ANNOUNCEMENT FROM DEBRA: After 40 years of providing information on toxic-free products, I am moving on to write about the next step beyond nontoxic. To continue my work, I’ve passed the torch to Lisa Powers, who will carry on with great enthusiasm. Learn more about Lisa here
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My guest today is Katie Lynch, an Independant Consultant with Poofy Organics. Well be talking about toxic chemicals in cosmetic and beauty products, and how women, children and men can choose safer alternatives. Poofy Organics offers a full line of cosmetics and skin care products for women, a growing line for children, and even products for men. Poofy Organics products are handmade in small batches in New Jersey. Most of the products are USDA Certified Organic while others are made using mostly organic ingredients. Katie graduated with Honors from Rutgers University in 1998 with degrees in both Environmental Science and Political Science, followed by a Masters degree in Public Health from the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. During her graduate coursework, Katie learned how many commonly used products including home cleaning products, cosmetics, perfumes, and most lotions that she put on her body contained toxins that were ending up in her blood stream. She realized that she needed to make a change and stopped using these products, and started learning about safer alternatives. In 2011 she found Poofy Organics and in September of 2013 she became an Independent Consultant.



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Organic Body Care Products for the Whole Family

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Katie Lynch

Date of Broadcast: January 14, 2014

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And this is Toxic Free Talk Radio, where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world because there are lots of toxic chemicals out there—in the food we eat, in the air we breathe, in the water that we drink, in our clothing, in our homes, in our workplaces, in all kinds of consumer products. But we don’t have to get sick because we’re exposed to them because all we need to do is find out where they are, how they affect us, and make wise choices.

And that’s what we’re about here on the show—is to help you get the information that you need to make those good and healthy choices.

Today is Tuesday, January 14, 2014, so 14/14. And it’s a very quiet day here in Clearwater, Florida. There’s no wind. There’s no rain. There’s nothing. It’s just still, with a nice blanket of grey sky—very, very quiet and peaceful day here.

My guest today, we’re going to be talking about personal care products for the whole family. Some companies only make things for women, some make just for children. This company makes organic personal care products for women, men and children.

Her name is Katie Lynch, and she’s an independent consultant with Poofy Organics.

Hi, Katie.


DEBRA: How are you?

KATIE LYNCH: I’m very good. Thank you for asking.

DEBRA: Good.

KATIE LYNCH: I’m very happy to be on your show.

DEBRA: Thanks. And where are you? You’re in New Jersey, I think, right?

KATIE LYNCH: Yes, I’m in Somerset County, New Jersey.

DEBRA: Good. So first, tell us about Poofy Organics—how did they get started, and tell us about their story.

KATIE LYNCH: Well, Poofy Organics began with a specific goal in mind, and that was to provide a healthy and toxic-free bath and beauty products at reasonable prices. It started in 2006, then Kristina Gagliardi-Wilson, she began the company after her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. After the diagnosis, they were determined to stop using products with the most toxic chemicals.

And they looked and looked, and they didn’t have any suitable alternatives to turn to, so they decided to make their own. And they made it their mission to find the safest, the most effective ingredients for their products.

And finally, today, they’re small family-run business, and they are proud to offer these alternative products nationwide. The products are made fresh by hands, in small batches in their store in Rutherford, New Jersey, so that’s local to me.

And they promised to avoid toxic ingredients, such as synthetic fragrance, parabens, triclosan, [inaudible 02:54], oxybenzone, GMOs and other harmful chemicals. And they also use recyclable and biodegradable packaging. And they never ever test products on animals.

And their products, 80% of them are vegan. Most of them are USDA-certified organic products. And all of them are gluten-free and made with USDA-certified organic ingredients.

One of the things I like the best is that the scents are made with organic essential oils or food extracts. And then since they started in 2006, they keep formulating more and more products. So they have developed the “I am Goddess” line, which is a line for women, including body sprays, lotions, soaps, sugar scrubs, make-up and nail polish. They have come up with [inaudible 03:45] for men, which includes soap, aftershave, [inaudible 03:49] and shaving gels. Young, Wild and Free for kids, which includes body sprays, body wash, lotions, deodorants and lip balm. And then Baby Poof for babies, which include lotions, bath wash, shampoo, diaper rash cream and vapor rub for chest colds.

