a lot of love. And I totally forgot that I had put that intention in because I was charging a lot of different bottles. But when I drank from it, tears were flowing from my eyes. I felt so much love and I thought, “Wow. This really does work.”

DEBRA: And it does. It really does.

MARIA JINDRA: And I love Dr. Masuru Imoto. I remember right after the Japanese tsunami, he came on YouTube and he said, “Please, everyone, pray now for the water because water does have memory.”

DEBRA: Yes, it does. That’s been established.

MARIA JINDRA: I want to go to Mount Shasta and do what you did. That sounds neat.

DEBRA: I’ll tell you. This water is so beloved in California that people actually offered to bring me that water from Mount Shasta. They wanted me to have it when I would tell them my story. They would say, “Oh, I could bring you water from Mount Shasta.” And when people would go to Mount Shasta for the weekend or whatever, they would ask if they wanted them to bring water back to me.

If we look back in history, the most sacred thing in the past was the spring with water.

MARIA JINDRA: Exactly. Moving water, vortexes of water, eddies of water, that’s the healthiest water. Not water going through pipes and treatment plants and then fluoridated.

DEBRA: Especially not fluoridated.

MARIA JINDRA: Absolutely.

DEBRA: So tell us about your [product] of different bottles and jars.

MARIA JINDRA: Okay. So we have the cosmetic jars and you can put in lotions, cosmetics. We have bottles for wine. We have bottles for water. We have bottles for oil. I even store my rice in them. And I keep them on the kitchen counter so that some of the ambient light coming through the jar will enhance it. We have a beautiful apothecary set like the old time apothecary jars that the pharmacy sold.

DEBRA: I love those. Those were so beautiful.

MARIA JINDRA: They are. And they got the little glass sliding tea lid. So those make a wonderful canister steep or to store coffee in. If you want to keep your coffee really fresh-tasting, we like to use—what’s that?

DEBRA: Especially people who don’t want any plastic in their containers. These have the round glass lids. So they fit very nicely. But there is no metal and there is no plastic. It’s just all glass.

MARIA JINDRA: That’s right. It’s about as toxic-free as you can get.

DEBRA: It is about as toxic-free as you can get, yes. And it’s not only toxic-free, it’s actually life-enhancing which goes beyond toxic-free. For these products, it’s not just an absence of harmful chemicals. It goes beyond to have beneficial effects.

MARIA JINDRA: That’s right. It’s enhanced, and it’s energized, and it’s well-protected.

DEBRA: It’s so wonderful.

MARIA JINDRA: Absolutely.

DEBRA: So then you have all these little lids and things, droppers and different—

MARIA JINDRA: Right. If someone is interested in storing their essential oils, we have pump sprayers, we have the droppers, we have just pour caps. Now, the caps are not glass. They are plastic with a polyethylene fitting at the top. But that keeps in the freshness of it. And you don’t have to over-tighten these lids either. And you can wash the glass in a dishwasher or with warm soapy water but you don’t want to wash the lids. Just wipe them out with a little alcohol pad or something. We do get a lot of orders for essential oils and our clients love the glass. And they don’t get it etched. They usually have their own sticker that they put on there.

In fact, I’ve been out at other places where I’ve seen people selling their products. I’ve had a skin issue for some years and I picked up some salve that was kept in a MIRON glass. And just knowing that it was kept in a MIRON glass, I was already excited. And the salve really helped my skin issues.

DEBRA: Yes. Actually, the way I found you was one of my readers has taken it upon himself to find the best products, the best toxic-free products he can possibly find. He now has a list, I found out this morning, of 257 websites that he wants to share with me so that I can share them with other people. And yours was one of them but he found it from a company that was using it for their products.

MARIA JINDRA: How wonderful is that?

DEBRA: Yes. And he was very happy with their products too.

MARIA JINDRA: Absolutely. I’m telling you, it works. People have to just try it to believe it.

DEBRA: Yes. I just love it. Well, we only have about a minute left. Any final words?

MARIA JINDRA: Yes, I would strongly urge people to get familiar with biophotonic science with this book that I mentioned because it really will get you excited. And also, to be familiar with Dr. Masuri Imoto and thinking about drinking a lot more water and try their water in this bottle. It really is amazing. It starts getting you thinking about changing your healthy, your life, the way you speak to people, the way you think of people.

And I got to thank you, Debra. By contacting me and inviting me on to your show, you really charged me up.

DEBRA: Thank you.

MARIA JINDRA: I really delved into further study of the science of biophotonics and I am charged up. I really realized now that there’s a lot more that many of us don’t know in the unseen world especially the light spectrum and what it does for us and all life on the planet.

DEBRA: We have to go. There’s the music so we have to go. Thank you so much for being on the show.

MARIA JINDRA: Thank you, Debra.

DEBRA: You’re welcome. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. Be well.

Prenatal Vitamins

Question from Csöbi-Szabó Orsolya

Hi Debra,

I couldn’t find anything about prenatal vitamins on your website. Could you recommend me a good brand?

What do you think about these?

Realfood Organics Prenatal

Rainbow Light

Vitamin Code

Debra’s Answer

Let’s look at all three.

Realfood Organics is “primarily made from real fruits and vegetables…We source only USDA organic ingredients to share with you” But it also contains maltodextrin (an industrial sweetener) and soy (plus some other ingredients I’m not concerned about.

Rainbow Light has a number of prenatals to choose from. Their Certified Organics Prenatal Multivitamin is made with a “Organic Fruit & Veggie Blend” but also contains nutrients not from whole food sources.

Vitamin Code is basically raw whole foods supplemented with their own

  • RAW Food-Created Nutrients that are individually created through microorganism cultivation which typically allows for the natural creation of known and yet to be discovered Code Factors such as live Probiotics, Bioactive Glycoproteins, Bioactive Lipoproteins, Bioactive Enzymes, Glucomannan, SOD, Glutathione, Beta-glucans, Lipoic Acid, Essential Trace Minerals, Glutamine, Polysaccharides and CoQ10
  • RAW Food-Chelated Minerals
  • AlgaeCal RAW- a raw, certified organic whole food marine algae complex containing 73 naturally occurring minerals and trace elements.

Contains fermented soy.

From my viewpoint, each contains something I wouldn’t take, but may be fine for you. I stay away from maltodextrin, nutrients that are not whole foods, and soy.

Be sure to look at the Supplement Facts to see what it in the supplements.

If I had to choose one of these, I would choose Vitamin Code.

Readers, any suggestions? What prenatal vitamins have you taken?

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FDA Phasing Out Trans Fats Over the Next Three Years

In 2013, the Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) determined that partially hydrogenated oils (PHOs) were not longer “generally recognized as safe.”

The FDA is now finalizing that action and feremining that PHOs are not generally recognized as safe for any use in human food.

PHOs are the primary source of industrially produced trans fat, found in many processed foods.
The FDA is providing a three-year compliance period to allow industry to gradually phase out PHOs from their food products.

Of course, fresh whole food ingredients would not contains PHOs.

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Shower Filters

Question from Amy Vaughan

Hi Debra,

I have been researching shower filters. I only have chlorine not chloramine at my home. I read somewhere that KDF filters the chlorine, but that if you are chemically sensitive you also need a filter with some carbon to remove the VOC’s, THC, etc. Is that true?

I have also read different opinions on whether KDF works in hot water. Some say you need a filter with Chlorogon because it works better in hot temperatures.

And what is your opinion on Vitamin C shower filters at this point.

Thank you so much!

Debra’s Answer

First, a new shower filter will soon be available. I wish I could tell you about it now.

You can use a vitamin C filter if you want for chlorine removal.

Yes you would need carbon if you want to remove chemicals other than chlorine with KDF.

