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One of every two men and one of every three women in the USA and other western nations now have a chance of getting some type of cancer in their lifetime. Lifestyle and other environmental facts are known to be largely responsible for cancer.

So it’s none to soon that scientists are looking at what chemicals cause cancer and

A couple of weeks ago, Environmental Working Group (EWG) released their Dirty Dozen Cancer Prevention Edition which highlights 12 of the worst chemicals that are known to disrupt cancer-related pathways and gives you tips on how to avoid them.

But what’s even more interesting is their new guide Rethinking Carcinogens which summarizes new research about cancer from the Halifax Project, a collaboration of more than 300 scientists who are investigating ways in which toxic chemicals we are exposed to every day may cause cancer.

The Halifax Project team investigated 85 common chemicals not known to be carcinogenic on their own and found that 50 can disrupt cancer-related pathways at low doses typically encountered in the environment.

List of cancer-related chemicals being investigated by the Halifax Project

Just more evidence that we DO need to know what’s toxic, where we’re being exposed, how we can eliminate exposures, and how to detox these chemicals from our bodies.

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