They also sell deodorants, home cleaning products, laundry detergent, dishwashing detergent, and Poofy Organics products are safe for our world, children, pets, expecting mothers, and like I mentioned before, they made it their mission to find the safest and most effective ingredients for all the products.

DEBRA: We have a lot of time that we can talk about the products. But tell us about how you became interested.

KATIE LYNCH: Well, I have my undergraduate degree in environmental science and political science. And then after that, I went for my master in public health from the University of Medicine and Dentistry in New Jersey.

So while I was completing my master in public health, I took a toxicology class. And I specifically remember this one class when it hit me that most of what I put on my skin was actually being absorbed and entering my bloodstream.

I think I was 23 years old and really never fully understood what it meant to put something on my skin.

DEBRA: I think that a lot of people are not aware of that. I know that I was probably about 23 years old when I had that same idea. I didn’t even know anything about toxic chemicals when I was 23, until I got sick from them.

And then I started noticing that you can put something on your skin, and then you can even almost taste it sometimes if you’re paying attention. It goes right in. It goes right through your body just like that.

KATIE LYNCH: That was through the professor. I don’t remember if it was blood or urine that they tested, but they actually used perfume, and then tested the blood or the urine directly after. And then, of course, before, and they noticed it in the output right away. Very fast.

DEBRA: That’s interesting how fast.

KATIE LYNCH: Yes, it really was. So it made a huge impact on me. So I thought about it, I went home and I threw out all of my perfume because that was the product that I knew I didn’t need, and why would I keep using it if it was just going to be harming my body?

DEBRA: Good thought.

KATIE LYNCH: And really, it’s funny. It was so many years ago, but I can distinctly remember the room and just coming [inaudible 06:31].

So then I started to look at the rest of my products. And for financial reasons, I wasn’t able to make healthier choices all at once. But over time, I drastically reduced the number of products that I use, and then those products that I couldn’t live without, I made better choices when I bought new items—like the soap, the lotion, toothpaste, deodorant. Those are products that I couldn’t live without, and so I just made better choices when I purchased them.

And so over the past 10 years, I keep looking for the safest, least toxic, healthiest products to use in my home, and on my skin.

And over that time, I discovered the Environmental Working Group Skin Deep Database, and I used that as a guide. And [inaudible 07:16], it became a passion of mine to find affordable skin care and [inaudible 07:19] for me and my family to use.

I had my first child in 2008, and then my second child in 2011. And, of course, [inaudible 07:29] stronger. And so, in 2012, my daughter had a really bad diaper rash that wasn’t [inaudible 07:37] with any of the other toxic-free creams that I was already using. So I went to the health food store to see what new products I might try. And that’s when I found Poofy Organics.

It was on the shelf, and I tried it out. I ended up purchasing the diaper rash cream because it had really fabulous ingredients […] and also because to me, it was a local company, and I thought that that was very fascinating.

DEBRA: It’s great to buy local. That’s a very good thing. And so then, what made you decide—we’re almost coming up on the break, but I’ll ask you this question, and we’ll just have a little bit of time to talk about this, but we can continue.

I’m looking at the website, and it talks about hosting an affair. So is this a multilevel company, or is it a give a party company?

KATIE LYNCH: It is. About 18 months ago, they decided to try the multilevel direct sales model. The company started in 2006, and then about 18 months ago, they went to the direct sales model.

One of my friends became a diva, which is what we call ourselves […] She became a diva just this past summer, and when she started telling me about all the Poofy products, I became really intrigued.

I was only familiar with the Baby Poof diaper rash cream. [Inaudible 09:11] that they made over a hundred different skin, beauty and home products. And direct sales is something I had contemplated in the past year, but I could not see myself selling any products that I didn’t believe in 100%, and none of the companies that I’m familiar with had that requirement.

So I spent some time researching Poofy Organics, the products they were selling and realized that Poofy Organics was a company I could get behind and really be excited to introduce people to.

DEBRA: We need to take a break now, but we’ll be back. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Katie Lynch. She’s an independent consultant with Poofy Organics, and we’re talking about personal care products for the whole family. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Katie Lynch. She’s an independent consultant with Poofy Organics, who sells organic personal care products for the whole family.