KDF in hot water…well shower filters are designed to be used with hot water, so why would they use something that doesn’t work? Don’t know the answer to that question.

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Cortec Flooring

Question from Sheryl Fleishmans

Hi Debra,

We just had Cortec Flooring from the company US Floors installed. It is vinyl plank flooring that is “Green Guard Gold” certified.

Apparently “Green Guard Gold” is the strictest level of certification. The company told me that even though the product is made with virgin PVC (as opposed to recycled PVC), it is phthalate-free.

They even sent me their written position statement on phthalates stating that none of their products are manufactured with phthalates or chemicals that are harmful to the health.

What is your opinion of this product?


Debra’s Answer

It’s hard to tell.

Their website says their are a manufacturer of “Unique and Sustainable Floors”.

I’ve never heard of PVC without phthalates but that doesn’t mean it can’t be done.

The website says it’s made from recycled wood and bamboo dust, limestone, and virgin PVC. I know of a very nontoxic floor made from hard vinyl and asbestos: Armnstrong vinyl composite tile (now discontinued).

So this flooring may very well be fine. I haven’t seen a sample.

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You Have a Right To Know About the Dangers of Cell Phones

Ellen MarksToday my guest is Ellen Marks founder and director of the California Brain Tumor Association, which focuses on prevention and on the wireless radiation issue being a possible cause of deadly brain tumors. Today we will be talking about their victory in Berkeley, California, where there is now a right-to-know ordinance regarding cell phones, and the recent death of Beau Biden from a brain tumor. Ellen entered into the cell phone/brain tumor world when her husband was diagnosed with brain cancer in 2008. After examining her husband’s cell phone and medical records worldwide experts confirmed that her husband’s glioma was “more likely than not” attributable to his long term ipsilateral cell phone use. Ellen has testified before Congress on the health effects of cell phone radiation and has appeared on the Dr. Oz Show, Larry King Live, The View and many national newscasts.


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You Have the Right to Know About the Dangers of Cell Phones

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Ellen Marks

Date of Broadcast: June 11, 2015

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio, where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world and live toxic free. It’s Thursday, June 11, 2015. And it’s a beautiful day here in Clearwater, Florida. We’re having lots of thunderstorms which is what happens here in the summer time. Right on schedule, we have thunderstorms. They are beautiful and cool us down. I love thunderstorms.

Anyway, today, we’re going to be talking about cell phones again. I want to keep talking about the dangers of cell phones and other wireless devices because I look around and so many people don’t know what’s going on. We really need to be talking about it. I hope that all of you will take what we’re going to say to day to heart and tell other people about it.

I ask people for landline phone numbers a lot and people often say to me, “I don’t have a landline phone number.” And yet, on the other hand, I have friends that if I call them on their cell number, they say, “Hold on. Just a minute. Can I call you right back from my landline?” And it’s so refreshing to hear that.

And so today, we’re going to be talking with Ellen Marks. She’s been on this show before. She is the founder and director of the California Brain Tumor Association, which focuses on prevention and on the wireless radiation issue being a possible cause of deadly brain tumors.

And we’re going to be talking today about the new Right to Know ordinance in Berkeley, California and other things related to cell phones.

Hi, Ellen. Hello? Hello?

ELLEN MARKS: I appreciate it.

DEBRA: Hi, there you are. I can hear you talking, but I wasn’t hearing you. Now, we’re on.

ELLEN MARKS: Okay, I was thanking you for having me on. Thanks!

DEBRA: You’re welcome. So let’s start with—where would you like to start?

ELLEN MARKS: Well, it’s been an interesting couple of months in the cell phone arena. I don’t know, but your listeners might know that several years ago, San Francisco was the first city in the nation to pass what we call the Cell Phone Right to Know Legislation, which basically gives people information at the point of sale about how to use their cell phone as safely as possible.

What this did is it took language that’s already there, that’s required by the FCC, and instead of hiding it in the phone or hiding it in the manual that nobody reads, it would give this information to the consumer at the point of sale so that they can make an informed decision as to how best use their phone for themselves and their children.

But I think many of your listeners and you understand that after that passed unanimously in San Francisco, the cell phone industry, CTIA, Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association, came in and sued. And their claim in San Francisco was that it violated their first amendment rights, that it was compelling speech that they didn’t want to give out.

And they didn’t win. That was the interesting part. They went to district court and the city did really well. And then it went to federal court and it was an unpublished decision by the federal judges that it did violate the first amendment, that it was controversial and not factual.

So it was going to go back to district court in about six months. This was back in 2013, I believe. And instead, the new mayor in San Francisco is very tech-friendly and he convinced everybody to repeal the law.

So that was very upsetting, and the industry is running around saying they won the lawsuit, which they really didn’t.

So what we did since then was we were fortunate enough to have Harvard Constitutional Law Professor Lawrence Lessig interested in this issue. And he’s just fabulous. I can’t thank him enough. He has offered his services and a team pro bono to any city or state that will take this on again.

So what we did was we worked with him and he brought in Yale’s Dean of Law School, Robert Post. And we crafted language that he feels will stand up in court. There were some things wrong with San Francisco that did go a little bit too far like telling people to turn their phones off when not in use and the children probably shouldn’t be using cell phones. So it did go a little bit too far.

So with the help of Lawrence Lessig and Robert Post, we crafted language that we hope will stand up in court and Berkeley did pass this a couple of weeks ago unanimously.

DEBRA: Yes, Berkeley.

ELLEN MARKS: Yes. We were thrilled. And I have to say, Max Anderson, the city councilman who had been working on this for three years, they had put it on the backburner when San Francisco was sued, is just fabulous. He was in tears after. He was so happy. They’re doing this because they really care about people and about their health and about their children and their community.

But unfortunately (well, maybe fortunately), we expected it, the CTIA filed their lawsuit the other day against the City of Berkeley. And even though the language is pretty much what they’re telling you in their own manual, they are suing. I thought it was funny. There has been a lot of media about this, which is good because the media, by Berkeley’s own law and then about the lawsuit, raises awareness for the public, which is what we are trying to do.

So one of the quotes by Max Anderson, the city councilman, in one of the articles the other day was, “It’s their own language. Maybe they should be suing themselves.”

DEBRA: I like that. I was just sitting there and thinking how could they sue you over simply taking language that they’ve hidden in their little pamphlet and just putting it out there where people can see it.

ELLEN MARKS: It’s mind-boggling. It really is and it makes you really wonder. I remember Senator Mark Leno when we tried doing this at the California State level (but that unfortunately lost out to campaign contributions to the democrats), he stated after getting to know this industry he’s more fearful on what they’re hiding from us. So that’s how we feel about this.

To make it really clear, the language isn’t exactly verbatim. Every phone is a little bit different. On an iPhone, you have to go through five or six steps on your phone to get to the language where it tells you not to hold it to your body. And then in the Blackberry, it tells you a little bit something different. It says, I think, to keep it 0.98 inches away from your body including the lower abdomen of a teenager and the abdomen of a pregnant woman. That’s a little frightening. So everyone is a little bit different.

So what we did, and I’ll read it to you, the notice that would be given on a piece of paper to the consumer at the point of sale would say, “To assure safety, the federal government requires that cell phones meet radiofrequency RF exposure guidelines. If you carry or use your phone in a pants or shirt pocket or tucked into a bra when the phone is on and connected to a wireless network, you may exceed the federal guidelines to exposure to RF radiation. This potential risk is greater for children. Refer to the instructions in your phone or use your manual for information about how to use your phone safely.”

DEBRA: That’s it?

ELLEN MARKS: That’s it and they’re suing.

DEBRA: They’re objecting to that.

ELLEN MARKS: They’re objecting to that. And basically, every manual has to tell you that the phone must be kept away from the body because that is how they are tested and people do not know that. That’s why my colleagues and I do what we do.

