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Thirteen Organics
Natural-scent skin care and deodorant products. “Thirteen Organics only uses all natural and organic ingredients sourced locally and globally. We do not use artificial colouring or synthetic fragrances – our products are either naturally scented or coloured with what nature provided. Our products are scented with strictly premium organic essential oils, and we only use key ingredients – no unnecessary fillers. We produce quality hand crafted products in small batches…The need to start taking a totally natural approach to skin care was apparent. It was frustrating trying to find products out there that were 100% natural and effective, so our founder started handcrafting it herself so that she actually knew what was in her products… no looking back since. We have created our own gorgeous line of products to help you take back control of your skin.”
Emory James
Lovely organic washable linen household items, mostly the natural color, but woven in patterns I don’t often see. Mostly tablecloths, but also blankets and towels of various sizes, including bath towels.
Island Picnic
Colorful items for kids made from certified organic cotton, including lunch bags and accessories, baby bedding, stuffed toys, and picnic blankets.
Organic fermented pickles, kimchi and kraut that supply natural probiotics. Imaginative flavors and combinations, including Kale & Collard Kim Chi and Green Tea pickles.
VAXXED – A Review of the Movie
Yesterday I drove 90 minutes to the nearest showing of Vaxxed: From Coverup to Catastrophe.
This movie is a breakthrough in making known a widespread toxic exposure and it’s consequences, and shows how the CDC has covered up this danger instead of taking the problem vaccine off the market.
I want to be clear that this movie does NOT say ALL vaccines are harmful. It specifically shows how ONE vaccine in particular—Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR) vaccine—has caused autism in far too many children. In fact, the film clearly states that the entire problem could be solved by simply giving babies single vaccines instead of this particular combination. And the response to this was that the single vaccines were taken off the market.
From the information given in the film, it is very clear that the MMR vaccine has a high risk of harm. There are two types of toxic effects: acute and chronic. Acute effect happen immediately or a very short time after—one can clearly observe the cause and effect. Chronic effects happen over time and require repeated exposures before you can see an effect.
The cause-and-effect is clear between the MMR vaccine and autism. Parents report that the child was given the vaccine and within hours began to experience a series of effects that lead to the child withdrawing from social contact, losing speech, and other indicators of autism that are clearly explained in the movie, It’s heartbreaking to watch before=and-after home movies.
It is unbelievable to me how someone could have the data about how MMR vaccine can result in so many cases of autism, and not immediately take this poison off the market. MMR vaccine was introduced in 1988, and since autism has been increasing exponentially. The film shows a graph (not this one shown below) that shows that autism used to be 1 in 10,000,in 2014 the CDC estimated 1 in 68, and within 20 years, if the graph continues, it will be 1 in 2. That’s half the children being autistic.
This breaks my heart. Thirty years ago I became disabled from toxic chemicals in consumer products I was using in my own home. And my response to that was to give my life to making others aware of this danger and showing that chemical injury can be prevented.
Near the end of the film, the CDC whistleblower goes public. But none of the major news outlets carry the story. Instead, they run a story about how there were some hundreds of cases of measles now in 27 states because parent were not vaccinating their children. And then you see that in that same year there were more than 1 million new cases of autism.
I was born in 1955. I had a vaccine. I believe it was for polio. If you want to know what vaccines you might have been given, see The History of Vaccines: Have I Been Vaccinated?
Here is the Recommended Immunization Schedule for 2016
I personally don’t think we need all these vaccines. In my opinion, we need to strengthen our immune systems, in part by reducing exposure to toxic chemicals that cause damage to the immune system.
Nature created our bodies to have the ability to defend themselves against outside invaders. We don’t need vaccines to do this.
Vaxxed: From Coverup to Catastrophe is an excellent presentation of a story that needs to be told. I hope it is only the first of many such films that show in graphic detail how toxic products we are exposed to every day are causing harm.
Again, this movie shows the need for each one of us to find out the dangers in products all around us and how to make choices that protect our health.
At the end of the film, four calls to action are given. Here’s what you can do to help: VAXXED: Take Action
Vaxxed is now being shown in selected theater, and you can also make arrangements for private screenings.