Katie, tell us why would somebody want to use organic products instead of the ones they find just in the shelf at the supermarket or the drugstore?

KATIE LYNCH: Well, like I mentioned before, we absorb up to 50% of what we put on our skin. Children’s bodies actually absorb more than adults do. And so, since we are absorbing what we put on our skin, it’s like, in my mind, we’re eating the products that we’re putting on our skin, in a sense, because they’re ending up in our body.

So many of the conventional products out there are filled with toxic ingredients—things that I definitely would not want to put in my body. And so I’m not going to put them on my body.

DEBRA: What are some of those chemicals and their health effects?

KATIE LYNCH: So I have an infograph that was created by the Natural Health Concepts in July of 2012. And it had the 12 toxic and carcinogenic compounds found in beauty and skin care products.

Some of them are benzoyl peroxide, and that is used in acne products. It’s a possible tumor promoter with access to mutagen, produces DNA damage to human and other mammalian cells.

Another toxic ingredient is dioxin. And this [inaudible 11:50] ingredient. It’s also found in antibacterial ingredients, like triclosan, emulsifiers, [inaudible 11:59] sodium lauryl sulfate or SLS. Dioxin causes cancer, reduces the immunity, nervous system disorder, miscarriages and birth deformities.

Other common ones are parabens, methyl, butyl, ethyl, propyl. They’re used as preservatives. Again, this is not always labeled. Used in deodorants and other skin care products. This chemical has been found in breast cancer tumors. It may also contribute to sterility in male, hormone imbalance in females, and early puberty.

Triclosan, I know that has been in the news recently.

DEBRA: A lot, yes.

KATIE LYNCH: It’s a synthetic antibacterial ingredient. EPA registers it as a pesticide, which poses risks to human health and in the environment. Classified as a chemical suspected of causing cancer in humans.

DEBRA: You’ve been talking about how some of these aren’t necessarily on the label. Triclosan actually is required by law to be on the label because of its status as a pesticide. So it’s not something that’s going to be hidden. If it’s there, you’re going to see it on the label.

KATIE LYNCH: I personally think that all of those ingredients should be listed and that they shouldn’t be allowed to leave any of them off.

DEBRA: I agree. I agree, but sometimes dioxin, for example, I know, is sometimes a byproduct thing, or it’s a contaminant.

And so it’s not added as an ingredient in itself, but it’s there because it’s in one of the ingredients as a contaminant.

We can’t say that’s something to watch out for because it’s not something that you can see. But this is one of the reasons why it’s important to choose organic.

I had a guest on a few weeks ago. What she does is she works on the level of helping establish the ingredients that are allowed to be used by organic farmers in organic farming. And it was a very interesting show because she told us the whole hierarchy of everything that goes into the making of an organic product, and there’s actually a whole board at the top of where they have public review and everything of the ingredients, the materials that are allowed to be used in organic.

So there’s a lot of room for people objecting to things that are toxic. And she said that there have been times when that board wanted to approve things that were toxic, and the public wouldn’t let them.

And so then it comes down to—there are the laws, and then there’s her organization that actually fixes these regulations and finds the products and says, “Here’s the products,” and then there are the certifiers that are certifying the organic farmers are actually using these safe materials in the growing of these organic ingredients. And then there are the farmers, who are growing organic because they want to be growing organic.

It really is very well-regulated all the way down the line. So if you get something that says certified USDA organic, those ingredients really are going to be organic. And they’re ingredients that are grown and come from the soil in a natural environment versus some of these other chemicals that are synthetic, which is another word for petroleum or coal tar or petrochemical. And it’s made in a factory.

And so when you have ingredients that are being made from these synthetic materials, it’s very easy to get those contaminants in them.

That’s just another way to think of it—that if you’re going organic, you’re not going to have to worry about dioxin because it’s just not there.

KATIE LYNCH: You said that very well.

DEBRA: Thank you.

KATIE LYNCH: That’s better than I could have. Again, I’m an independent consultant, but the owner, she does go through the certification, the USDA certification process every year. And she does have a lot of paperwork. It does take a long time for her to make all these products certified, USDA-certified organic.

But she does it because she wants that certification because she wants people to know that her products are the safest that they could get. And so it’s very important to her, and she puts the time to get the certification.

