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Pamela SeefeldMy guest today is Pamela Seefeld, a registered pharmacist who prefers to dispense medicinal plants and other natural substances instead of prescription drugs. We’ll be talking about cancer—what it is, how you can prevent it, and how you can help your body fight it if you have it. One of every two men and one of every three women in the USA and other western nations now have a chance of getting some type of cancer in their lifetime, but it is preventable. Pamela has more than 25 years experience choosing and selling top quality medicinal supplements, so she’s seen it all. Pamela is a 1990 graduate of the University of Florida College of Pharmacy, where she studied Pharmacognosy (the study of medicines derived from plants and other natural sources). She has worked as an integrative pharmacist teaching physicians, pharmacists and the general public about the proper use of botanicals. She is also a grant reviewer for NIH in Washington D.C. and the owner of Botanical Resource and Botanical Resource Med Spa in Clearwater, Florida.










What We Can Do About Cancer

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Pamela Seefeld

Date of Broadcast: August 26, 2015

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world and live toxic free.

It’s Wednesday, August 26th 2015. I’m here in sunny Clearwater, Florida.

My guest today is Pamela Seefeld. She’s on every other Wednesday, so she was on two weeks ago and will be on two weeks from today again.

I have her on so much because she has so much information from her viewpoint as a registered pharmacist who also dispenses medicinal plants and other natural substances at her natural pharmacy, here in Clearwater, Florida.

So, she talks to us about drugs and their side effects and how they might not be so good for us and she also talks about what we can replace them with. She’s familiar with how the body works, how different substances interact in the body and what we can do to get healthy and stay healthy.

Today we’re talking about cancer. And that’s because two weeks ago when she was on, I was talking about somebody that I know who was just diagnosed with stage IV prostate cancer.

Right before that I’ve heard about one of our guests that we’ve had on the show. She called me and said she was just diagnosed with breast cancer. In fact, she just had surgery last week.

This is just too much cancer. It’s too much cancer. There are so many things we could do to prevent cancer. There are natural substances that we can use to help our bodies recover with cancer. That’s what we’re going to be talking about today. Hi Pamela!

PAMELA SEEFELD: Hi! It’s great to be here!

DEBRA: Thank you! So, where should we start?

PAMELA SEEFELD: Well, I think a good starting point will be talking about some of the chemicals or some of the things that are in our environment that are making us more prone to cancer. We know the statistics are pretty high as far as the incidents of breast cancer in the United States.

We’re exposed to chemicals on a daily basis in the environment around us and really, most people that are probably listening to the show eat pretty well, probably pretty clean and diet does affect to some degree what you’re doing. But also you have to realize that environmentally, you’re not living in a bubble and you’re exposed to pesticides, chemicals, especially in the drinking water and in the soil and also, in the tire dust.

If you walk by a road or if you’re jogging outside or even if you’re coming in and out of the store, the dust coming off the road is pretty high in cadmium. So really, I want people to realize that everybody has some risk and some skin in the game, so to speak.

DEBRA: I would agree with that, that even if we were to remove every chemicals that causes cancer from our homes, that out in the world when we go to a store or school or walking down the street, breathing, there’s actually a lot of carcinogens in car exhaust. So, if you’re sitting in traffic or even driving your car, these carcinogens are there.

So, one of the things I’ve been thinking about recently is not so much about avoiding chemicals anymore (although we should certainly do that), but it’s more about managing our chemical exposure, I think and being able to find the balance between reducing it as much as we can and doing the other things that we need to do like detox in order to help our bodies cope with the other chemicals that we are being exposed to that we can’t do anything about.

PAMELA SEEFELD: Correct! And really, that’s why in previous shows, we had to talk a lot about it. I’m a big advocate of doing the Body Anew and I know you really like the Zeolite a lot. When you do these things on a daily basis…

DEBRA: I like taking Body Anew also, I do both of them. I take both of the on a daily basis.


DEBRA: Both of them.

PAMELA SEEFELD: Yes, absolutely! And what I can say is when you’re doing these processes, you’re removing out chemicals on a daily basis that you’re exposed to. It’s like taking out an insurance policy, that’s the way I look at it.