See the film and tell others about it.
New Report from World Health Organization (WHO) Shows Losses of Life and Illness That Results from Toxic Exposures Worldwide
Public Health Impact of Chemicals: Knows and Unknowns is a new report from the World Health Organization (WHO) that clearly shows how toxic chemical exposures contribute to illness and death.
This 2016 report estimates that 1.3 million lives and 43 million disability-adjusted life-years were lost in 2012 due to exposures to selected chemicals.
However, data are only available for a small number of chemical exposures and people are exposed to many more chemicals every day.
Unintentional poisonings are estimated to cause 193 000 deaths annually, with the major part being from preventable chemical exposures, however only 47% of countries have a poisons centre.
Addressing lead exposure would prevent 9.8% of intellectual disability, 4% of ischaemic heart disease and 4.6% of stroke in the population, yet many countries do not regulate lead paint.
25% of ischemic heart disease
42% of stroke
14% of lung cancer (I think that percent is actually higher)
23% of stillbirths
25% of cataracts
35% of acute lower respiratory infections
20% of suicides
and more
could be prevented by reducing or removing exposures to chemicals that contribute to these conditions.
Again, this is why I do my work. Because all these exposures are preventable. Toxics are a worldwide problem. This is why we need to make toxic free choices in our own homes, workplaces, and communities.
New report from World Health Organization
This 2016 report estimates that 1.3 million lives and 43 million disability-adjusted life-years were lost in 2012 due to exposures to selected chemicals.
However, data are only available for a small number of chemical exposures and people are exposed to many more chemicals every day.
Unintentional poisonings are estimated to cause 193 000 deaths annually, with the major part being from preventable chemical exposures, however only 47% of countries have a poisons centre.
Addressing lead exposure would prevent 9.8% of intellectual disability, 4% of ischaemic heart disease and 4.6% of stroke in the population, yet many countries do not regulate lead paint.
This report provides examples of effective interventions to prevent death and disease caused by chemicals, and the economic benefits to be gained.
Ban on Mercury Amalgam Fillings
Mercury is known to be a toxic heavy metal , so toxic that is required to be carefully disposed of in special hazardous materials containers when it’s removed from your teeth by the dentist. The environment is protected from mercury, but we aren’t.
How it makes sense to put it the teeth of human beings in the first place doesn’t make sense to me.
But it’s been standard practice to use mercury amalgam for dental fillings for more than 100 years. Since it’s such an old material, it’s grandfathered in under the FDA guidelines. It has never had to undergo the same safety studies that new filling materials have to go through.
But a change is starting to occur.
In 2013, The Minamata Convention on Mercury adopted a global treaty to protect human health and the environment from the adverse effects of mercury.
Norway, Denmark, and Sweden have banned the use of amalgam fillings. And a recent study by the European Union showed that 80% of those polled were in favor of an immediate ban on mercury dental amalgam fillings
The EU Commission has decided to go for a proposal to “phase down mercury dental amalgam” rather than to ban it altogether. But a dentist by the name of Dr. Graeme Munro-Hall has created a petition to the EU Commission to change the wording from a phase down to a phase out.
If you would like to add your name in support of a complete ban of mercury fillings in the European Union, go to Phase Out Mercury Amalgam Fillings.
If the European Union phases out mercury fillings, perhaps the USA will too.
Meanwhile, you can just say no to mercury fillings. There are safer materials available. Better yet, take good care of your teeth. I have never had a filling my entire life.
Communicating With Loved Ones About Toxics
Question from Karen
Hi Debra,
How do u get loved ones to pay attention instead of tuning out, rolling eyes, pressing delete…
Debra’s Answer
This is not an easy thing to solve, so readers I hope many of you will comment with your own stories, because this is important.
I will just tell you my experience.
When I first became aware that my body was sick because of exposures to toxic chemicals, most people had no interest at all.
I was fortunate that my father took me seriously and helped me. It made sense to him, but nobody else in my family was interested.