DEBRA: Is the product itself certified, or are the ingredients certified?

KATIE LYNCH: Many of the products are USDA-certified organic. Not all of them. But those that are not are made with organic ingredients. But many of the products are certified organic.

DEBRA: And what does it mean that a product is certified organic, the product itself?

We have to go to break. So we’ll answer that question when we come back. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Katie Lynch, and she’s an independent consultant with Poofy Organics. And we’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. My name is Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Katie Lynch, an independent consultant with Poofy Organics. And we’re talking about organic personal care products for the entire family.

Right before the break, we were talking about certified USDA, certified organic personal care products. And you were going to tell us about that.

KATIE LYNCH: In order to place the USDA organic seal on a product, it has to have at least 95% of organic ingredients in it.

And then the 5% that is not organic, that needs to go through another process which maintains that those ingredients have not been manufactured using sewage sludge or ionizing radiation and have not been created using GMOs.

An example of such an ingredient would be baking soda. Baking soda cannot be found organically, and so, the use a company like Bob’s Red Mill as a staple for their baking soda because it upholds the highest standards in the industry.

Something else that cannot be certified organic is something like a lotion because in order to be certified organic, a product cannot have zinc oxide, decyl polyglucose, emulsifying wax, or micaceous iron oxide. That’s part of the regulation.

An emulsifying wax is needed in a regular lotion to make it work, to make the pieces of the product stay together in a lotion form.

DEBRA: It’s like mixing oil and water. They don’t mix.

KATIE LYNCH: Yes, exactly.

DEBRA: And so that’s why you need an emulsifying wax to put together.

KATIE LYNCH: Yes, exactly. And so Poofy Organics uses the purest and simplest one out there. It’s comprised of phenyl alcohol and [inaudible 19:50]. They’re both benign ingredients. And they don’t use [inaudible 19:55] to make it work.

DEBRA: Excellent. Let’s talk about your product line. First, before we do, if you’re interested in these products, listeners, go to my website,, and look for the description of this show because it has a link to Katie’s specific website as a distributor. And that way, you’ll be able to reach her directly.

And when you go to her website—it’s long. That’s why I’m telling you to go like this. It’s too much to write down. When you go to this website, it’s not going to say Poofy Organics. There’s a little logo that says Poofy Organics, but the big banner right now today at the time of this show says, “I am Goddess,” which is one of their lines. Is that correct?

KATIE LYNCH: Yes. And so that website will eventually be changing over to the Poofy Organics. As the company has evolved, they are making changes and trying to make it more organized and user-friendly for the clients.

DEBRA: I understand how businesses grow like that. That happens with my website too. I think I’ve got it all down, and then I started adding things. And every once in a while, you have to come back and say, “Okay, I’m going to make this cohesive again.”

KATIE LYNCH: Yes, exactly. That’s why our website is now

DEBRA: So you’ll know that you’re in the right place.

KATIE LYNCH: Correct. So yes, I am Goddess is one of the lines, and that is the line for women.

DEBRA: And tell us what is contained in that line.

KATIE LYNCH: In that line, there are body washes and lotions. I think there are about eight different scents, again, all made with essential oils or food extract. There is a delicious sugar scrub, a body scrub, and those are USDA-certified organic. The body washes are as well.

There is soap, and there is a body spritzer which is, I think, close to perfume, but with good ingredients in it. There is also massage oil as part of the I am Goddess line.

Are you interested in me naming any of the ingredients in there or—

DEBRA: Tell us what kinds of ingredients, just so that people get an idea—the kinds of things that you’re including.

KATIE LYNCH: In the body of lotion, which is called the Blessing, the ingredients are distilled water, organic apricot kernel oil, organic and refined shea butter, organic vegetable glycerin, emulsifying wax (which is the [inaudible 23:17]) organic rosemary extract, [inaudible 00:23:24] ferment filtrate which is kimchi seawood extract (and that is the preservative), and organic essential oils.

DEBRA: I was going to say how, when you’re listening to that list of ingredients, it sounds like things that you recognize. It doesn’t sound like a bunch of chemicals because it isn’t.

KATIE LYNCH: Yes, exactly.

DEBRA: Go on with what you were going to say.