I’ve been on the Body Anew probably almost 18 years now, at least 17 (I’ve lost count). It really makes a huge difference in taking these things out of the body on a daily basis.

It’s important to realize that even heavy metals, they stay within two inches of the surface soil. They’re not going to be going anywhere. So, you don’t know if somebody dumped them in your backyard a hundred years ago and we have to think about that too.

People are more acutely aware today perhaps, environmentally, of how things are being affected, how animals are being affected and plants. But a hundred years ago, people were really not being careful with chemicals and with the byproducts of industrial wastes because the knowledge wasn’t there.

DEBRA: That’s right. That’s totally right! And they would just go and put things – if they had extra gasoline, they would just go and dump them on the ground.

PAMELA SEEFELD: Exactly! That’s exactly right. And so, we can’t control some of the things that are happening here.

And also too, a lot of the pressure-treated wood that people are using in their decks has arsenic. And so, the soil will definitely test higher for arsenic. The thing is you don’t know necessarily that in previous times, if they were using those types of wood beams to build some part of the structure of an older house perhaps (even now, people are using those wood decking), there’s a lot chemicals that are being used to treat that wood that does have bleaching effects on the soil.

DEBRA: It does. A few years ago, I needed to buy a post to put my mailbox on. I wanted to buy a wood post. So, we were going down various stores, looking to see what we could get. Here in Florida, wood rots every easily.


DEBRA: So, the choices were that we would either get the pressure-treated or just a vinyl post, neither were good choices.

But when we were shopping, I was asking somebody who works as a builder and he works with pressure-treated wood all the time (and this was before they changed it to the new less toxic ones, but still toxic) and he said, “Oh, that’s not toxic. With our bare hands, we just put those in the ground and then, eat lunch.”


DEBRA: And so, they still have this stuff on their hands and they’re picking up their sandwiches and hamburgers and putting them in their mouths.

PAMELA SEEFELD: Oh, my gosh! That’s a crazy story! But I believe it. I really do because ignorance is bliss. If you start looking around and seeing where these things are coming into your life, you’re going to be much more aware of what is happening.

DEBRA: So, what are some of the chemicals specifically that people should watch out for?

PAMELA SEEFELD: Right. Good. This is pretty interesting. If we look at HPTE, that’s an abbreviation for 2,2-bis(p-hydroxyphenyl)-1,1, 1-trichloroethane. I’m just going to pick some random chemicals, we’ll talk a little bit about those and I did some searches on this.

DEBRA: Okay. Good.

PAMELA SEEFELD: Estrogenic effects, most specifically. And with this pesticide effect (and this is pretty prevalent in the environment), the estrogenic effects is it affects follicle-stimulating hormone in women (that’s FSH).

When you have something that mimics and estrogen, the collective term to chemicals that mimic something else and they have bioactivity in the body is xenobiotics. That’s the term that they’ve assigned…

DEBRA: That’s a great word. I had to look it up. It’s X-E-N-O-biotics.

PAMELA SEEFELD: Correct! Yes, xenobiotic. This particular chemical which tends to be pretty ubiquitous, it’s highly in the environment (you spray this on foods and so forth). This particular pesticide, affecting follicle-stimulating hormone, what does that mean?

Well, for women follicle-stimulating hormone is what starts to be elevated when they have menopause. When it goes up and it’s elevating, that’s when you get the hot flushes and you’re getting the night sweats, the irritability, the weight gain.

So, we can just further the dots when we know that this is affecting FSH, that maybe the women’s estrogen is affected in a way in FSH, that menopause maybe more severe, menopause may come sooner than in normally would and may affect fertility. And this is very important because that’s what women especially are going be very concern about.

DEBRA: Yes. Go ahead.

PAMELA SEEFELD: So, that’s what you need to look at. What I can also say and what also would work as xenobiotics and estrogenic effects are not just these chemicals, but plastics in the environment. So, if you heat up food in plastic, little beads of plastic.

They are starting to come to recognize the dangers of these little beads of plastics that they put in these some of these soaps. They’re finding these all in the oceans.

So, these little plastic beads or the plastic itself is leeching out into the food that we’re eating, they act as estrogens in the body.

