[this is a press release reprinted with permission] The November/December 2012 issue of E – The Environmental Magazine (now posted at: www.emagazine.com) features a package of articles devoted to the increasing presence of nanoparticles in our food supply. On...
Question from camster what low voc basement floor paint would you recommend? Could you help it outgas by heating the room up high? Debra’s Answer Both Aquapoxy and AFM Safecoat have no-VOC paints designed specifically for application to cement floors. And...
Question from Stacey Since we are expecting a third child, my husband and I purchased a new Toyota Sienna minivan. I preferred to buy a model that was a year old, but was not able to do so. We were stuck buying a brand new vehicle if we wanted that particular minivan....
Question from Bronwyn Hello Debra, I recently received a suction-cupped placemat for my baby. (To be specific, it’s the “Tiny Diner” by the Summer Corporation). The product is made of “TPE”. I haven’t been able to find much...
Question from JC in VA We’ve been in the flea battle for a couple of months and based on all the bites my son has, we feel like we’re losing the battle! We’ve been trying the natural methods as I am very anxious about using chemicals so lots of...
Question from Carrie I am expecting our third child in mid-December and re-evaluating our diapering choices. With our last we did cotton prefolds and wool covers, but my husband isn’t willing to do something “that complicated” again. All the other...
Question from Jay Dear Debra, do you recommend heat treatment as a non-toxic pest control option? If yes, what are the precautions that you would recommend taking? For instance, would a heat treatment release chemicals in my home? Is there any item I should...
Question from green-earth Hi Debra, I was wondering if you think that there might have been any contamination of metals in this situation. I decided to boil a pair of eyebrow tweezers in a stainless steel pot to sanitize them, but I’m not sure if the eyebrow...
Question from Dianna Hello. I am moving to Colorado, and I am looking for warm hiking boots that are non-toxic. Any suggestions? Debra’s Answer It’s been a long time since I’ve worn hiking boots. Used to wear them all the time when I lived out in a...
Question from joan My daughter just purchased The Amazing Whip-It cleaner and wanted to know if it was safe to use. It claims to be “natural”. Debra’s Answer All I can do is evaluate the information they give, I don’t have any inside...