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Mixing Bowls

Dear Readers ~ I am working on a new section that will make it easier for you to find guidelines for choosing specific products, which show which products in a category are toxic and which are not. Below is a format I am working on, answering a question I receiving...

Car Care

Question from janicedb Hi Debra- After 16 years with my Honda I finally traded it in for an almost new used Volvo. So far so good -I’m not getting sick from the new car off-gasing chemicals like I did for quite a long time after getting the new Honda. Do you or...

Furnace Insulation

Question from sjsongbird I need new insulation for my furnace. Is there a special kind of insulation to use or would the normal kind (fiberglass) work? I am extremely senstive to plastics, scents, etc. and the wrong choice may not allow me to sleep for months. Thank...

100% Organic Wool

Question from Craig D. Hi, Debra! I love the informative information that you give out to help us. I found a site that has 100% organic wool hats, lamb, beef, sweaters, hats, mittens, blankets, yarn, rugs, and fleeces and is certified USDA organic. Also inexpensive....

Strong body spray

Question from movinup Help! I have a rather costly business bag I received as a gift. I left a bottle of bodyspray in it overnight by accident and the whole thing emptied into the bag. It is so strong i get a headache just going near the bag and don’t even know...

Organic Dry Cleaning

Question from nan46nan hi debra, please enlighten us on the validity of “organic dry cleaning”. i have gone to several different storefronts for my dry cleaning and they have written signs saying “organic dry cleaning” and have verbally...

Xtrema cookware care

Question from nurse52 I am considering buying Xtrema cookware, which you recommend & use. However, I am concerned because their website states that the cookware can not be nested, but each piece stored separately. I do not have room for this. What has your...

Aluminum Foil in Yogurt Containers

Question from Cheryl3 It seems all yogurt containers have aluminum foil as their inner or outer lid. How safe do you think this is? Somehow I hadn’t thought about it before. The aluminum isn’t usually touching the yogurt, however, there’s always some...

Visions Lids?

Question from Cheryl3 Hi Debra and all, Are Visions Lids also non toxic? I haven’t yet heard back from their CS. Also, it says Visions cookware is “made of a non-porous glass-ceramic material which won’t absorb food odors or flavors or react with...


Toxic Products Don’t Always Have Warning Labels. Find Out About 3 Hidden Toxic Products That You Can Remove From Your Home Right Now.