And I can say that there’s actually a homeopathic product that if you’re really concern that you’ve warmed up food in plastics for a long period of time, you have breast cancer in the family, you’ve had breast cancer or they’re watching certain areas in your breast because of density, there’s something by Desbio called Detox 3 that actually removes out plasticizers that have xenobiotic estrogenic activity in the body.

DEBRA: I think that’s a really important thing for people to be aware of because we’re exposed to so many of these plasticizers in so many different ways unless you’re doing things like me where you’re storing your food in glass instead of plastics. I don’t know, I have plastics in my house, but not very much.

We need to go to break. When we come we’ll talk more about cancer and what we can do to prevent it and other things having to do with good health. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Pamela Seefeld. She is a registered pharmacist that prefers to dispense medicinal plants and other natural substance. She has her own natural pharmacy here in Clearwater called Botanical Resource. You can go to her website at

But Pamela, why don’t you give us your phone number. She is happy to talk to you at no charge if you call this number she’s about to give you and make some recommendations for you about how you can get off-drugs and use natural substances instead. Tell them what you do.

PAMELA SEEFELD: Yes, absolutely! So, my background is clinical pharmacy, but I also studied pharmacognosy, which is plant science, at the University of Florida. I have my own pharmacy which does not have much in drugs. We do natural products, homeopathics, many professionally used and other health food store ones.

I’m very respectful of people’s time and money, so I don’t suggest something that’s overly priced. I would very honored to help you with your family, also for your animals. I do veterinary homeopathy as well. The consultations are free. You can call me here at my office, it’s 727-442-4955. That’s 727-442-4955. I’d be very helpful in anything that you might have, any questions and even your health issues.

Also, today we’re talking about cancer, if you are worried about preventing cancer, you have family history, I would like to help you pick out the right quality products that would be most beneficial for you.

DEBRA: Thank you. So, before we go on, I just want to mention a few things that I’ve come across recently. The page I’m looking right now is on the Breast Cancer Fund website. It’s called Chemicals and Radiation Linked to Breast Cancer. And it has a number of – let’s see how many, a couple of dozen, maybe three dozen different chemicals where there is a page for each one of them. These are all chemicals related to breast.

Some of the things that are on here are pesticides like Atrazine, Bisphenol A, which is in so many things (canned food and cash register receipts, when you’re touching cash register receipts, you have Bisphenol A on your hands unless there are using the BPA-free ones).

Also, bovine growth hormone (that’s in milk), cadmium (that Pamela mentioned earlier), DDT in pesticide. What else do we have? Hormone replacement therapy, hormones in personal care products, infertility drugs. It just says oral contraceptives, phthalates that are in chemicals and personal care products, parabens, methyl and propylparabens that have been used for – it used to be that all the natural products have methyl and propylparaben because we thought they were safe and they’re taking them out now.

There’s a whole list here. So again, it’s called Chemicals and Radiation Linked to Breast Cancer. If you just type that on to a search engine – actually, I’ll put a link to this on the page on about this show, I’ll put that link.

And also, the Environmental Working Group just came out with a list a couple of weeks ago, a PDF where they’ve put the top 12, their Dirty Dozen. They have a Dirty Dozen Series. They’ve picked up their dirty dozen top chemicals that cause cancer including lead, mercury, phthalates again, DEHP, let’s see, PBDEs, all these numbers, triclosan (which is in disinfecting soap), things like that. So, you can take a look at these.

But there’s another thing that I wanted to mention and I think Pamela read about this too.


DEBRA: This new report from Environmental Working Group where they took a research from a project called The Halifax Project where 300 scientists around the world are studying how cancer is formed. And one of the things that they’re studying with regards to chemicals is how chemicals that don’t even – if they don’t cause cancer by themselves, but combined, they cause cancer.


DEBRA: The reality is that in our world, we’re not being exposed to these chemicals one a time. They’re in the environment, they’re combined when they get in our bodies. They combine in our bodies. And this is just wow! This just upped the stakes. If we can’t identify the exact chemicals that are causing cancer, it makes it a lot harder to control them.

