Certified organically grown seeds for specialty herbs and flowers, all grown and harvested on their own farm. They have a very long list of herb seeds, including seeds for harsh environments and seeds for deer resistant plants. Because they are a small farm, they sell...
A large and unusual selection of organic seeds and plants for vegetables, culinary herbs, medicinal herbs, and more. Grow flax seeds, gluten-free sorghum grain, and other useful plants in your own backyard. Visit...
Hundreds of certified organic, non-GMO vegetable, flower and herb seeds, including improved rare and heirloom varieties sourced directly from their farm in Ojai, California. Seeds you won’t find elsewhere. Their mission is to propagate plant biodiversity and improve...
An abundant selection of organic seeds for vegetables, herbs, flower and cover crops, sold in quantities from small to large. “Over 600 heirloom, open-pollinated and hybrid varieties of vegetable, fruit, herb and flower seed. True to our roots, High Mowing Organic...
Biodynamic, open-pollinated flower, vegetable and herb seeds. Plus books on biodynamic gardening. “We are a small non-profit seed company that sells 100% open-pollinated vegetable, herb and flower seeds. They are all grown using biodynamic and organic practices...
"I offer only the varieties that are very special for home gardeners, based on great flavor, easy culture and exceptional garden performance. This seed line is my personal selection of new, exciting and unusual seed choices of time-tested heirlooms, the best...
A great selection of organic and heirloom seeds for vegetables, flowers, and herbs…and organic flower bulbs. Plus gardening and kitchen tools, supplies, and accessories. Visit...
Many varieties of high quality heirloom and organic seeds and plants for edibles, plus organic gardening supplies. A trusted source for garden seeds since 1881. Visit...
This enterprising seller of tomato cage supports has compiled a list of links to sites that carry a total of over 4000 heirloom tomato seed varieties! And of course, all these sites sell other heirloom seeds as well… Visit...