ANNOUNCEMENT FROM DEBRA: After 40 years of providing information on toxic-free products, I am moving on to write about the next step beyond nontoxic. To continue my work, I’ve passed the torch to Lisa Powers, who will carry on with great enthusiasm. Learn more about Lisa here
My guest today, Sally Fallon Morell is author of the bestselling cookbook Nourishing Traditions and The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby and Child Care. She is the founding president of the Weston A. Price Foundation. We’ll be talking about how Dr. Weston...
My guest today is Darryl Bosshardt, who is in charge of sales and marketing at Redmond Incorporated, makers of Real Salt and Earthpaste Toothpaste. We’ll be talking about different types of salt and how they help or harm your health. Darryl is passionate about...
My guest today is Ellen Davis, author of Fight Cancer with a Ketogenic Diet and creator of, a website showcasing the research on the positive health effects of ketogenic diets. We’ll be talking about what a ketogenic diet is, how it...
Today my guest is Max Goldberg, who blogs about organic food and drink at Living Maxwell. We’ll be talking about what he’s learned about organic and natural products from his extensive research in this area. Called an “organic sensation” by The New York Times and...
My guest today is Dr. Kellyann Petrucci, author of five books on the Paleo Diet, and creator of The 30-Day Reset Diet, an easy-to-follow, delicious plan that will detox and transform your body. We’ll be talking about how the food you eat can make your body...
My guest today is Nancy Appleton PhD, author of many books about sugar and other aspects of natural health. started writing and lecturing about health in the late 1970s as a reaction to her own poor health. Her discoveries about sugar and other common diet mistakes...
Today we’re talking about how to make a traditional, but healthy, Thanksgiving dinner with my guest nutritionist Kaayla T. Daniel, PhD. She’s the Vice President of the Weston A. Price Foundation, on the Board of Directors of the Farm-to-Consumer Legal...
My guest today is Dina Falconi, author of Foraging & Feasting: A Field Guide and Wild Food Cookbook. We’ll be talking about how you can identify wild edible plants, harvest and cook them, celebrating local bounty and traditional foodways. Dina is a clinical...
Whether you are packing a lunch for school, work, travel, or picnic, my guest Sandra Ann Harris, California eco-mom and Founder of ECOLunchbox, can tell you how to pack it without plastic. Her food containers are plastic-free, waster-free, BPA-free, PVC-free, and...
My guest is Chris Olsen, Marketing Director of Teatulia. They have a beautiful selection of “organic single garden teas”—black, green, and white—plus herbal infusions, sold loose leaf and in tea bags. They grow all of their teas in their single...