But they do have specific chemicals that they’re looking at. And in the Environmental Working Group site, they have a list of chemicals that are being investigated by The Halifax Project. I’ll put a link to that too. So, you can just go to and look at the archives and you’ll see the post for today’s show. I’ll put those links on there.

PAMELA SEEFELD: Really, this data is just very humbling for all of us. They’re trying to be so proactive and we realize that we’re bombarded.

And that’s how life really is. When you look at chemicals in the body and the things that we combined, our whole body is a chemistry factory.

These chemicals come in and out of the subcutaneous fat. They come in and out from our food, from the water, the air we breathe. It’s really important, the detoxification processes of body (mainly in your respiratory tract, your skin and also the fact of your liver), that these things are all working collectively in your best interests and that they’re effective.

That’s where nutrition is very important, your health is important, getting enough sleep is important , taking a detox product. All these little things can add up to quite a big difference. All it takes is one of these chemicals, either additive or alone, to start turning on the genes. And once those genes get expressed as cancer, if your immune system does not identify it, you result in having the diagnosis.

DEBRA: We almost need to go to break. But when we come back, I want you to talk about how the genes get turned on. As you’re talking, I’m thinking it’s not just one part of your body, it’s not just the detox system, it’s the immune system too, it’s the digestive system because you have to get those chemicals out through the intestines. Really, every system in your body needs to be working in order to prevent and fight cancer. And how many of us can say that every part our bodies are working?

PAMELA SEEFELD: Most definitely! That’s one why doing these detoxification processes is so important. Not doing it on a daily basis, you’re really taking a chance.

DEBRA: I completely agree with that – completely, completely. Okay, so when we come back we’re going to talk about more with Pamela Seefeld about how genes get turned on and expressed and turn into cancer.

You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and Pamela’s – would you give your number again in case people want to call you.

PAMELA SEEFELD: It’s 727-442-4955.

DEBRA: Okay, we’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Pamela Seefeld. She’s a registered pharmacist who prefers to dispense medicinal plants and other natural substances at her natural pharmacy called Botanical Resource. That’s

So Pamela, tell us about what happens with the genes.

PAMELA SEEFELD: Okay. So, they’re called as the gene expression. Cancer cell is characterized as uncontrolled cell growth and proliferations. These cells are growing, their turnover is very rapid and they don’t look like the cells around them.

It’s important to say that. When we have chemotherapy, it targets this turnover, this cell cycle, which is at a higher rate than the other cells around them. And that’s why people lose their hair and also why they get sores in their mouth and their GI tract because the cells in the mouth and in the mucousa of the GI tract and also the cells in the follicles of the hair tend to have similar growth cycles with cancer. Their turnover is very fast. That’s why people lose their hair. I think it’s important for people to understand that what we’re talking about in relation to chemotherapy as well.

So, that’s what cancer is all about. It’s got this higher rate of turnover, it doesn’t look like the cells around it. And when they do a biopsy and they bring it to the pathologist, what they look at is histology. They look and see what are the cells are made of. That’s how they identify what cancer you have. That’s kind of the basics.

But it’s important to know about the genes and what regulates cell growth and how these cells, these genes get turned on that cause problems. We’re talking about chemicals and heavy metals and pesticides and all these things collectively as a whole, we know that these can be instigators of cancer.

So, gene expression of cancer can be enhanced by these chemicals. Something has to turn the genes on to start making these unusual looking cells or the cancer cells. These things that we’re talking about, that’s why this is so important to know, taking these out will stop the expression.

Some of the things you can do to enhance the good gene expression, believe it or not, fruits and vegetables. We’re talking about our diet.

DEBRA: I’m laughing because Pamela talks about this in every show, fruits and vegetables.

PAMELA SEEFELD: Yeah. Gene expression, we know that when you eat a salad and it has lots of nice, colorful vegetables that they’re always saying for everyone to eat, we know it turns on the genes.

When you’re taking blueberries, why don’t you think the antioxidant property is supposedly so good and it’s so healthy for you? Berries have high propensity of turning on genes. These flavonoids, they have activity on the actual genome. And if you think about that, that is just so amazing, that literally, we are what we eat.