The government accountability office had in-depth report on this in 2012, and they said that exposure and testing requirements for mobile phones should be re-assessed and here, I’ve got it right here it says, “Some consumers may use mobile phones against the body which FCC does not currently test and could result in RF energy exposure higher than the FCC limit.”

So most, I’m sure your listeners, many of them probably keep it in their pants pocket or in their shirt pocket. A lot of women are keeping it in their bra because of convenience and we have a study that came out (and we actually have a case series that came out on that) by several breast surgeons who are seeing this and there are some young women who kept it in their bra and they had tumors developed exactly in the shape of their cell phone, same exact size.

DEBRA: Yes, it’s amazing

ELLEN MARKS: It’s just incredible. So basically, that’s it. That’s what Berkeley was going to be telling people to point of sale. The industry is suing. And even funnier than that (or not funny really), they hired Ted Olson. Are you familiar with Ted Olson?

DEBRA: No, I’m not. But we need to go to break. And we can talk about Ted Olson and other things when we come back.

ELLEN MARKS: Okay, thank you.

DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Ellen Marks. She’s the founder and director of the California Brain Tumor Association. And we’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Ellen Marks. She’s the founder and director of the California Brain Tumor Association, and we’re talking about the association between cell phone use and brain tumors.

Ellen, we’re going to pick up where we left off before the break. But I want to just tell you that about a month ago, I was having lunch with two of my friends, a man and a woman. They’re very intelligent. They’re very well-informed. And both of them suddenly started talking about cell phones.

I think one of them had a cell phone sitting on the table. It turned out that both of them – and I didn’t ask them this question. Both of them said by themselves, they said that they had had a negative experience with putting their cell phones in their pockets. They don’t do that anymore. They actually had a reaction in their body that caused them to no longer carry their cell phones in their pockets. Two people out of just the small number of people that I know, two of them had a response.

I don’t carry my cell phone in my pocket at all, ever. I carry it in my purse. But if I don’t think that I’m going to need it, I’m one of those people that don’t feel like I need to be reachable all the time. And so I carry my cell phone when I think that I’m going to need it for an outgoing call or if I know somebody is going to need to reach me and I’ve given them my number or if I’m traveling and it’s the only way to reach me or something like that. But most of the time, my cell phone just sits on a table.

ELLEN MARKS: It’s interesting. I have this conversation with people often about the need for cell phone use and as much use people are using it. And what your friends experienced, a lot of people tell me that. They tell me when they hold it to their face or to their head that they feel the heat. One woman told me the other day she had a burn on her face. I was actually shocked by that.

But you’re right. And people are experiencing different physical ailments, not just – I mean, brain tumors obviously are pretty awful and there are salivary gland tumors and breast cancer and damage to fetuses and all this stuff that we’re hearing now. There are lots of good science about this.

But another thing is called electro-hypersensitivity. And people who are around cell phones or around wireless radiation of any kind like Wi-Fi, cell towers and that, they’re becoming ill from it. And it’s a real thing. I think in Sweden they’ve made it a disability. But we need people in the United States to take action about this. We need our legislators to realize that this is a real problem.

DEBRA: I totally agree. Do you remember – I don’t know how you are. But when I was a child, all we had was a telephone. We didn’t have answering machines. We didn’t have answering services. And if you weren’t actually there sitting next to the telephone or in the house, then somebody could not reach you.

ELLEN MARKS: Well, you’re absolutely right. I just had that conversation with my 28-year-old daughter the other day. I said, “It’s so amazing.” And [inaudible 00:17:02] I mean, I know the ramifications of cell phone use. I’m talking to you now on a wired landline, not cordless. By the way, your audience should know that cordless phones are probably just as dangerous as cell phones. And my daughter is like, “Why do you guys still have one of those? Does anybody really call you on that?” I said, “Yes. I use it all the time.”

The third generation, they don’t have them. They don’t have landlines. But then, I even have a sister who is older than I am, she’s 70, and they’ve given up their landline. I was appalled when I heard that.

We rely on our cell phones too much. There are so many negative health defects from them. And I think historians are going to have a field day with this, 20 or 30 years from now. It’s just terrible what we’re doing to ourselves.

But many people have become addicted to this. And why is it that when you go into a restaurant, everybody’s got them on the table? Why can’t we detach from it? Why can’t we unplug for a little while? And why can’t we be by ourselves and think instead of looking at the phone all the time?

DEBRA: I think that’s a very interesting question. don’t know the answer to it. Well, first of all, I think that we are social people and we want to connect. But the balance to that, from my viewpoint, is that you also need to be alone. You need to spend time doing whatever it is you need to do for yourself, to think your own thoughts and then be able to be yourself and go and connect with other people.

And when you’re constantly at the effect of answering the phone, of receiving communication from anybody that wants to talk to you at any time, then you’re not being positive over your own life. You’re just –

ELLEN MARKS: Exactly. It’s a problem socially, but it’s also a problem health-wise. And I think it’s just going to take more science and more illnesses and all that for people to realize the health effects are real.

DEBRA: Unfortunately.

ELLEN MARKS: And then as far as the social ramifications, I’m hearing more and more about that. I’m hearing about marriages that are suffering because people are addicted to their laptop and to their e-mails or to their phones. I think it’s affecting a lot of people. I even see it with my own kids sometimes where they’re not really there. They’re texting underneath the table.

DEBRA: On the flipside of that, I know that I’ve heard husbands or wives say, “I have to take this call because it’s my wife or my husband” and that there is a convenience to be able to always reach the other responsible person. If a child is in an accident or something, you want to be able to reach your husband.

ELLEN MARKS: You’re definitely right. Cell phones definitely make our lives a bit easier. They do. There’s no denying that this is a good technology. However, we have to know when to stop. I go in and I speak to a lot of high school students and college students. We’ve been showing our movie, Mobilize, our documentary on this issue and we talk to the kids. And one of the first things I always ask is, “How many of you feel that you’re addicted to your cell phone?” Every hand goes up in the room.

DEBRA: Really, they feel that way?

ELLEN MARKS: Yes. And it’s surprising to me that they feel that way and that they admit it. And so I don’t think they’re liking it either.

DEBRA: Well, immediately, what I thought of is when you’re in a store and the phone rings and the clerk picks up the phone and talks to the person on the phone instead of talking to you – you know how that is –it’s like the person who is in front of you should be the person that you’re interacting with. You should just be able to give your time and attention to that person and have the telephone be secondary, I think. That’s my opinion.

ELLEN MARKS: Exactly. It’s a whole social problem. It really is. It’s a whole different issue.

DEBRA: We need to go to break again and when we come back, we’ll talk about Ted Olson.

ELLEN MARKS: Okay, thank you.

DEBRA: You’re welcome. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Ellen Marks. She’s the founder and director of the California Brain Tumor Association who educates and advocates about cell phone use. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Ellen Marks. She’s the founder and director of the California Brain Tumor Association.

Okay, Ellen, tell us about Ted Olson.

ELLEN MARKS: Well, it was interesting. Lawrence Lessig, who I told you was helping us with this case (he helped draft the language that Berkeley passed) and Robert Post, we knew that a lawsuit would probably be coming because this industry does not have liability insurance. They can’t let the cat out of the bag.

So anyhow, it came the other day and the first lawyer on there that is defending them is Theodore B. Olson. He was picked by Time Magazine, I think it was in 2010, as one of the 100 most influential people in the world.


ELLEN MARKS: Yes, he has been before the Supreme Court 60-some times. He was the one who supported legalized gay marriage before the Supreme Court. And also in Florida, he was the one that was responsible for George Bush to be president for eight years. He was involved in the Bush-Gore election issue.