KATIE LYNCH: I was just going to say because these products are made fresh, and preservatives are used sparingly, there is an expiration date on each lotion. But because they’re made fresh to order, they’re very fresh when you get them, which is another thing that I like. A couple of times, a client had to wait on a product because they were waiting to get the ingredients, but that’s something that happens when you have things made in small batches by hand.

DEBRA: Another benefit of direct sales is that they’re not products that are just sitting on shelves for months. And so it is very fresh. And when your order comes in, they can put it together, or they made it a very short period of time before because the mass market model says that you make millions of units or thousands of units, and they sit in a warehouse, and then they go sit on a store shelf.

So by the time you actually buy something in a store, it could have been made six months ago, or a year ago.

With direct sales, you get it immediately.

We’re going to go to break again. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Katie Lynch.

She’s an independent consultant with Poofy Organics. And again, you can go to, in order to get the link to her website.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Katie Lynch, independent consultant with Poofy Organics, and we’re talking about personal care products for the entire family. Again, you can go to, look for Katie Lynch, and you’ll see the link that goes to her website.

Katie, let’s talk about nail polish for a minute. We’ve talked about nail polish on this show before, and people are always wanting to wear nail polish, and I keep saying, “But I haven’t found one that’s pure enough.”

And it’s because, as you say, or as your company says, right on the side, it says, “Although nail polish can never be completely natural,” and that’s true, I don’t know how a nail polish would be completely natural. The best you can do with nail polish is to eliminate the most toxic ingredients. But you’re still going to have some ingredients that are basically industrial, petrochemical kind of ingredients.

So tell us about your nail polish.

KATIE LYNCH: Well, our nail polish does not use ingredients, such as polyne, dibutyl phthalate, formaldehyde and camphor.

And those are the most four toxic ingredients normally found in nail polish.

So if the recipe is biodegradable and safe for pregnant and nursing women, and children as well, I will say there is an odor, but I think that comes along with nail polish in general. I don’t think you could ever make an odorless nail polish.

DEBRA: I think that’s true.

KATIE LYNCH: And it does stay on like regular nail polish does. I have been using it and have had success with it. And I’ve had a couple of clients use it and been very happy with it.

We also make polish remover, which is chemical-free, and does not contain an inky smell. Right now, it just comes in unscented and there are five ingredients in that—soluble methyl ester, dimethyl butyrate, dimethyl adipate, dimethyl succinate, and methylated trimethylol.

DEBRA: Lots of ethyls.

KATIE LYNCH: Yes, I know. And I apologize for the mispronunciation […]

DEBRA: It’s okay.

KATIE LYNCH: So the nail polish, we have over 50 nail polish colors, and there are a lot of fun colors on there. If you’re somebody who has been looking for nail polish, I would love for you to try one.

DEBRA: Well, all I can say about nail polish is that I think that it’s one of those unnecessary things, but if you decide that you must wear nail polish, then this is as good as any of the other less toxic nail polishes. My personal opinion is that it’s not so important to me personally to wear nail polish, to put those ingredients on my fingers.

Let’s talk about your cosmetics.

KATIE LYNCH: So Poofy Organics does have a line of cosmetics, including eye shadow, mascara, eyeliner, foundation and blush, lip gloss and lipstick.

DEBRA: What’s in your mascara? I’m always looking for mascara.

KATIE LYNCH: In the mascara, the ingredients are water, chamomile, hydrosol, cera alba, which is beeswax, carnauba wax, mica, coffee powder, rice powder, sunflower seed oil, cornstarch, lecithin, vitamin E, and then a couple of extracts, including cinnamon bark extract, rosemary flower extract, and a couple other extracts in there.

DEBRA: That sounds very natural because I’ve looked at a lot of mascaras, and that sounds like one that I personally would try, and see how I like that one. I don’t wear a lot of make-up, but mascara does make my eyes look bigger, so I’m always looking for a mascara that I like. Good job on those ingredients.

So what do you have for babies and children? Babies, I guess, it is.

KATIE LYNCH: So for the babies, there is a bath and shampoo wash. There’s a baby lotion. There is something that’s called Happy Chicks, which is a baby balm stick, which is very easy to apply. There is the diaper rash cream which I have talked about before. And there is something called a Vapor Rub-A-Dub-Dub, which I really like a lot personally. It’s a little something like Vicks, and this is a USDA-certified organic product.