DEBRA: We literally are. And also, the thing that just impresses me so much is how in the larger picture of life, life has provided all these healthy things that create healthiness. The plants are there, so if we eat the plants, we’re going to get all those things that are just there. They are not manufactured. They’re there as part of life. And if we take advantage of those things, our bodies will be healthy. If we don’t eat them, our genes don’t get turned on.

PAMELA SEEFELD: That’s exactly right! Life is really amazing. We’ve talked in previous shows that I think that the enzymes that we have in our liver or in the plants, we share a lot with the plants and the animals around us as far as we’re made of carbon and hydrogen. We really are made from the same building blocks, we just look a little bit different. And we have a different genetic expression depending on what we are.

It’s important to know that for people, we know that the diet does a make difference and also, removing some of these chemicals out. I think it’s important for people to realize that.

And this is interesting, when I was looking at getting prepared for the show here, I was looking at drugs in the water supply. This is pretty much the problem. I just found there were several different drugs. But apparently, what’s happening is these drugs are in the water supply and they use chlorination and they use this process of cleaning of the water, the drugs, a lot of times, remain in there. But when they chlorinate the water, it causes it to just become more reactive.

DEBRA: Ahhh.

PAMELA SEEFELD: Yes. And they gave an example of Tramadol, which is a very common pain reliever. And what they found is that once it’s been chlorinated and it’s released back to the water supply and it’s back [inaudible 00:31:18], they can test. What they’re finding in the lot of the water, believe it or not, is conjugated estrogens from birth control pills and anti-depressants. There’s a lot of that in the water.

They came measure that. Most municipalities can measure that.

This is interesting. They were talking about these drugs and all the drugs that have the same issues as well. The chlorination process, when they try to clean up the water and the drugs are still there, it gets activated and then actually, it becomes more genotoxic.



DEBRA: I’m not surprised. Again, it goes back to this combination…

PAMELA SEEFELD: Yeah. And is buried in the Library of Medicine. This is recent. This one is published August 17th of this month. So, this is not some old data. This is brand new data. They’re showing that these medications, because we’re so highly medicated here in this society, these medicines ending up in the water supply, they go through the chlorination process to try to clean up the water, and as the result of that, we realize that some of these things get activated in a much more dangerous form that they originally were.

So, even if you’re not taking these medicines, you’re still getting them.

DEBRA: That’s right! And another reason that everybody needs to filter their water.

PAMELA SEEFELD: Most definitely.

DEBRA: …and filter it with the water filter that I recommend because it will filter more out than any other water filter that I know.

Excellent! Excellent information, Pamela! Wow! So tell us…


DEBRA: So, tell us real quick, before we have to go to break about how the immune system looks for cancer.

PAMELA SEEFELD: Okay, good. So, the immune system identifies cancer cells and it finds it and it destroys it. It has different cells that go after cancer itself. Natural killer cells are the ones that actually have the most activity against cancer cells themselves. But our regular immune system does find and see it. It’s kind of like amoebas where they engulf it and destroy it.

When the body sees this and starts to go and kill these areas, the cancer’s gone in that particular day. So, we actually have the beginnings of cancer every single day in our body, but our immune system find it. It’s when our immune system is maybe not working as well or the gene is an aggressive type of cancer that’s in one particular area that the immune system does not have high activity in. And then, as a result of that, the person could end up with cancer.

I think keeping your immune system working properly is a big component, not just the gene expression, but a big component. The oncogenes are what they originally discovered. These oncogenes are turned on by chemicals and they produce cancer and that’s the big problem. If your immune system is not working as well as it was in the past, cancer can definitely take hold.

And I have to tell you too that older people have a higher propensity for certain types of cancer. And the reason why is because they’ve collected these chemicals all over their lifetime in their body and they haven’t taken them out.

So, the net amount in your body is going to put you more at risk for having a cancer outcome. That’s why you see a lot of these in really elderly people especially ccute myelogenous leukemia. The incidences have gone up considerably in that. They have a new study that was just published today, that imitations in remission are still there even after they’ve had the chemotherapy.