So this man is quite well-known. He’s one of the top lawyers probably in the world. I think we scared the heck out of the CTIA that they went and hired him, which is good, because Lawrence Lessig and Robert Post have a team put together and they’re ready to fight him all the way to the Supreme Court on this.

He did lose. I was talking to Dr. Stanton Grant about this who has worked on tobacco issues for years. And Ted Olson did defend Phillip Morris against the University of California concerning Stanton Grant’s work on tobacco research. And he did lose that case. So he doesn’t win them all. We’re hoping that he doesn’t win this one.

So we do have many cities in the States who are on board to do what Berkeley has done. However, now, they’re going to put it away for a while and see what happens here. But we do want them to write damages briefs to support the City of Berkeley.

And it’s really nice to see. The tide is changing a bit. Legislators are starting to see that this really is an issue, that this industry is despicable, that this industry is hiding this information that people need to know, and more and more people are becoming ill and dying.

We’ve lost two of our wonderful advocates. Jimmy Gonzalez was an attorney in Florida, 40 years old. He died from a brain tumor probably about nine months ago. And Bred [inaudible 00:29:18] was an attorney in Palo Alto who recently passed away at the age of 50, left three small children behind, who died from a brain tumor attributed also to his cell phone.

So they’re just two of many. And there are concerns about [inaudible 00:29:33]. We don’t know for sure, but a GPM at the age of 46 is rare. And radiation is the one known thing to cause brain tumors. So we just wish some public figures who have been affected by this would go public about it. It’s a very, very serious matter.

DEBRA: One of the things that concern me just about the world at large is that it seems to be allowable for new things to come on to the market without knowing what their health effects are. I think that there probably are some laws in place for some products needing to be tested or following regulations. But it seems like instead of saying, “Okay, prove that it’s safe first, then these new technologies are allowed” and then people get sick and then we have to fight to have them taken away.

ELLEN MARKS: You’re right. Corporations run our country, unfortunately. In the case of the cell phone, you’re absolutely right. There was never any pre-market safety testing done on a cell phone. I think when they came out in the mid-80s, nobody had any idea. We’ll give them a little bit of slack here how ubiquitous this will become and that even children would have them and be sleeping with them and all that.

So there was no pre-market safety testing. What they did was because they had tested microwave ovens to be safe, they just used that. And it’s a bit different.

DEBRA: It is a bit different.

ELLEN MARKS: You’re not holding a microwave oven to your head and children are using it. So it’s shocking to me also that they can get away with this and that we have to prove that they’re not safe.

DEBRA: In the world of chemicals, there is something called the precautionary principle. I don’t know if you all talk about that in the cell phones.

ELLEN MARKS: Oh, we do.

DEBRA: Yes. And I think that there’s enough evidence – I’ve been doing this work for more than 30 years and many years ago before anybody started talking about any of this, I had to say, “Well, what do I want as an individual? How do I evaluate what’s going to be safe for me?” And because I got sick, I said, “Wait a minute. I can’t do things to my body. If I want to live and be happy and earn money and have fun, I need to do things that support my health and not things that are going to make me lie in bed sick every day.”

And so I had to figure out, draw the line, where was my tolerable line of what I was willing to accept? And what I decided for myself was that if there was any concern about the chemical at all, it didn’t have to be really proven without a doubt, if there’s any concern (this was way before the precautionary principle was written), if there was any concern, I wasn’t going to use. I was going to find another way.

And the thing that seems to horrific to me about this whole cellular technology (not just cell phones, but the whole thing) is there’s no place I can go where I’m not being bombarded by this technology. In my own house, I can’t shut it out. If I turn on my computer, it asks me, “Do I want to hook up to this Wi-Fi, my neighbor’s Wi-Fi?” because I don’t have Wi-Fi. There’s no place to go. The whole planet is surrounded by these waves.

ELLEN MARKS: It’s a terrible. It’s really a terrible problem. Children are being exposed to Wi-Fi at school. Then they go home, they’re being exposed to it. And no one is measuring the cumulative effect. You might have an exposure limit for a phone, an exposure limit for a router, exposure limit for a cell tower. But when you put it all together…

DEBRA: That’s right. That’s exactly the point.

ELLEN MARKS: You can’t get away from it. So it’s very difficult for people who especially are sensitive to it. It’s terrible. There are people that are having to leave their homes because of the smart meters that are being put on their homes and things like that. So it really is an awful problem. Like I said, I think historians are going to have quite a time with this. I think we’ve advanced too far, too fast. We have not used the precautionary principle.

And what’s really infuriates me is that there is so much science now, established peer-reviewed, published science about cell phones, about Wi-Fi, about damage to fetuses from wireless radiation. And it’s being ignored and the industry is going on and they’ve got this mantra that there is no established science.

Well, at this point, they’re lying. I don’t mind saying that because they are. There is established science. We have the data to show the correlation between wireless radiation and damage to fetuses, damage to the sperm and cancers all over the body.

So yes, the precautionary principle should be taken, but they are more concerned about their bottom dollar.

DEBRA: Yes, and we should live in a world where the precautionary principle is provided at every level. And it’s not. It’s there. We can choose it, but it’s not being applied. I think that is a big mistake.

We need to go to break. And when we come back, we’ll talk more about this. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Ellen Marks. She’s the founder and director of the California Brain Tumor Association. And we’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Ellen Marks, founder and director of the California Brain Tumor Association.

Okay, Ellen, what else would you like to tell us about brain tumors?

ELLEN MARKS: Well, I think that your listeners probably would like to know what they can do to protect themselves.

DEBRA: Good! Let’s talk about that.

ELLEN MARKS: Because this technology is not going to go away in the near future. And we don’t really want it to go away. We just want this industry to make safer equipment and fess up to what’s really happening.

One thing I try to stress to people is I love my phone and all that, but I try to limit my use. I think that’s something that we all need to do. If we all start limiting our use, maybe we won’t need as many cell towers and all that.

But another thing is just to keep it off when it’s on your body. You can even put it on airplane mode if you have it tucked into a pocket or in your bra. Just have it on the airplane mode which stops the wireless radiation from being transmitted.

And don’t sleep with them near your head at night. A few research did a study. Eighty-seven percent of teenagers sleep with them on underneath their pillows at night. That was very, very dangerous.

DEBRA: Wow. They want to be awakened in the middle of the night by having their cell phone?

ELLEN MARKS: They’re texting until all hours of the night. And then they use it for their alarm clock also. So this is a problem. I tell people if they have any control over their teenagers, get their phone out of their room at night.

And use the speaker phone, text more often, which is good. I think more and more people are texting a lot. Just don’t hold it to your head or body.

And as far as Wi-Fi goes, Ethernet is faster. So we have gone back to Ethernet.

And the other thing I’d like to stress is this is very, very real. The science is coming out of Yale, Harvard. It’s overwhelming. It’s coming from other countries also. There are very negative ramifications to wireless radiation. And it’s very real and when you hear otherwise, it’s the industry speaking that you’re hearing.

So we’re scaring people, I apologize. However, it’s something that people really need to know because everybody’s using this daily. Like you said, it’s hard to get away from it.

DEBRA: It is hard to get away from it. So I know that tablet computers are also – it’s any wireless device.

ELLEN MARKS: Right. iPads, I think in the manual it tells you to keep it at least eight inches from your body. And I know a lot of people fall asleep with those things. I have friends and family members who do that. It’s very dangerous.

I know a woman who did that and she did develop a brain tumor and she has passed away. And she was in her 40s. So it’s very frightening. So people need to be aware that—

DEBRA: Now, these new watches that people have, they’re putting it right on their wrist and wearing it all day long.

ELLEN MARKS: The wearable wireless devices are just horrendous. The Google glasses, I think have taken most to market now for other reasons, but it’s a horrible idea to keep microwave transmitter right by your brain like that all the time. And the watch too! It’s definitely not something that we think people should be wearing.