And so when my children get stuffy, and are coughing at night, I typically put this on their feet, put socks over it, and it definitely helps with their cough.

And so the ingredients in the Vapor Rub-A-Dub-Dub are organic sunflower oil, organic beeswax, organic essential oils, chamomile, lavender, eucalyptus, coriander and peppermint.

DEBRA: That sounds very soothing.

KATIE LYNCH: it is very soothing.

DEBRA: What’s a Booboo stick?

KATIE LYNCH: A Booboo stick is a natural soothing bomb, and that protects and heals skin irritation. It’s great to put in your purse or your diaper bags, and just to have with you if your toddler gets a little cut or scratch. It’s nice to have it, to put it on there.

And so in that, that contains organic beeswax, organic virgin coconut oil, organic sunflower oil, organic neem oil, organic cocoa butter, organic calendula, organic comfrey oil, organic sea buckthorn oil, organic st john’s wort extract, organic essential oils as rosemary, tea tree, sage chamomile and lavender.

DEBRA: Tell us about what you have for men.

KATIE LYNCH: For men, this is one of the newer lines. There are three scents that the products come in—coconut and honey, lemongrass and vanilla, and wood and citrus. And the products are an aftershave and body lotion, a body wash, [inaudible 32:33], cologne, shaving gel and an aftershave tonic.

DEBRA: In addition to products for babies, you also have a line for kids.

KATIE LYNCH: Yes, that is also one of the newer products. My children are now almost six, and two and a half, and they really love the scent. I’ve never let them use scents before because, again, I don’t like scents unless they’re made from essential oils. So all of these scents are made from essential oil, and the scents are candy crush, which is a peppermint, it reminds me of a candy cane, raspberry lemonade punch, [inaudible 00:33:14] orange milkshake, aloha smoothie and peace-loving vanilla.

And those products are lotions, body washes, body sprays, lip balm and deodorant. And my children really have a fun time after bath, picking what scent they want to wear that evening.

DEBRA: I think that this is a really good combination of the organic ingredients, but also the fun aspect. And I know that a lot of times—I’ve been doing this for more than 30 years, and so, a lot of the products early on were just very simple and straightforward. And I personally like simple, straightforward products.

But I also know that one of the conversations that I have over and over with manufacturers is that you have to make something that the public will buy, what consumers want. And consumers want to have scents and colors, and all these things, and nail polish.

And so it’s always good to make things as non-toxic and organic as possible to match with the consumer wants to buy.

Looking at this product line, I think that Poofy Organics has done a good job of doing that.

KATIE LYNCH: Thank you. And there’s something I forgot from the children’s products. There’s a Cheery, Cherry Toddler Toothpaste, which is certified organic, and I believe it’s the only USDA-certified organic toddler toothpaste on the market, and so I just wanted to make mention of that as well.

DEBRA: Good, thank you.

KATIE LYNCH: It’s gluten-free and fluoride-free, and my kids love these as well.

DEBRA: Good.

KATIE LYNCH: It’s made with bentonite clay, and a bunch of other good ingredients.

DEBRA: So we only just have a couple of minutes left. Is there anything that you want to make sure you say before we end?

KATIE LYNCH: Anybody who is looking for a petroleum jelly replacement, we make a product called Greener Than Petroleum Jelly, and it is USDA-certified organic, and made with sunflower oil and beeswax. I gave up petroleum jelly 10 years ago when I realized what it was. And I am very pleased to be back to using something very similar.

DEBRA: I never used a lot of petroleum jelly, but petroleum jelly is just what it says. It’s jelly made out of petroleum. How much more petroleum can you get than petroleum jelly?

So it’s good to have organic alternatives to that.

Thank you so much for being with us today, Katie. I think that we all learned a lot. And if you’re interested in learning more about these, you can go to If you want to become an independent consultant, give a party, make some money, this is a product line that you can do that. And now, that it’s something that’s organic.

KATIE LYNCH: We can also do virtual parties as well.

DEBRA: So if you want to do virtual parties, then contact Katie. Again, it’s, and look for Katie Lynch.

You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd.

KATIE LYNCH: Thank you.


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