DEBRA: You know we can really see this easily. I know that when I was a child that everybody was smoking. All over the place there were ads for cigarettes, people were smoking on TV. Everybody thought that smoking is fine. And then, they started discovering that it takes 30 years of smoking cigarettes to develop cancer. I think that these chemicals, even though we’re not seeing the results of cancer maybe in our bodies right now, these chemicals are creating cancer just like cigarettes.

We need to go to break. My guest today is Pamela Seefeld. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio and we’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Pamela [technical problem 00:38:56]


DEBRA: A little technical problem there. I think that we’re doing fine now. So, what was I about to say? Pamela, I don’t know if I told you that both of my grandmothers and my mother all died of Cancer.


DEBRA: So, I really have it in my family. And where I lived when I was a child turned out later to be cancer cluster. A lot of people on my block got cancer where I grew up for – let’s see from age 7 to about 21. So, this is not…

PAMELA SEEFELD: It was definitely environmental.

DEBRA: it was definitely environmental. I don’t know what the chemicals were in that particular area. But that house, we moved into a brand new house, it had wall to wall carpets. And my mother loved everything modern and so we had plastic furniture giving off all those plasticizers. That’s what I grew up with, just the standard American home. And my mother died when I was 24.

PAMELA SEEFELD: Oh, my gosh! That’s terrible! I’m so sorry. Very young.

DEBRA: She was only 52. Anyway, so, how does family history affects whether or not somebody get cancer?

PAMELA SEEFELD: Okay, that’s good. So, family history definitely plays part in especially breast cancer, but also can be for stomach cancers and colon cancers as well, heredity. And actually, I have to say too, sometimes there’s probably a quarter or maybe more of the breast cancer patients that get diagnosed that have no family history at all. So, you can’t always rely on that, but definitely family history is kind of a beacon to start looking for things and to be more proactive about preventing. That’s kind of what I’m in.

I’ll just talk for a few seconds about some of the homeopathics stuff that you can put in your water that would prevent and maybe up your bets as far as what you would have as far as family history. It’s important.

We were talking about the Body Anew and that’s important because that just basically takes out the base chemicals out the body, pesticides out of the subcutaneous fat that regulates the liver, the glucuronidation and conjugation, to help remove it out. And I also think it helps a lot in the sweating process of removing heavy metals out from underneath the surface of the skin because that definitely promotes that process as well.

There’s something in homeopathy that we used called Bio Gallium. Bio Gallium has anti-cancer property, it also has anti-viral property. It’s kind of a hallmark that you can use either as a treatment or you can use as a preventative. It’s liquid, you can put it in your water and that’s pretty much what most of the homeopathic doctors will use for cancer itself.

Also, we were talking about in previous shows about pH and alkaline.

DEBRA: Wait! I want to ask a question about Bio Gallium.


DEBRA: Now, one of the things that I’ve learned with my friend who had – I don’t know why I said had, but has cancer (he was recently diagnosed) is that he had no symptoms, no symptoms whatsoever. It was something entirely different that took him to the doctor. It wasn’t cancer symptoms. It was pain from the cancer eating away at his bones.

And so, I think that there are probably a lot of people – I don’t know if this sounds scary. But there’s probably a lot people who have cancer in various, early stages that have no idea that they have cancer. And so, taking something like Bio Gallium, that would help cancer of those early even if you don’t know it.

PAMELA SEEFELD: That’s exactly right! I do have people that continue to smoke (I’m not here to judge people, I don’t tell people what to do, I have clients of all socio-economic backgrounds) and if they want to smoke, I tell them that you really need to be in the Body Anew and the Bio Gallium everyday and they do that. And that’s just to protect against the inevitable perhaps it might end up as lung cancer.

Remember, there are people that never smoke that end up with lung cancer. So, this is the problem with this. I’d still say it comes down to…

DEBRA: Well, outside of you. My great uncle lived to be a hundred and he smoked everyday and he did not die of cancer. But look at this…


DEBRA: But let’s look at this for a minute because he was born a hundred years ago. I mean, he died like 10 years ago. So, he was born way back at the beginning of the 20th century when people had good food. They were not exposed to toxic chemicals. His whole health was established at a time before World War II when they started making all these chemicals and all these plastics and all these things that so many of us were born into. He lived to be a hundred while smoking.