DEBRA: And e-book readers.

ELLEN MARKS: I really don’t know too much about that, but I would assume – I really don’t know.

DEBRA: I don’t know either that’s why I’m asking you.

ELLEN MARKS: Actually, I don’t so I’m not going to say because I really don’t know. I think if it’s not transmitting radiation, you’re okay. So I’m not sure if those do.

DEBRA: That’s something I want to find out about actually.

ELLEN MARKS: I think if it’s just downloaded, I don’t think that it is transmitting.

DEBRA: Well, I’m glad that I asked that because so many people read e-books now.

ELLEN MARKS: No, I think Kindle and things like that are okay.

DEBRA: I don’t have a reader but I have an iPad. And so if I am going to read an e-book, I read it on my iPad or I read it on my computer. Mostly, I read it on my computer.

ELLEN MARKS: Now, if you were to disable wireless on your iPad when you’re reading, would you still be able to read the book?

DEBRA: I have wireless disabled on my iPad anyway because an iPad, it comes in – it’s not a wireless. It’s like a cell phone.

ELLEN MARKS: So I think you’re okay. I really don’t know the answer to that.

DEBRA: Well, I’ll have to do more research.

ELLEN MARKS: Yes, please do and let me know. The other thing I’d like to say is we did make a movie. Dr. Joel Moskowitz of UC Berkeley’s School of Public Health and I and Dr. Deborah Davis who is a worldwide leading expert in this issue, we did make a documentary called Mobilize which has been showing around the nation – actually, around the world. It was shown in New Zealand last week. And if people would like a link to it to show it in their community, they can e-mail me. Can I give my e-mail out?

DEBRA: Yes, you can. And actually, during the break, there’s a website, You can go to the and you can order a copy there. I think it has different levels of rights. So you can order one if you want to show it. It costs one price and if you want to have a DVD, so you can just watch it yourself, it’s $15 I think on the site.

ELLEN MARKS: And it’s well worth it. People are really enjoying it and they’re really telling us that they’re changing their habits after seeing it.

DEBRA: How long is the movie? How many minutes?

ELLEN MARKS: The movie is about an hour and 20 minutes.

DEBRA: So it’s a movie “movie”?

ELLEN MARKS: Yes. And we did win an award for it. We won the Slade Award for the Best Documentary. We were up against the Hollywood producer for their documentary at the California Independent Film Festival. So we’re excited about that.

It’s basically about the science, about the collusion between our government and this industry, and the industry corruption. And that’s what people need to know to keep themselves and their family safe. So I hope that more and more people will view it.

DEBRA: I hope so too. I will put that link on the website with the links to this show.

ELLEN MARKS: That would be great, thank you. And my e-mail is CA, for California, BTA, for Brain Tumor Association, SF, San Francisco, at Hotmail dot com. So

DEBRA: Okay, good. So we only have a few minutes left. Anything else you’d like to add?

ELLEN MARKS: Well, we were talking about cell towers before. And one of the things that’s happening right now in California (it’s the first state to do this and it’s horrific), is one of the assembly men got a bill passed before the assembly and now it’s going to the senate to take away local authority and cellular facility placement. And that would be done at the state level.

It’s horrific because it takes all authority away from cities and it basically denies them the rights to concerns about aesthetics, concerns about environmental issues, about safety.

So if any of your listeners are from California or they are concerned that this could happen in their state, we encourage people to contact California state senators to vote no on AB57. It’s a terrible law and it’s just a power grab by the telecom industry to get things done quicker. They have more antennas in – for instance, in San Francisco, they want to put them on a utility pole, on sidewalks and things like that. It’s just a terrible idea not only for aesthetics, but we know for health reasons, which we’re not allowed to talk about because of the Telecommunications Act of 1996. But we’re really concerned about this AB57 getting through the senate.

DEBRA: Well, lots of going on in the world. We need to be vigilant. It seems to me that there is some basic goodness in the world that people want to do the right thing, for that they want to be healthy. And then there are all these other things going on and that we have to fight it. Even though it seems to me it’s like our natural state to be healthy if we’re not being bombarded by all these things. We have to fight to have our natural environment. We need to fight to have pure products, even the food we eat or the water that we drink.

It’s one thing that I’ve said many times in the past on this show is that I think that we should be able to buy applesauce, for example, and the label would say, “apples and water” and we would know that that was apples and water and nothing else. And that the ones that are not that should say, apples, pesticides, chlorine, all the things that are actually in it.

ELLEN MARKS: Yes, unfortunately, like we said before, corporations have the upper hand in our country right now. And that’s one reason that Larry Lessig took on this issue with the cell phones. He would like to see corporations out of politics. They shouldn’t be making campaign contributions and all that. It’s a huge problem. You’re absolutely right. And the American people are suffering because of that.

DEBRA: I think so too. I’ve done a fair amount of study about our founding fathers and the American Revolution and what they were fighting for. And freedom is a basic thing. The Right to Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. The first one is life. This country was founded on that we have the right to life and our very lives are being threatened. And we should all be standing up for this. We should all be standing up and saying let’s have life.

ELLEN MARKS: You’re absolutely right. It’s so sad to me because I’ve gotten to know these people who have been affected by cell phone radiation. There are young women that I know who have breast cancer that’s spreading throughout their body now because they didn’t know they shouldn’t keep their cell phone tucked into their bra while it was on.

And like I said before, I know people, men and women, who have died from this. And it doesn’t get much worse than that. And it’s so sad and this is so real.

DEBRA: I know that when I found out about toxic chemicals because I got sick, when I found out about it, I made a decision that I had to spend my life telling people about it because I can’t heal the damage these chemicals have caused my body and I didn’t know about it. And so I just dedicated to making sure people know.

We need to go. So thank you so much. It’s such an important subject.

ELLEN MARKS: Okay. Oh, gosh! Thank you for the work that you continue to do and for raising awareness. I really appreciate it.

DEBRA: Thank you. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. Be well.

A Detox For Your Teeth

Jessica-ArmanMy guest today is Jessica Arman, mother of four and founder of My Magic Mud, “The Original Detoxifying Tooth Powder.” An avid entrepreneur, Jessica developed My Magic Mud after months of experimentation. She wanted to create an effective whitening and deep cleaning remedy for her children that was natural and safe. Although My Magic Mud started off as a simple home remedy, it has quickly turned into a successful small business that has impacted thousands of lives.


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A Detox for Your Teeth

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Jessica Arman

Date of Broadcast: June 10, 2015

DEBRA: Hi. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world and live toxic free.

It is Wednesday, June 10th, 2015. Today, we’re going to be talking about a very different way to clean your teeth. We’re going to be talking about a tooth powder. Most people use toothpaste, but tooth powders actually work. People use toothpowder all the time. I love toothpowder.

And this one actually detoxifies your mouth while you brush your teeth. Of course, I had to have the creator of this tooth powder on today to talk about this and tell us how this is different, what she’s done and why it’s important to be looking at detoxifying your mouth, what kind of toxic things might be in your mouth. Anyway, we’re going to talk to her today and learn all these things.

She’s Jessica Arman. She’s the mother of four and founder of My Magic Mud. Hi, Jessica.

JESSICA ARMAN: Hi Debra. How are you doing?

DEBRA: I’m doing fine. I’m hearing a little back thing in my microphone. Do you hear that? Anyway, I’m hoping that they will handle that in the studio. Anyway, I’m doing really well. How are you doing, Jessica?

JESSICA ARMAN: I’m doing excellent. Thank you so much for having me on. I’m actually very, very honored to be speaking with you today. This is excellent work.

DEBRA: Thank you. Thank you. You’ve done some excellent work too and I want myself to find out all about it today. So how did you come to do this?