I was engaged around that time and my fiancé didn’t believe me. We broke up for other reasons, but two years later he came back to me and said “I understand now what you were saying. I’m sick from my apartment too.”
Over time, it became less important to me to have family members believe me or help me because I was meeting new people who were interested and in agreement, who could and did understand. I knew what I was pursuing was right.
When I would meet new people, I would tell them I needed to live nontoxic and tell them what I needed from them. I just wouldn’t get into relationships with people who thought it was more important to wear perfume or aftershave than be with me.
And over time, I met new friends and now this isn’t an issue.
Eventually, though, we need to get everyone in the world on board with living toxic free. It’s just a matter of education, I think, of giving them information in a friendly way. Make them curious instead of defensive.
An example of eduction…one year I discovered organic oranges for the first time. They were soooooooo much more delicious than regular grocery store oranges. So that year for Christmas I gave everyone a bag of oranges as an extra gift, along with a card saying they were organic oranges and explaining what organic is.
Another time a man wanted to date me and I gave him a gift bag of unscented products. He used them and we went on a date and then lived together for a year. He wanted what was best for me and so was entirely willing to live according to my needs.
Later I met another man that I married. He was THRLLED to live toxic free with me.
That’s all I can say on this subject. Except…remember you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. Give toxic free products as gifts, speak with love and caring, help others make the transition.
Readers, what are your successes with this?
Bring-Your-Own Organic Airplane Food
Hi Debra,
how about making one’s own airport food ahead and avoid $$$ styrophone corporate food! A yam and nuts and a green kale leaf, perhaps? Thanks! Best karen
Debra’s Answer
I do bring my own food when I fly, but I haven’t been on an airplane in a while. I usually take a bag of nuts to tide me over until I reach my destination.
But there are now actually some rules about what you can bring on a plane due to tighter security and this question prompted me to look them up.
If you go to the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) website, in the upper right corner it says “When I fly can I bring my…” and there is a box below. Enter “food” in the box and it will ask you more questions to narrow down the answer.
For example, under “snack foods” it says
If your snacks are pretzels, potato chips, dried fruit or other dry goods, you can take them in your carry-on or checked bag. Snack items that are liquids or gels, like pudding, jello or yogurt, etc., falls under the 3-1-1 rules for liquids for carry-on bags. They can be transported in checked bags.
The 3-1-1 rule for liquids is: you may carry liquids, gels and aerosols in your carry-on bags only if they are in containers 3.4 ounces or less; packed in a 1 quart/liter zip-top bag; and 1 zip-top bag per person. Larger amounts of non-medicinal liquids, gels, and aerosols must be placed in checked baggage.
So it’s not so much WHAT you are eating, but HOW it is packed.
Turns out some people have really thought this through. Here are some articles that have ideas for foods, how to prepare them, and how to pack them, so your flight will be a pleasant, healthy, and tasty culinary experience.
THE NEW YORK TIMES: Pack a Picnic for Your Next Flight
FOOD BABE: What to Bring On Your Flight, So You Never Get Stick Eating Airport Food Ever Again (great ideas!)
USA TODAY: 10 Tasty Snacks You Can Bring On the Plane
PACKSMITH: What to Eat on the Fly: Airplane Snacks & Packing Tips
SARAH WILSON: What I Eat on Planes
Readers, what do you eat when you fly?
Do Ball Mason Jars Contain Lead?
Question from Demi
Hi Debra,
Do you know where I can find info if ball mason jars contain lead? I store my baby’s food and warm his food in the jar in a boiling water bath.
Thank you!
Debra’s Answer
I wrote to Jarden Home Brands, who now is the manufacturer of Ball Mason Jars.
They replied within a few hours.
Hello Debra,
Thank you for contacting Jarden Home Brands regarding our jars.
Our jars are Made in America and are annealed glass which is lead-free and food safe.
They are made from lime, soda, cullet and silica.
Our lids are BPA free and made of tin plated steel with a red ring plastisol sealant.
We hope that this information is helpful. Please contact us if you have any other questions or if we can be of further assistance. Have a great week!
The Consumer Affairs Team
Jarden Home Brands