PAMELA SEEFELD: No, absolutely! I see this all the time. Actually, there was another lady here in the area that was 102. And this lady, she drank a lot. She was a retired doctor, she drank quite a bit and ate a lot of red meat and she was even smoking most of her life.

This is really true. What you have to look at the genes are definitely there, but also the fact that environmentally, depending upon what you’re exposed to. And these people that have been around for quite a long time, they were raised not on pizzas and Cheetos, but they were raised on real food. They still may be eating that way to some degree, that makes a huge difference.

Like I said, the foods that you eat have the genetic propensity to activate and make these genes expressed. It just depends what you’re coming in contact with. The majority of the time, when they were younger (and even to middle age), they’re clean living. It probably had something to do with their outcome.

But taking Bio Gallium and taking detox, it’s very reasonably priced. You’re only going to be using a little bit every day. Putting it in your water and drinking it throughout the day, if you’re really concern about cancer risks, family heredity, maybe you had cancer, you’re on remission, I highly recommend it.

It’s a pretty easy thing to do and it doesn’t really take a lot of time on your part that you have to spending stuff, mixing things, doing things.

It’s not going to take a big amount of time on your day. The rewards can be quite beneficial.

DEBRA: Also, if you’re an environment when you can’t remove the toxic chemicals like if you work some place that is a dangerous environment (or that could be even an office building)…

PAMELA SEEFELD: Most definitely!

DEBRA: Yeah, if you’re around toxic chemicals and you can’t remove them or don’t have control over them, taking something like these detox products will really help your body have more resilience instead of just succumbing to the effects of those products.

So, it’s just that the more times go by and the more I learn, the more I think that every single person just needs to be detoxing because there is not a place on Earth that anybody can go where there is zero toxic chemicals.

PAMELA SEEFELD: Most definitely! You have to realize too that a lot of the chemicals we were talking about, like heavy metals, they’re neurotoxic. So, not just even the fact of the cancer we’re talking about today, but the fact that you might end up with neuropathy, seizures.

There are a lot of other things that could be happening, taking these things out.

I mean, we’re talking about cancer today, but you have to look at the other health implications that are pretty severe and pretty debilitating that you really want to prevent especially like copper and nickel. When they combine (we were talking about the list of additive toxicity), when those two combined together in the body, they’re doubly more toxic.

And that’s important for people to realize. You have to be taking some things, perhaps on a daily basis, depending on your risks and depending on your own tolerance of what you want to take. You want to be doing that.

Also, they actually make a homeopathic product that I use quite a bit called Radiation. We’ve been using that multi for people that are actually undergoing radiation to help prevent collateral damage to the tissue. But if you’ve had lots of chest x-rays, lots of MRIs, these sorts of things, just from the past, just your own history, then you really might want to go on some homeopathy to take some of that radiation damage out. There are things that we can use for that that are developed by physicians. They are not homeopathic products, they are health pills, they are health food store quality. They are more of medical grade. That would be much more effective.

So, you have to look at your risks. Like we have said earlier, I’ll be glad to have a conversation with you at no charge to see what you’ve been doing up to date here. Perhaps you’ve had cancer, maybe you have a new diagnosis of cancer.

The good thing about homeopathy is that you can use this along with conventional therapy and I highly recommend that.

DEBRA: Yeah. Pamela, we’ve got less than a minute left. So, why don’t you give your phone number again?

PAMELA SEEFELD: Yes. It’s Botanical Resource and my number here is 727-442-4955. I would be glad to help you and your family in any health need that you may have.

DEBRA: And Pamela is very well-regarded here. Even my medical doctors said that, “If Pamela tells you to do it, do it.”

So, we have to go. We’ve only got about 20 seconds left. Thank you so much, Pamela! I always learn so much.

PAMELA SEEFELD: Thank you so much!

DEBRA: I know you wanted to say something about pH, but we don’t have time.

PAMELA SEEFELD: That’s okay. Have an excellent day! Thank you so much!

DEBRA: Okay. You’re welcome! You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. You can go to and find out who’s coming up, the new guests coming up and you can also listen to all the shows in the archives. Be well.


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