JESSICA ARMAN: Actually, I was trying to find something to help my children that was nontoxic, very natural. I didn’t want to be dealing with a lot of chemicals. And my children frankly had problems with their teeth and regular toothpaste just wasn’t cutting it at all. My daughter had extremely sensitive teeth and even brushing was really difficult for her. It was painful. So it was always a fight to get her to brush.

Really, this quest that I went on was just really to solve a problem that I was having in my own family. So I did a lot of research on some natural ingredient and there’s quite a number to choose from. Basically my three goals that I was trying to solve were to fix my daughter’s sensitivity, to try and help strengthen her teeth, to get a better clean. And then also because my children were very young at the time, I wanted it to be something that they would use. So taste was really, really important.

And a lot of tooth powders and toothpastes out there, especially the natural ones, there are some great ingredients, but they don’t taste very good. So I couldn’t get my kids to use it. If they’re not going to use it, it doesn’t matter how great it is. It’s not going to work.

I just really did a lot of research and a lot of tinkering in my home and my kitchen, trying to solve these three issues. Thankfully, I came up with My Magic Mud and it actually did basically cure my daughter’s sensitivity. I do notice that if she doesn’t use it in a while, she’s start to feel that sensitivity coming back. But really if she does, then it’s such a fortification of her teeth and she can drink cold water.

We’ve gotten this from a lot of our customers, how it really does take away the sensitivity as well as detoxify and whiten the teeth. It’s pretty amazing and I’m so grateful that I stumbled on it.

DEBRA: Tell us. What was that aha moment when something is really different? I’ve never seen any kind of tooth product like this. What made you – what happened that you thought that it should detoxify as well as clean? You’ve got some ingredients in here that I don’t see in tooth powder.


DEBRA: What led you to even think of this is the thing that is amazing to me.

JESSICA ARMAN: The interesting thing was I actually started looking into these particular ingredients because I also wanted to create a tooth pack. Every so often, you get food stuck between your teeth and you can’t get it out or maybe it starts to fester a little or bother you.

I really like try to do things the natural route first before we go to the doctor or go to pharmaceuticals of any kind. So I didn’t want to just get on a prescription drug or anything. So the reason why I looked into the bentonite clay and the activated charcoal was to create a tooth pack and that is for detoxifying.

So it really got me thinking. Why do we just use this in extreme circumstances? Wouldn’t it be better to do them more on a daily basis?

DEBRA: I’m smiling as you’re saying this because it’s so logical. It’s so logical.

JESSICA ARMAN: Yeah. So maybe I could stop this from happening if I was more proactive. Especially applying that to the children, I felt really, really good as a mother having that idea and wanting to prevent extreme circumstances like that in their mouth. That was really what led me down that path.

And then I did a bunch of research because I thought I should put them together. I think that it would be really good together. And it was mindboggling to me that these two ingredients have been used for oral care for thousands of years and there’s not one instance where somebody was like, “Hey, let’s put them together and see if they work synergistically.” I found that they truly, truly do.

DEBRA: That’s so amazing. I want to just skip back to something that you just said earlier and really reinforce this point about doing things proactively and not waiting until you’re sick or that there’s something wrong. I really came to that conclusion in my own life too. I had, until age 24 just lived the toxic, unhealthy way that everybody lives in, in the America culture, unless you do something different.

But the standard American culture, we all use toxic consumer products and each sugar and all those kinds of things. That’s what I did until I was 24 when I got really, really, really sick, like almost disabled sick. I looked like disabled sick. It was the experience of getting sick and then saying, “What do I have to do to not be sick?”

That led me to do my work and to change the way I ate and the way I lived and everything. And I found that there is a way to do it so that the things you do in your life support health.

But more importantly, as I started looking into different illnesses, the answers were always the same on what to do to cure the illness, which was remove the toxic chemicals, eat good food, give your body nutrition instead of bad breath and your body will get well. And why should I or anybody else – why shouldn’t we just do that to begin with and not have to get so radically ill that people can’t work and can’t live a normal life and things like that because of just lifestyle questions?

So you apply that basic concept of “Let’s do it right first” to a tooth powder. I think it’s amazing and wonderful.

JESSICA ARMAN: I love it. It’s awesome.

DEBRA: So anyway, we need to go to break fairly soon like in less than a minute. So I’m not going to ask you another question until we get back from the break. What’s the general response to your tooth powder? Did people like it?

JESSICA ARMAN: They love it. It’s weird. The first response is “I can’t believe this actually whitens. It’s black. There’s no reason why it should.” But the second that anyone tries it, it’s just overwhelming. It’s been such an overwhelming response.

I’m so happy that I have been able to touch so many lives and change so many lives. They’re just really happy. It’s weird and fun and it worked.

DEBRA: Well, I found about you from one of my readers who tried your product. He said, “You have to try this product.” And he thought it was one of the best tooth products that he ever used.

We need to go to break, but we’ll be right back and talk more about Jessica’s amazing tooth powder. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Jessica Arman. She is the founder of My Magic Mud. We’ll find out about it when we come back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Jessica Arman. She’s the mother of four and founder of My Magic Mud.

Jessica, in addition to wanting to proactively make something that your children needed with their particular needs, were there ingredients in regular toothpaste that you didn’t want them to be using?

JESSICA ARMAN: Absolutely. The filming agents, there’s just absolutely a bunch of things in regular toothpaste that are not necessary, that are toxic. The fluoride is just not necessary I believe.

Even the natural toothpaste, like I said, they didn’t really taste good. I couldn’t get my kids to use them. Some of them also had deforming agents or things that were in there that made it seem like it was more like regular toothpaste, but really truly unnecessary.

That was honestly one of the reasons why I stuck to a tooth powder. I didn’t want to put any glycerin or anything in there just so that it would be a paste.

DEBRA: I love how you stuck to your concept because I know one of the things that happen in the world, I am guilty of that in the past, is when you’re doing something that you’re accustomed to like using regular toothpaste.

In my case, I went through this when I was [inaudible 00:15:21] the way I ate. So I would say, “Well, I want to eat chocolate cakes, so I’m going to do something that tastes as to close to chocolate cake as possible but make it with better ingredients.” So I have always been trying to make the bad thing better.

JESSICA ARMAN: Yeah, I have done that on so many occasions.

DEBRA: Yeah. What I found was that if I just let go of the idea of what the old thing was and what I did was just say, “Okay, I have these ingredients. I have these lovely organic foods and vegetables that I got at the farmers’ market. And what am I going to do with them?” I would come up with things that taste so much better. I was ordering the ingredients and I was doing something that was real instead of trying to say, “How am I going to make this tomato taste like chocolate?”

JESSICA ARMAN: That’s excellent. I love it.

DEBRA: And that’s what we’re doing. This is what you’re doing. You said, “I’m going to start with my concept here. I’m going to do something good for my kids. I’m going to order the ingredients. I’m going to find those good things that work and I’m not going to make it be toothpaste.”

JESSICA ARMAN: Yes. And that was actually really difficult when I turned this into a business. That was one of the main things that I got from consumers. And even family members and friends were like, “Just turn into a toothpaste. It will be a lot easier.”

And I fought tooth to nail, just trying to educate people as to why I didn’t turn it into toothpaste. Once I told them the story behind it and that it was for their benefit, everyone was totally on board. They were like, “Thank you so much for doing that.”

But before they got the whole story, they’re just like, “Please, just turn them into toothpaste. Make this easier.” I would have loved to have done that, but I just couldn’t, in my conscience, do that. I couldn’t do it.

DEBRA: Yeah. Tell us more now about your product. I want to hear all the details about it.

JESSICA ARMAN: It does so many different things. It detoxifies your mouth. It really does basically suck out or pull. It has a magnetic pull and then also it has this absorption process as one of the ingredients.

