Is Nylon Toxic
Question from T Is nylon toxic? Lisa’s Answer Nylon is made from petroleum but, in its pure form, it is one of the safest plastics. The problem with nylon and many other plastics is that they may contain additives for additional functionality. For example, nylon...Lead in Corelle Dishes
Question from Becka Yes wondering also if the color in the Corelle dishware actually is lead free And if it is not if it leaches into say a Corelle Bowl if the color /paint is only on the outside of the bowl ? Appreciate ur help ,, Also if Anchor Hocking blue glass...Glass Water Bottle with Non-Plastic Lid
Question from George I am looking for a water bottle (glass preferably), to have the alternative to stainless steel. Since I use reverse osmosis water, it can be 6.5-7pH with no minerals left in it (rain water). Apparently this type of water due to being...Softer Latex-Free Mattress
Question from Bonnie I am allergic to latex but would love to know if anyone has found a comfortable softer type mattress without latex. Lisa’s Answer There are many safe mattresses on Debra’s List. Readers, can anyone comment on which of these are...Vinyl Plank Flooring
Question from Grace Thank you for all the fabulous info. We are looking to remodel our house and live in it 5-7 years before we build a house with a more non toxic budget. I am trying to find a good wood flooring that I won’t be worried about us living with but also...Stainless Steel Drinking Glasses
Question from Shauna Good morning, I stumbled upon your website trying to research stainless steel products from China. I recently got my kids a set of stainless steel cups to drink water from. We primarily drink water or carbonated water in our house. Occasionally...