Getting the Smell Out of a New Refrigerator

October 9, 2006 by Debra Lynn Dadd

Question from Debi

How can you get the smell out of a new refrigerator? I have never had a new fridge before so was not aware it would smell so bad! 

I washed it out with soapy water and then have put a bowl of baking soda on each shelf...4 days later, it still smells. It smells like it is more of the vinyl around the edge of the fridge keeping it airtight versus actually inside the fridge but then again I can't get in there and close the door to see if it smells. 

I remember a few years ago we had put a bottle of nail polish in the butter bin in our fridge door and when we went to use the butter it tasted like nail polish. I am afraid to put fod in there because I don't want it to taste like the plastic smell we are smelling. 

Any suggestions? 

Debra's Answer

This IS a problem with new refrigerators, as they are full of outgassing plastic. And the outgassing plastic WILL get into your food.

My general advice is to purchase a used refrigerator, as the plastic does outgas over time, but last summer I myself purchased a new refrigerator because i just fell in love with the design.

It's what's called a "trio" because it has two refrigerator doors that open on top from the center, and one freezer door on the bottom. Inside there are glass shelves and easy-to-reach-and-open see-through bins for produce. It is just a joy to use. Several companies make them. The brand I bought was Kenmore at Sears (I'd give you a link, but it was too long).

I was concerned that the interior would have an odor, but the model on the floor didn't have an odor. So I took a chance, and the one that was delivered to me didn't have an odor either. Perhaps this was just a fluke, I can't guarantee it, but this was my experience.

As for your problem, I would have suggested baking soda

Toxic-Free Q&A

These are archives of Q&A asked by readers and answered by Debra Lynn Dadd (from 2005-2019) or Lisa Powers (from 2019-2020). Answers have been edited and updated as of December, 2020.