There are really two ways that it detoxifies the mouth, which I find is the beautiful synergy because with whatever toxins are left behind with one process, I really find that the other process does pick up the slack. So you’re really getting that ultimate clean that you wouldn’t get with any other product that you’ve ever tried. That’s really what the feedback that I’ve gotten. It’s just that it gives you that dentist chair like cleaning.

It also remineralizes your mouth, your teeth and your gums. Not only is it taking out the toxins, the infections, the bacteria and really giving you an opportunity to have whole mouth health, but it’s also putting minerals back into your mouth. Excuse me. I’m sorry about that. It’s also putting minerals back into your mouth to help your immune system in your mouth to be at perfect health to fight off future bacteria, to fight off cavities and toxins. It really has a dual purpose.

It also gets rid of bad breath, which is excellent. And also I talked earlier about how one of the things was that I didn’t want it to taste bad. Stumbling on these ingredients, not only did I not get it to taste bad, but it doesn’t actually have a taste. Wouldn’t you say?

DEBRA: I know you sent me a sample, but it didn’t arrive in time for the show.

JESSICA ARMAN: Oh, I’m so sorry about that.

DEBRA: So I can’t answer that question. I really wish that I had it because I wanted to say, “I tried this and it’s really wonderful.” But I don’t have the sample.

JESSICA ARMAN: You will next time. So it is tasteless. It’s a totally flavorless formula and it’s incredible.

DEBRA: I can hardly wait to try it. I know the reader that recommended this to me. He couldn’t say enough how impressed he was with this and how he was using it and how his teeth felt better and just everything. He said it’s in a cause by itself. I really think it is because I haven’t seen anything like this before.

JESSICA ARMAN: I love that. That makes me feel happy. I love hearing people say those like that.

DEBRA: Yeah, he was really excited about it. And this particular reader actually sends me a lot of product recommendations. He is very appreciative of my work and wants to contribute to it. So he’s looking for the best of the best that he can find to give to me and here is one of them.

JESSICA ARMAN: What a great support. I love it. I love it.

DEBRA: Yeah.

JESSICA ARMAN: It’s such an honor.

DEBRA: So when we come back from the break, I want to talk more about the individual ingredients because I think that you have some unusual ingredients that people might not be familiar with.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Jessica Arman. She’s the mother of four and founder of My Magic Mud, a very amazing toothpowder. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Jessica Arman. She’s the mother of four and founder of My Magic Mud.

So Jessica, the thing that really caught my attention about what your product does is the detox factor. I want to ask you particularly about the bentonite clay and about the activated carbon. I think one of the things going on in general in the world today is that people don’t really understand the whole idea of detox and there are different things that one can detox that require different types of detoxes.

One of the most misused words that I’ve seen in the English language is the word toxin because there is actually a definition of the word toxin and people don’t know the definition. I’m not saying you don’t know the definition. I’m saying people in general don’t know the definition. So I see it frequently misused. So I just want to give the definition of toxin so that we can have a discussion and the listeners can listen.


DEBRA: The actual definition of toxin is something that is produced in the body of a living organism. So a toxin would be a metabolic toxin like the wastes that are produced by cells.

I think that most people don’t think that all the cells in your body are little systems. They are like their own little bodies and they have inputs and they have outputs. So those outputs are the poops, so to speak, of the cell. I don’t know how else to describe it.

JESSICA ARMAN: That’s a great way to describe it. I think that’s really perfect.

DEBRA: Thank you. So the poop of the cell is in your body and it’s just floating around in the blood. And then your blood gets filtered through your kidneys and there are other detoxification processes that your body has. And that is supposed to remove all those things.

But what ends up happening – for example, like the kidneys that perform that function – the kidneys are now being exposed to all these toxic chemicals. They get overloaded. They’re not functioning right. They can be destroyed. So then what are the kidneys supposed to do with all these poops from the cells if it’s trying to get the toxic chemicals out of your body?

What’s going on in the world today is that instead of being removed from the body by our natural systems that are supposed to be doing that, we’re getting a lot of buildup. When you look at something like a detox diet or a juice cleanse or something like that, those are really designed and have been used for many centuries to remove these kinds of bodily toxins.

Now, there’s a whole other cause of things that are called toxics , short for toxicants. These are the actually toxicology words and those are the things like the toxic chemicals, heavy metals, all these things. These are things coming from outside the body into the body and are poisons. They’re both poisons. One is produced by the body and the one comes from outside. That ends our science lesson for today.

JESSICA ARMAN: Actually, I have to tell you that you taught me something. I love that. I love learning new things every day, so it’s exciting.

DEBRA: Okay. So now let me ask you my question.


DEBRA: Let’s talk about bentonite clay first and then let’s talk about activated carbon. If you’re saying that it’s removing toxins, then exactly what is being removed?

JESSICA ARMAN: Bentonite clay is negatively charged. So it’s going to be attracted to anything that’s positively charged. That would be your bacteria, infection, things that are foreign to the mouth that we pick up through less than perfect water or food that we eat, even just breathing air.

The air that we’re around these days unfortunately has foreign particles in it that get deposited into the mouth. And really just we’re bombarded with a bunch of different types of things that really shouldn’t be present in our body, especially in our mouth.

There was recently a study – I know that this has come out over the past probably 20 years, but it resurfaced again. A university did a study and over 80% of the issues that we have healthwise in our body can actually be linked to the health of your mouth.

DEBRA: My dentist told me that.

JESSICA ARMAN: Yeah. So I think that’s huge. That is really big when you think about it. I have talked to so many people who eat organic food and work out daily and drink the best filtered water that they can buy, but they forget to remove all the toxics and toxins from their mouth. That’s a huge part.

If 80% of the issues that we have in our body can be linked to the mouth, but we don’t focus on detoxifying our mouth, you’re not really ahead of the game. So that is really…

DEBRA: That’s why. I think a lot of people don’t focus on that. They think about cavities, but this whole idea of all the other things that – your body is a system, so if something’s wrong with one part of the system, then the whole system starts going down.


DEBRA: So we have to be considering what’s going on with each part of our body.

JESSICA ARMAN: Absolutely. And I really feel like starting with your mouth is really the entry point for so many things into our bodies. I love that you changed your diet and really started focusing on what you were putting into your body.

So many people in today’s society don’t think about that. I mean it is starting to be more acceptable to be more picky and to really view what you put into your mouth. It’s very, very important. But I would say that really the general population, especially in America doesn’t really consider that. It’s all about the fast food and the soda and all that stuff.

Do what you’re going to do, but at least if nothing else, clean up the damage that you’ve done during the day. I would love for it to be more than that. But just focus on the mouth at all, just by doing Magic Mud one time a day. It makes me feel a little bit better that I’ve educated somebody and gotten them one step closer to having not only oral health, but good full body health really.

DEBRA: Yeah, I agree with you. I agree with you. We need to go to break again. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd.

My guest today is Jessica Arman. She’s a mother of four and the founder of My Magic Mud. I just realized that I haven’t been constantly giving the website, which is You can go there and find out all about it and order it. We will be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. I’m here today with Jessica Arman who is the founder of My Magic Mud and they’re at

Jessica, the thing that I wanted to say particularly about bentonite clay is that yes, it handles those toxins that are in the body. Actually I was reading about bentonite clay and it’s so good if you put a pack of bentonite clay on your arm then it will pull the toxins out of your body.


DEBRA: So I can imagine that if you put it on your gums, even temporarily it will pull – and you recommend not just brushing for 10 seconds. You recommend brushing for – what is it? Two or three minutes or something? Four minutes?

JESSICA ARMAN: Absolutely, two minutes.

DEBRA: Two minutes.

JESSICA ARMAN: I would do it for longer, but actually your toothbrush bristles if you brush for longer than that can be harming to your enamel and to your gums. A lot of people brush really vigorously, so it’s not a good idea to do it for longer than two minutes.

But one thing that I really like to tell people is that you can hold this product in your mouth. You brush for two minutes. A lot of people – I hop in the shower and just hold the Magic Mud in my mouth for about five minutes and then rinse it out in the shower.

Like I said before, it’s flavorless. So it’s not unpleasant to hold in your mouth. You don’t really even notice that it’s there. And the longer that it’s on your gums and your teeth, the more toxins are going to be pulled out.

DEBRA: That’s the whole point of bentonite clay. I’m reading several websites here. It will also bind with heavy metals.


DEBRA: So if you’ve got mercury fillings, that’s going to take away some of that excess mercury and it also binds with aluminum, lead, arsenic, cadmium, all those heavy metals. It will also pull out pesticides, herbicides, formaldehyde, PCBs, chemicals, teflon, plastics, vaccines, chem trails. I’m reading this off of a website.

That makes sense to me because bentonite clay does have that absorptive quality that will just pull. It pulls and binds. So if you would have it in your mouth, it’s going to pull and bind whatever is in your mouth.

JESSICA ARMAN: And the great thing about the binding is that even if you were to swallow this product, you don’t have to worry about digesting any of that that you just pulled out of your mouth. It actually will further detoxify your intestines and in your insides and then you’ll just expel it.

That was one of the main reasons with the two ingredients, the charcoal and the bentonite clay that I love because I could safely know that everything would be okay when brushing my two year old teeth with this because if he swallowed any of it, it would just be actually internally beneficial to him.

I think that’s one of the great things about this product. It’s safe for all ages.

DEBRA: It is. And there is a warning label on toothpaste that says, “Don’t let kids swallow the toothpaste because of the fluoride.”

JESSICA ARMAN: Exactly, yes. Why would you put something in your mouth that you can’t swallow? Yes, exactly.

DEBRA: What’s wrong with that warning label is it doesn’t understand that it just gets absorbed right through your skin, right through all those mucus membranes in your mouth. It’s just very absorptive.

JESSICA ARMAN: Yes, very quickly to get some not good things into your body.

DEBRA: So would you tell us about the process of using it because I know you give some special instructions about how you’re supposed to use this tooth powder?

JESSICA ARMAN: Absolutely. So it is the finest granular charcoal out there. I know that there are a lot of people that say you can just go to charcoal capsules and bust them open and brush with it.

The only reason why I would advise against that is you don’t know how fine the granular, the charcoal is. So it really can scratch or wear away your enamel. That’s really counterproductive. You don’t want to do that.

Our product, all of the ingredients are ground down into a dust-like quality. So you do need to handle it gingerly. What I recommend is that you wet your toothbrush, take off any excess water so that it’s not too watery. You want to really get it into a mud consistent base so it has the ability to stick into all those places of your mouth. Then you just simply tap the top of your bristles to the top of the powder and that’s all you need.

This is really, really potent stuff, so you don’t need to have a bunch on there. And if you do, you’re just going to be wasting it. So just put a light layer on top of your bristles, brush for two minutes like we talked about earlier, getting all of the areas, the little crannies and nooks of your mouth.

You can hold it in there for longer, which I recommend, but you don’t have to. In fact for most normal cases, a two minute brushing actually does wonders. If you have more severe gum issues, I would definitely recommend holding it in there for longer.

And then you’re just going to simply rest it out and it comes out. You’re going to want to floss in between your teeth and then maybe do a little tidy up with your toothbrush afterwards. But it really does come out easily.

Then the only thing that I recommend is because it’s black, I tape a dark towel next to my sink and I use that for cleanup because a lot of people don’t want to look into their sink and have black splatter everywhere. That’s it.

DEBRA: I’ve had that experience with tooth powders.


DEBRA: However, I haven’t used the black one yet.

JESSICA ARMAN: Yeah. So it is really simple to use when you know what you’re doing. So it takes a little bit of time to realize, “Okay, this is the powder. It’s a really fine powder.”

You don’t want to just brush with your lips open because you splatter saliva and toothpaste on to your mirror. You just really don’t see it that often because it’s white or clear, but with the black, you will see it. So I would recommend also while you’re brushing to keep your lips close if you’re around your toothbrush as much as possible. It is totally worth the extra effort.

People tell me all the time that they cannot believe that insane clean feeling that they get when they’re done with the hygienist. They get that every day with this product.

DEBRA: I can hardly wait to try this.

JESSICA ARMAN: Yeah. I absolutely love it. I would say I’m close to addicted to that clean feeling in my mouth. If I go longer than a couple of days and I start to feel that feeling that comes on your teeth after you’ve eaten something, it drives me crazy. So it’s really an excellent product and I know that you’ll love it.

DEBRA: I know I will too. So how long will it take to whiten your teeth using this?

JESSICA ARMAN: A lot of people see results in as little as one use to around seven uses. We recommend that you start by using it every single day, once a day at night instead of toothpaste. But once you get the desired shade that you like, you really can go to every other day or every three days depending on what you feel is best for your mouth.

DEBRA: We’re almost running out of time, so I’m going to ask you this really quick. If you’re only using the toothpowder at night, aren’t people supposed to brush twice a day at least?

JESSICA ARMAN: Yes. Well, we recommend that you use your regular natural toothpaste in the morning. A lot of people do use Magic Mud morning and night. The reason why I don’t recommend that everybody, besides the die-hard users, use it in the morning is because it is a powder and you do need to be very present when you’re using it and it is black.

DEBRA: That can wait.

JESSICA ARMAN: Yeah. So I’ve noticed, especially being a mother of four, that sometimes in the morning, that morning brushing is like, “Okay. Get it done and then get out the door.”

DEBRA: Right. At night, you can put a little more.


DEBRA: Take a little more time to take care of yourself.

JESSICA ARMAN: Exactly. So that’s really the only reason why I don’t recommend that you use it in the morning. I would hate to have somebody who’s not quite awake to use it and spill it on their shirt that they just got dressed in or something. That’s really the only reason why I recommend doing it at night so that you can really be present and not be rushed.

DEBRA: Yeah. We’ve got only about a minute left. So I just want you to swing quickly about why all your ingredients are not organic.

JESSICA ARMAN: You cannot actually have organic bentonite clay and you cannot have organic activated charcoal.

DEBRA: Which is why you don’t have a 100% certified organic product.

JESSICA ARMAN: Exactly. But everything in there that can be organic like the mint and the orange peel, they are. But the two main ingredients physically cannot be organic.

DEBRA: I’ll just swing to my listeners who might not know this, organic refers to an agricultural product. So anything that’s not agricultural cannot become organic, but that doesn’t mean that they are toxic in any way. It’s just that they are not agricultural.


DEBRA: Yeah, good. Thank you so much, Jessica. I learned so much and I can’t wait. Maybe it arrived in the mail today.

JESSICA ARMAN: Yes, I hope. I do apologize for the delay in getting that to you. I can’t wait to hear what you think about it.

DEBRA: I will certainly let you know and I will try it as soon as I get it. I mean I don’t even think I’ll wait for the night. I think that as soon as it comes in.

JESSICA ARMAN: Awesome. Thank you so much Debra. This is so enjoyable and I really enjoyed talking to you.

DEBRA: Thank you. So Jessica’s site is This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. Be well.

Magic Mud

“The Original Detoxifying Tooth Powder” contains certified organic and natural ingredients that detoxify your mouth and whiten your teeth with regular brushing. The powder turns to a paste as you brush. No flavorings are added. Because it contains activated carbon and clay, it’s a little messy, but it cleans your teeth really well.

Listen to my interview with Jessica Arman, Founder of My Magic Mud

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